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a girl can never have too many bags ♥

We all need a bag in out possession that can be used for everything! It can be very difficult sometimes to choose the right, bag or even clutch that matches that very pretty outfit, here are a few of my favourite designer splurges that you should treat yourself to - as you all know we are so worth it!  These are a few of my favourites but you can shop more here or instore!
a girl can never have too many bags

#1 - You can't ever go wrong with a simple black clutch! This one from Vivienne  Westwood is simple,elegant and chic at the same time. No matter what you are wearing, black goes with basically everything! The added gold chain is also a bonus as you can then carry it on your shoulder as well as in the day as it doesn't look too over the top and dressy!
#2 - I believe that you should always have a printed bag hidden away in your collection, I only say this because it always comes in handy. If you are wearing the simplest outfit ever, then pairing it with a patterned clutch like this cheetah print one can really bring your style to light and show everyone how fashionable you are. Cheetah print also looks amazing with a LBD and red shoes.
#3 My must have staple item for all year round, a nude/beige coloured bag will be your best friend in the summer and winter months. You can use it to dress up and down your outfit as the colour just blends well and matches your style perfectly whether you know it or not. If you can get your hands on a big, loose bag like this one then you will not regret it! Everything can fit into this bag and the colour will compliment everything you wear and choose.
#4 Again, with the black. I can't get over the fact that black is such a simple and boring colour however looks amazing with anything. This Marc Jacbos tote bag is amazing for work,school and a trip out somewhere. It will make you look sophisticated and looks like you know what you are doing. There is so much room in these bags that you will be amazed at how much you can get in! The shape and style may take some getting used to, however it is all worth it in the end.

*In association with Harvey Nichols All opinions and choices of bags are my own.

Primark Haul; Bargain Buys ♥

Another Primark Haul today for you lovely lot,on this miserable day! When I go into Primark I always come out with something I didn't need..story of my life! And whenever I do get the chance to go I pay extra attention to their reduced items rail! This time round I got two items that I have fallen in love with and the price was a bonus!
Primark HaulPrimark Haul

First of this dress! Something, that caught my eye straight away, this is a lace dress with a diamond cut back that I think is great for this time of year! The fit is actually what made me buy it finally; because it is very snug yet not too on you! Which I like about dresses, I want to feel comfy at the same as showing off my figure!

Primark Haul

The back isn't that revealing either! I love the fact that this is a diamond shape cut out, as I am noticing a lot of items out there with cut backs. The lace detail is beautiful and makes you feel like a princess. You can also wear this dress day and night, which makes it easier to transform your look.

Primark Haul

Look at that! Reduced from £15 to £7! What a bargain...

Primark Haul

Primark Haul

Next is this blouse/top that I got a little bit before the dress, this was reduced to £5 from £10! I love the material of this, it is very light weight and loose fitting which makes it easier to dress up or even down and makes you look professional or even laid back. I really like the fact that it is much longer at the back, this is a trend I have always loved and love trying!  

Primark Haul

The sleeves are cuffed with this pearl beading that makes it look super gorg and summery! The sleeves are slightly cuff which just brings it all together. The pearls are also a added bonus as it is adding a different element on such a plain blouse.

Hope you enjoyed this mini haul, more to come! 

The Liebster Award #2 + #3 ♥

Hey! I am so glad that everyone is enjoying reading my blog! I also got nominated for a Liebster Award from the beautiful Kelly - check her amazing blog out here! And Emily who by the way has two of the cutest cats i have ever seen - visit her blog here

So basically if you don't know what this award is... a blogger gets nominated who then has to nominate 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers. You write 11 random facts about yourself, answer 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you & then write 11 new questions for your nominees! You also have to link to the blog that nominated you.

Let's get right in to it! I'm going to do one set of facts and then two sets of questions..

11 Facts about me

- I am starting my A-levels in september

- i love oranges

- paris is my favourite city in the worl

- floral patterns are the cutest!

- i am a procrastinator

- i'm allergic to coconut

- i love me some J20

- i'm a vegetarian

- i want to go to america so bad

- my best friends are like sisters

- i live in west yorkshire, UK

  • What's your favourite shop? - It has to be Primark, cheap, affordable and great choice!
  • Do you have any peculiar talents? - erm.. no wish i did though.
  • What's your favourite place in the world? - Paris, this city is just magical!
  • Which do you prefer, straight or curly hair? - i love my straight hair but I do get annoyed at times.
  • What's your favourite make up brand? - everything from maybelline is heaven!
  • Would you rather have a night out or a night in? - night in, it is just easier and comfier! 
  • Describe your skin care routine? - Exfoliate, cleanse and then moisturise.
  • If you could have £1000 to spend on either make up or clothes, which would it be? - makeup...i wear the same clothes all the time!
  • Who is your favourite beauty blogger? - i love essiebutton but it is really hard to pick! 
  • What's your favourite online shop? - ooh! tough one. ebay! if that counts!
  • Who is your style icon? - Cheryl Cole/ Kim K
  • What is your favourite film? - My favourite film has to be the notebook, I am a sucker for chick flicks and this has to be my all time favourite! 
  • What is your most worn item of clothing? - My most worn item of clothing has to be my jeans, I constantly wear them and I am in need for a new pair!
  • What is one accessory you couldn't live without? - A watch, I personally think that you can dress any outfit up or down with a watch and it is also great to put on in a rush.
  •  What is your favourite TV show? - Currently, it has to be Nashville; the programme is just amazing! My favourite does change all the time though.
  • Who inspires you most? - My inspiration is the people around me, those who encourage me to carry on and succeed. 
  • What is one makeup product you can't live without? - Concealer, it does everything for you!
  •  What is one makeup product you CAN live without? - Eyeliner, I am not a huge eyeliner fan and I only wear it when I need to so.
  • What is your favourite band? - One Direction
  • Why did you start blogging? - I started blogging because I have always had an interest in fashion and beauty and I wanted to share it with everyone else.
  •  Favourite thing to do in your spare time? - Read, I think it just relax's me.
  •  What's your favourite book? - I have to say I love any book I end up reading!

My questions for nominees

  • Where do you want to visit? 
  • What phone do you have?
  • Drugstore or high end?
  • BB Cream or Tinted Moisturiser? 
  • Bold, Bright Lip or Nude?
  • Lipstick or Gloss? 
  • Home Manicure or Salon?
  • Favourite place to buy jewellery? 
  • Favourite Candle scent?
  • Do you have any aims in life, you want to achieve this year?
  • Describe yourself in 5 words?