I have made it a personal point this to do more favourites post, not sure how long they will last or if I will even have things to talk to about but here is my written commitment. Sometimes they might all be beauty, sometimes a little bit of everything but hopefully it gives me a chance to share everything that I am loving that moment in time. This month I have more lifestyle favourites then everything else, I have so many things that I am trying at the moment - its hard to choose just a few things! 

I find wearing and buying perfume so difficult, no matter how much money I spend on one it just doesn't seem to last on me. Then just before Christmas, I went to Liverpool to do some shopping and there were some people giving out GHOST Dream samples and a pretty good sized one too. I didn't really think much of it at the time but I started using it and fell in love. Not only does it smell amazing but it actually lasts on me!! Maybe not for the whole day but at least till the afternoon, which is more than any others do! It smells of jasmine and orange, such a gorgeous combination and has the prettiest bottle too.
My skill of being able to watch a series within a few days should be on my CV, I needed something to get into and along came Grey's Atonomy. I watched one episode to see how it was and next thing you know, three days down the line I am on season 3 and completely in love. Why I have never watched this before is completely beyond me, the cast, the storylines and of course McDreamy!!!I just want to know what happens next after each episode but am stopping myself from searching anything as it is still a show that is running, so hopefully I can catch up in no time.
My univeristy room has been feeling a little empty recently so I decided to jazz it up with some prints from Printiki*. I chose about 30 photos of my nearest and dearest and got them printed, the process is super easy. You upload the pictures, choose whether you prefer matte or gloss and then wait for them to be shipped. Amazing service and the quality of the pictures are incredible, to say that they have all come from my phone - the printed versions have not ruined the quality and look. I have a few stuck to the side of my cabinet and then some clipped on to some ribbon and on the wall. Small touches like these make my room feel so much more like home. I've started taking more memory pictures this month and plan to have tons printed off at the end of the year, to look back on. If you would like your own set of prints, then you can use the code BBD725UD for free shipping when you buy any of the prints on the Printiki site.
Every night I seem to be having a cup of hot chocolate, which probably isn't very good for me but it tastes so good. I am loving one from Options at the moment, you can buy it in both satchets and a large bottle. Its salted caramel flavoured and it honestly like heaven. I love having a cup of this with some biscuits or a late night snack to help me relax. I have also become addicited to eating mini rolls! They remind me so much of my childhood and taking one everyday for my lunch has bought back so many memories. All this talk of chocolate has got me very hungry indeed!!
This month, I have really enjoyed getting back into the swing of things with blogging and reading other blogs. I have so many favourites and ones that I go back to constantly for reviews and tips, it would be hard to remember them all! One post that really got my attention was from Sal of UmmmBabyBeauty. She wrote a post called This or That, where she put products that she goes for everyday up against one another and almost compared them? That probably doens't make any sense but you should really read it! I am currently collecting mine together for a post.
Over on instagram, which is giving everyone nothing but pain at the moment, I have been loving Chantelle's feed, she has the prettiest style and is absoutely stunning! I need to start spreading love more on there because it works really well and allows people to find new people to follow - I just hit 3.7k which is crazy and have decided to give other people as much love as possible!
I would love to know what you have been loving this month!
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