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Blogging on a Budget

No one said blogging was easy, nor did they say it was going to be cheap. There always new releases from brands that you want to get your hands on, or props that you've spotted in Primark or even a new pair of shoes because they are all over instagram. Blogging does not come cheap, but don't let that ever put you off or stop you from still blogging. I am a student, who works part time to keep my shopping habit at bay and there isn't any reason as to why I can't still be blogging when on a tighter and stricter budget. 
blogging on a budget

Oldies but Goodies
One of my favourite things to do is go through my stash and see what I already have. Just the other day, I did a spring clean of my lip products to see what I had, needed and didn't use anymore to giveaway. Lets just say, I have far too many nude lipsticks and brown lip liners!! But my point is, you don't have to constantly be buying new things when the things you already own and have are just as good as new.

I love creating wishlists for all different types of things, there are so many brands and products that I really want to try but just can't finance it. Instead, I find myself pinning things on Pinterest into a wishlist board so one day I can buy what I want to. I have found this really handy lately as when I come across something that I want but can't buy at the moment, I pin it to look at when I do have some money. Then I'm not wasting my pennies on something I don't need and getting something that I want!

Codes & Vouchers
If you do like a treat every now and then (which we all do), then I highly recommend finding discount codes to help you save money. Even if it is just 10% or free delivery, those little savings will help you in the long run. I even find vouchers for food places because why not have a little bit of money knocked off. If you are a online shopping extraordinaire then codes are your best friend, there are so many floating around that you are bound to find one. Especially great if you are like me and like to keep on adding until you get to the free delivery option...

Spend Money on the Things that Matter
When it comes to blogging itself, I think it is more important to spend your money on things such as a domain, theme, header ect. because these are the things that will help you grow. I love Etsy for things like this as they are affordable and so easy to do yourself. In the long run, spending these amounts on making yourself a brand and look put together will help you grow and be more successful.

How do you blog and stick on a budget?


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