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Pu-erh Tea Review

Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh Tea

I drink a lot of tea, in fact I drink a lot of hot drinks in general. My kitchen cupboard at university is full of different boxes and sachets. The newest one to my collection has been the Pu-erh Tea from Slimming Solutions*.

This is a traditional tea that is known for increasing your metabolism and helping you to loose weight. When things say 'weight lost' I get a bit skeptical I have to say. Only because of what I might feel afterwards - to my surprise I didn't feel anything! I haven't had any side affects with this tea. Its recommend to drink two to three cups a day/after meals which I started doing for the first week then as life got in the way its gone down to a cup in the morning. After the cup I have so much more energy and it helps me get through a long day! Taste? Well, I am a big green tea lover so this tastes fine to me, to others it may taste a bit bitter and if so had some sweetener (not sugar, it defies the object!)

Does it help loose weight? 
I am yet to stand on some scales and see if the number has gone down, but as far as how I feel - lighter, happier and healthier. The Pu-erh Tea is making me feel better because of it cleaning my system and getting rid of the 'nasty stuff'. 

Overall, I have been loving this tea on a morning after I've had my cereal. It really makes me feel good and most of all it is doing something to my body. I have only been drinking it for two weeks, so it might not have its full effect on me but it does work!


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