Woah, where did 2018 go? As cliche as it sounds, I honestly can't believe it - it was a year full of ups and downs but the best year I have ever had for sure. When it comes to 2019, I haven't really got many goals, just to be happy and healthy. In terms of beauty, my goal is to really shop my stash. I want to get through as many products makeup and skincare wise as I can. Over on my instagram stories, I am going to be using 1 different lip product a day for the month of January to get through the heavy load of them that I have. Then a new challenge every month to help me get rid. This will be be the year I use up more before buying more!
As far as 2018 goes, there hasn't been many product that wowed me so I couldn't really categorise them into sections. However, these are the products that really caught my eye or that I repurchased over the year.