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LOreal Paris Nude Magique Cushion Foundation Review

Hello fellow foundation addicts, welcome! No idea what has happened to me recently but I keep buying everything base products. My skin is all over the place, dry then oil so I guess you would call it combination?! Who knows. When browsing the Boots near me, I found the reduced section. By far my favourite place to have a browse, picked up so many bargains and most stores have one, so be sure to find your local one! Hidden at the back I found the very talked about L'Oreal Nude  Magique Cushion Foundation. 

Since it came to the UK, everyone in the beauty world has been talking non stop about it and I was itching to buy it. The only thing putting me off was the price. It retails for £14.99 which in my opinion is a bit steep for 'drugstore'. In the US its so much cheaper, why is it so high here? In the reduced section I found this for £3.50, all because the powder puff was missing, which I wouldn't have used anyway. In my shade too - it was meant to be! 

LOreal Paris Nude Magique Cushion Foundation Review

Cheryl x L'Oreal Lip Kits

I am a huge fan of Cheryl, since her days in Girls Aloud, I haven't been able to get enough of her. I love everything she does and when I heard that she was bringing out some new products with L'oreal, they had to be mine. In the past, she has bought out a lipstick with them and been the face of their campagings but this is the first collaboration where she has launched more products. The ranges include, two eye paints (not for me personally) and then three lip kits. There are lip paints and pencils included in the kit and in the shades, burgundy, greige and peach. I got my hands on the two that scream autumn to me and will suit my skintone more. 
cheryl loreal lip kits

L'Oreal Infallible More Than Concealer and Infallible Fresh Wear Foundation Review

When I started out blogging, L'Oreal were one brand that I used to buy everything from. At that time, they were the talk of the town - everyone loved everything from them and this was before other brands started to make more of an appearance in the beauty world. The True Match foundation was my favourite along with their lipsticks from the different ambassadors, powder and of course nail polish. Then I stopped buying anything from them for awhile, the only thing I have used recently is the Pro Matte Foundation but even that was every now and then. 

Then, out of nowhere I had this urge to try their new launches. One being the More Than Concealer which was making its rounds on You Tube and the other is the Fresh Wear Foundation, which is a relaunch/reformulated version of their original Infallible foundation (post here) which I also loved. One impressed me and the other I am on the fence about ... 
loreal 2019

L'Oreal Infallible Range Review

L'Oreal launches always catch my eye, they are a brand that I love and that my skin loves too. I (touch wood) have never broken out after using their products nor have I experienced any reactions. When I heard there were some new products coming from them, I couldn't wait to get my hands on them and after testing them out a couple of times and in a few different ways, I thought it was about time to share what I think.
loreal infallible range review

Loreal Infallible Foundation Review - US vs UK

Loreal Infallible UK VS US

The L'oreal Infallible Foundation used to be a firm favourite of fine, it was all I ever used. But as time went on, the formula becoming too drying on my skin and their darkest shade (30 Honey, might I add) became far too light for me. A few bloggers have been raving about the how the US formula is much better than the UK one and I just had to try it out. Unfortunately, flying over seas just to buy the foundation seemed a tiny bit too expensive, but good old eBay came through.

There is a UK Seller which you can find under the username suntastic0_1, that supplies you with a variety of American makeup goodies. They are based in the UK and delivery was fast and with me within 3 working days. They sell a whole range of makeup items from the drugstore and you could spend hours browsing and choosing what to buy. 

I'm just going to put it out there, this foundation is incredible. Along with a few others I've been using lately this has restored my faith in L'Oreal foundations! I ended up going with the shade #107 Fresh Beige, after browsing swatches for days and watching videos of people similar shades to me in other foundations. It's just about perfect, its very yellow toned which is a good thing on Asian skin however I think the darker shade may have suited me a little bit better but it doesn't look awful.

The packaging for the foundations, are very similar. Both in a tube, without a pump annoyingly however I have found that the US version is a lot larger in size compared to the one we get here in the UK. Its a slimmer tube and a bit more difficult to handle. 

This for me is very much high coverage, you need a small squirt on each part of your face to cover everything and anything. My scars, spots and uneven skin tone all get covered with this miracle worker and it blends like a dream. I have used both a buffing brush and beauty blender to see the difference in results, both work amazingly well! I prefer the blender as it looks a little more seamless and is easy to blend away but a brush is just as good. I find it covers perfectly and lasts me for an entire day, after applying at 7am for work and coming home at 7 its still in tact. No need to powder to remove shine or blot to control cakiness. 

The EBay seller has it retailing at £12.95 which is £5 more than what the UK version is sold for however I would repurchase this over the UK one any day. If you have always wanted to try the US verison/this foundation in general then I urge you to buy now!

This Or That: Everyday Makeup

Sal over at UmmBabyBeauty wrote a post a few weeks ago titled 'This or That'' and the concept behind it was genius and it inspired me to do my own take on the post. These are my current go to favourite makeup products that I adore with all my life and always find myself choosing between either one of the other, but there are a few differences that makes one better than the other - hence the title This or That! You might want to grab a cuppa or some snacks, this is one long post...                   
this or that makeup tag

FOTD| Boots Haul/First Impressions

Boots Haul/First Impressions
 I have been buying quite a bit of makeup over the month of December and November but have had no time to even try it! So, I thought I would do a face of the day/haul/first impression to see if I like it or not! I am talking about the products in a very random order i do apologise!

21 Questions: Makeup Edition

 When I first started blogging, TAG blog posts were the in thing. Everyone used to do them, they used to be all over YouTube as well. I watch the very beautiful Allie Glines and am obsessed with her channel. She posts a really good mix of 'drugstore and high end' as well as other videos such as 'full face of nothing new' and recently the Vogue style 21 questions but a makeup edition. It seemed like fun so I thought I would have a go too!                                                                                   

April Favourites| Beauty,TV & Birthday Cake Frap!

April Favourites

April? How is it over already, with just another few weeks until I officially finish sixth form,I am praying that time actually goes a lot slower. We are now well into spring and my favourites this month are inspired by the beautiful weather outside! 

Max Factor Facefinity Primer//
When the weather gets nicer I tend to apply a lot less to my face, yet it still manages to come off within a few hours. The solution recently has been the amazing primer from Max Factor. I featured it in February's Favourites and it decided another mention (surprised I haven't done a review yet oops) because it is just that good. 

Loreal Infallible 24 Hour Matte// If I talk any more about this foundation I think I may just run out of words, the soft consistency is amazing and goes on like an absolute dream to leave you with this medium to high coverage face that lasts all day. If you want to read a more in-depth review then you can read it here.

Max Factor Blush in Nude Mauve// Another product I just can't stop talking about and also wearing, it has got to the point where the puffiness of the blush has deflated and is now flat *sad face* I love the shade and it is perfect for everyday. To hear me rave about these even more, read the review here.

Maybelline Colour Elixir in Rose// This is a lip product that I bought a while back, didn't like it at all and now have fallen in love with because it looks amazing on top of nude lipsticks like the rimmel kate moss in 07 - ideal everyday lip combo.

BarryM Speedy in Heart Skipped a Beat// Spring isn't spring without the nail colours, am I right? It took me a while to bring out the summery colours because I was waiting for the perfect time and now it is officially time and this beauty from BarryM is a coral that looks stunning and not too orange either. This whole range is amazing and it takes very little time to dry as well, more here.

Chanel No 5// My ultimate spring and summer scent is anything sweet and strong, Chanel is basically the answer for everything. No 5 is a classic from the brand and I think that no one can go wrong with, I cry my little heart out though ever time I use it because of the money that is going with it..

April Favourites

Last month Starbucks celebrated the birthday of the frappuccino, and as a special they were selling a 'Birthday Cake' flavour drink. Of course, this was only available in the USA because in the UK were are so limited on the options we have available. But the StarbucksUK twitter said that you can still order it as a custom order, the only difference is that you don't get the raspberry cream. If you are interested in this delicious drink ask for a vanilla frappuccio with a shot of almond syrup!

April Favourites
This months favourite TV Show has to be Baby Daddy, it is amazing and about Ben who is a typical bachelor until he finds he has a daughter and then has to adjust to being a parent with the help of his mum and all of his friends. You watch one and you will be instantly hooked!
Another favourite has been 2 Broke Girls, something that I have been watching a long time but more recently the girls are really starting to grow their business and it's such a real life story through TV. 

What TV shows have you been loving lately?


Becca First Impressions

Becca are a brand that I hear and see a lot of online, they have only really just come over to the UK but I think are slowly but surely getting there name out everywhere and so they should. A few weeks back, QVC had an incredible deal on where you could get all these products for just £39. I tried to resist for a few days but then I caved (as per usual) because it is so beautiful and what a steal! They are all full sized apart from the highlighter, but the fact that's it is mini is adorable!! 
becca qvc deal

The Diwali Face

Today is Diwali! Happy Diwali to all those who celebrate, wishing you another year of happiness, success and all things bright! I love this time of year, not only is the food amazing and the clothes you get to wear so pretty but time spent with family is timeless. We're going to a Diwali party this weekend, I finally managed to find something to wear yesterday (talk about last minute!) and it's pink and pink, all sequins and some gorgeous rose gold jewelerry. So, I'm thinking for makeup to go with something glowy, glittery and very much me. This is a trial run that I had and I think it will all go to plan, using these products!                            
diwali makeup

L'Oréal Super Duo

loreal super duo

Mixing foundations is something I have never done, I seem to always strike lucky with the right shade and can adapt to the formula of the foundation. Until recently. I saw the lovely Taylor post on instagram about her favourite foundation combination at the moment, that consists of the l'Oreal true match and the Infallible. After hearing her thoughts I knew I had to try it out to see the results. Low and behold the girl has done it again and has created a super foundation. 

When you mix them both together you are infact mixing the properties of each one, the True Match is light weight, medium coverage and gives a dewy finish whereas the Infallible is high coverage, sometimes too heavy for everyday and matte. When you put these together you have a foundation that is high enough coverage for a flawless face, a semi-matte finish that looks incredible and coverage that lasts all day. I have slightly fallen in love with mixing these both together, and it comes at the right time seen as though both of them need finishing up. 

If you like both of these foundation on their own, then I suggest trying to mix it up by putting them together because you are creating the perfect foundation. It isn't something I would do just for a quick trip to the supermarket but for a long day at work or school this is great.