My skin is something I have always spoken about on here, the highs and low but I don't think I've actually ever shared my face. Why? Probably because I'm ashamed and embarrassed. Until recently, I never felt confident without makeup on, hated anyone coming round the house if I didn't have some concealer or, never went out for five minutes without covering my face. Such little things but things that have a massive impact on your mental health. Then in October, I decided to change things. I started to become more confident in my own skin and let me tell you, there is no better feeling. I still have awful days, spotty skin days, hormones playing up - but I'm smiling and surely thats the main thing?
Showing posts with label skin. Show all posts
Dermalogica Clear Start FlashFoliant Review
Wednesday, September 9
The Dermalogica Clear Start range is specifically targeted towards those with breakout prone skin - meeee! A range that I can use and doesn't irritate my skin in the slightest. I've tried most of the range, the moisturiser is my favourite product in the line and with the addition of their new FlashFoliant, I couldn't wait to hear about it and learn more. I was super lucky to attend a Zoom press event, where we not only did some artwork but also learnt about the product and exactly how to use.
night time skincare,
LQ Liquid Health Review - Is It Worth It?
Wednesday, February 6
It has taken me a LONG time to realise that for good skin it means looking at what I put in my body as well as products used on my body. Even though I've upped my water intake, I still eat lots rubbish. When its the time of the month, I find myself desperate for everything sweet or fried - which I know is bad but it tastes so delicious. I was very kindly invited to give LQ Liquid Health’s Skin, Hair & Nails liquid supplements a try. After hearing the benefits and reading about other peoples take on the product, it was very easy for me to say yes. The main ingredient is collagen which is the most naturally occurring protein in our bodies. Drinking liquid collagen is like drinking liquid gold as it can have benefits not just for your skin, but also for your nails and hair.
Green Tea - My Skin Saviour
Saturday, March 1
It's not a Tuesday I know, but I want to do a teen talk Tuesday style post all about my best friend Green Tea! A few weeks back I started a challenge to drink a cup of green tea everyday or even every other day if i can, to see what a difference it makes to me health wise and other benefits as well - and boy oh boy it has made such a big impact on my life. You won't see benefits straight away as it does take time!
Why Green Tea?
Green tea has been used as a medicine for thousands of years, originating in China but widely used throughout Asia this beverage has a multitude of uses from lowering blood pressure to preventing cancer. The reason that green tea has more health benefits attached to it than black tea is (apparently) due to the processing. Black tea is processed in a way that allows for fermentation whereas green tea’s processing avoids the fermentation process. As a result, green tea retains maximum amount of antioxidants and poly-phenols the substances that give green tea its many benefits.
Green tea has been used as a medicine for thousands of years, originating in China but widely used throughout Asia this beverage has a multitude of uses from lowering blood pressure to preventing cancer. The reason that green tea has more health benefits attached to it than black tea is (apparently) due to the processing. Black tea is processed in a way that allows for fermentation whereas green tea’s processing avoids the fermentation process. As a result, green tea retains maximum amount of antioxidants and poly-phenols the substances that give green tea its many benefits.
How has it benefited me?
Well, I have seen a huge difference in my skin! I have a problem with breakouts and have found very few treatments that work for a long period of time, but since starting to drink green tea my over all skin complexion and the breakout frequency has improved so much. My main spots always used to come out on my forehead and they have dramatically decreased, there are still scars there but its good enough for me! I have also been sleeping a lot better (And a lot early in fact!) after a few hours of drinking the tea I feel tired and ready to close my eyes and sleep like a baby!
There are so many other benefits to green tea such as helping with weight loss, and more that you can read here!
green tea,
tips and tricks
Personalised Phone Skin+Free One For You! ♥
Thursday, February 6
If any of you are like me then you love to constantly change up your phone case, I love seeing something different on my lock screen and also the back of my phone. If this is your problem and you want something new and even better..then you need to try a phone skin* from
What is a skin you say?
Wrappz premium vinyl skins are removable adhesive covers for protecting and customizing your Phones, Laptops, Kindles, iPods, iPads, Games Consoles & much more.
You can design your own custom phone skins by uploading your photos and images and even adding text to make it really personal. The possibilities are endless to have personalised phone cases for yourself or as a gift to a loved one!
What I love about these skins is that they are so easy to remove and put back on your phone whenever you feel like changing it up! And it is scratch resistant so they are great for your busy lifestyle!
You can get skins for your Laptops, Consoles, Plug Sockets and even sky tv boxes!
I decided to go with one that has a quote on the back, of my favourites and it makes me smile every time I see it. You also have the option to have something on the front if you like, but I decided to go with one on the back only. The parcel also came with instructions for those of you who are a little clueless like me, and they are so easy to follow and you can apply your skin within seconds! Here are some simple steps and a quick guide to help you;
First things first, you want to select your device I went with my phone as this is what I use majority of the time.
Then you want to get on with designing your case, to show you as an example I have used the quote. You can also use photos that you have, or even the stock images that Wrappz have already. Scale it ans stretch it to fit the image and follow the tips that come up on the screen. There is also the option for the front of the device if you want!
Then you want to add it to your cart and buy! I loved the way that my skin came out and am amazed at how easy it was to use and navigate around the site.
The lovely people over at Wrappz are being been SUPER NICE and are giving you the chance to have your own free phone/tablet/ipod skin just hop on over to, click on Skins at the top...and select your device. Design your case however you want, make it look really pretty and then click buy! When you get to the check out type in the code below and then all you need to do is pay for delivery, to check out the prices for that click here. Let me know if you decide to go with one and send me a picture over on twitter or instagram!
*product sent for consideration of review
personalised case,
phone case,
sponsored post,
Autumn Ready Skin ♥
Thursday, September 12
We are in AUTUMN! I love this month, there are so many things about it that I just want to marry the season. As this season begins and we draw closer into the colder, winter months your skin really needs looking after! This is really a Teen Talk Tuesday..however my Tuesday posts for now are TheSoProject, so I thought that this can have it's own post!
Even though I adore the summer months, the warm weather, holidays and frequent dips in the can play serious havoc with your skin even if you have been looking after it. This is why autumn is a great time to scrub away all the damage that the summer has done to your skin and properly prep it for the colder months.! So let's begin to scrub away summer! First of all run a nice warm bath and scrub away all fake tan and dead skin that tends to pile up during the summer months. Think of yourself as getting rid of the old and getting ready for the new!
The weather in the winter months can make your skin go one of two ways: either you will have a beautiful inner glow complete with rosy cheeks and lips, or you will look grey, washed out and in need of a skincare overhaul. This is why it is so important that you switch your skincare products to those that will protect your skin against the colder elements and leave your skin looking and feeling radiant!
In the summer months make-up should look as natural as possible, however when it comes to autumn and winter it’s time to vamp things up. Think about the colours you usually associate with falling leaves during autumn and try and co-ordinate your make-up accordingly. Red, gold and brown are all great colours to experiment with, however just make sure that you pick the right shades for your skin tone otherwise you could end up looking washed out.
Source |
Even though I adore the summer months, the warm weather, holidays and frequent dips in the can play serious havoc with your skin even if you have been looking after it. This is why autumn is a great time to scrub away all the damage that the summer has done to your skin and properly prep it for the colder months.! So let's begin to scrub away summer! First of all run a nice warm bath and scrub away all fake tan and dead skin that tends to pile up during the summer months. Think of yourself as getting rid of the old and getting ready for the new!
The weather in the winter months can make your skin go one of two ways: either you will have a beautiful inner glow complete with rosy cheeks and lips, or you will look grey, washed out and in need of a skincare overhaul. This is why it is so important that you switch your skincare products to those that will protect your skin against the colder elements and leave your skin looking and feeling radiant!
TeenTalkTuesday; DIY; Honey Face Mask ♥
Tuesday, April 30
Today I bring you a really simple, quick and easy DIY! I have heard a lot about the benefits of honey, and I thought that I would try out a honey face mask! All you need for this DIY is HONEY! You can also do this face mask and add different ingredients to it; such as... yoghurt, banana, apple, milk and cinnamon!
Honey Face masks are hugely popular because of several skin benefits that honey offers. Honey as a basic ingredient in a facial mask helps to cure acne, scars, wounds, wrinkles and even dry skin.
Skin Benefits of Honey
- Honey has antibacterial properties, which helps in fighting acne and pimples. Honey reduces infection and is very effective home remedy to treat acne.
- Honey is also antiseptic. When honey is diluted with water, it produces hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is an antimicrobial agent and is used as a mild antiseptic. Honey is useful in treating cuts, wounds, and abrasions.
-Honey is a good cleanser for skin. It soak ups impurities from the pores of the skin, leaving your skin clear and clean.
-Honey is a very effective moisturizer for skin. It retains moisture making your skin radiant, soft and supple.
-Honey properties protect your skin under the sun and assist the skin to rejuvenate and stay young.
-Honey is a natural remedy to prevent wrinkles. Honey slows down the ageing process.
Now lets get started! First of all you want to tie your hair back, or clip it back so that nothing gets in the way of the honey!
You can use whatever type of honey you like, whether it's raw,pure, natural! Whatever! Let me tell you some of the amazing wonders that honey can do!
Honey Face masks are hugely popular because of several skin benefits that honey offers. Honey as a basic ingredient in a facial mask helps to cure acne, scars, wounds, wrinkles and even dry skin.
Skin Benefits of Honey
- Honey has antibacterial properties, which helps in fighting acne and pimples. Honey reduces infection and is very effective home remedy to treat acne.
- Honey is also antiseptic. When honey is diluted with water, it produces hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is an antimicrobial agent and is used as a mild antiseptic. Honey is useful in treating cuts, wounds, and abrasions.
-Honey is a good cleanser for skin. It soak ups impurities from the pores of the skin, leaving your skin clear and clean.
-Honey is a very effective moisturizer for skin. It retains moisture making your skin radiant, soft and supple.
-Honey properties protect your skin under the sun and assist the skin to rejuvenate and stay young.
-Honey is a natural remedy to prevent wrinkles. Honey slows down the ageing process.
Now lets get started! First of all you want to tie your hair back, or clip it back so that nothing gets in the way of the honey!
You then want to apply a even layer of the honey to your skin, it is very sticky so be careful and apply it in a safe area that you can clean up any mess!
I leave it on for a good half an hour, so that my skin can soak up all the goodness and then I jump in the shower and wash it off! You can leave it on for a shorter amount of time if you wish, and you can also wash it off over the sink and then pat dry and apply moisturiser!
Hope you guys enjoyed this! For DIY's coming..!
back to school,
face mask,
glowing skin,
tips for teens.,
Teen Talk Tuesday; The Skin Diet ♥
Tuesday, April 16
Heyy! Listen girls, before you even think about loosing those pounds for summer - read this and clear up that skin of yours! There are certain foods that really benefit your complexion, and you shouldn't always rely on these products from the shops.
Strawberries, citrus fruits, red peppers, broccoli
Beauty benefit: a smooth texture with a strong layer that prevent wrinkles. Vitamin C is vital for the skin's support structure.
Sunflower seeds and almonds
Beauty benefit: sun protection
These seeds and nuts are loaded with vitamin E! They just act like an army, protecting the skin from UV light.
Dark orange, leafy green and red veggies
Beauty benefit: a fresh complexion ... Spinach and all those yummy vegetables are full of the antioxidant 'beta-carotene'. Your body converts it to vitamin A, makes the skins surface smooth.
Beauty benefit: dewy skin .. I'm not going to go into great detail as there is a whole post on this!
Things to avoid!
Everyone knows the foods that you should avoid or even eat moderated!
how water helps,
the skin diet,
tips for teens.,
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