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living in the moment

Living in the moment. Sounds very simple but I think it is one of the hardest things to do in the world that we live in. Why? We all spend too much time on dwelling on the past, what went wrong or thinking about the future and how we will survive. We are missing out on what is happening right now, right at this moment. 

I've become one of these 'people' who plans everything, from the way I will get ready in the morning to how I am going to carry out a certain task. In my last chatty style post, I was coming to the end of my work placement and I can report that I finished with flying colours! Luckily, I passed everything and have been given so much to work on and help me become a better teacher and learner. I'm missing it immensely though, the little children are worth the long days!
The 8 weeks that I spent doing a job that I want to do in the future made me realise that this time I have now, is mine. I shouldn't be worrying about instagramming my day or snapchatting the food I am eating, because I won't enjoy it. It probably sounds really stupid, but the time I spend online/or on my phone is stopping me from taking in the moment. 

One of my personal goals this year is to enjoy myself and be able to look back on what I did and smile! I am now two months away from finishing my first year at university, can't quite believe how quickly it has gone. All the stress I was going through this time last year seems like nothing compared to all the stress I am experiencing now! University has been a whirlwind, moving in with strangers to writing assignments what a bizarre experience. It has taught me a few lessons about living in the moment and about life in general....

Paying attention to the small matter what I have started to look around me and see what other people are doing, whether they are smiling or crying. It shows me that the life I have is precious and I should make every moment count. 

Smiling..something we all forget to do I'm sure. No matter how bad a day is going or how much stress I am under, cracking out a cheeky smile makes everything better. Ok, fair enough it doesn't always but it definitely helps with the pain. 

Don't Worry..Until recently, I have always been someone who thinks about what others think, anyone else? What they see of me, think of me and if they talk about me, now I don't give a damn (in a nice way). Why should it matter what others think, as long as I am happy surely that should be enough. 

Be thankful...I am so grateful for everything I have been given in life and everything that I do get given. I am eternally thankful for you all reading this post, thank you for reading and then commenting it really makes me smile. I have started to put a 'lot more' effort into my blogging. From the content, to the photos to the social interaction side of things. It all adds up as I feel happy with it all! 

All of these things have worked together to make me realise that my time is now. Your time is now. Wake up each day and tackle it. headfirst. Show them who is boss and why you are the best. Live everyday as it is you last and live right here, right now. 

Hope you enjoyed reading this very open post, love switching things up every so often! I am currently writing this whilst packing my suitcase to go down to London. Spending some time with family and friends, exploring the city in the moment! 

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