The relationship I have with my hair is very odd, sometimes I love it and there are days where I want to cut it all off and have a Britney Spears moment. Its thick, stick straight and sometimes gets to a length that I love but hate. All sounds very complicated, sorry!
The other day I headed to York, which is such a beautiful city. If you ever get the chance to go, you must - discover the little cobble streets, the cute cafes and the lovely sites. Hidden within the market streets is the new Rush Hair Salon. It opened just 3 weeks ago and from hearing what owner Jess had to say, business is doing really well. The salon is open Monday to Friday till 8, Saturday till 6.30 and on a Sunday till 5pm. To fit around working peoples schedules, brilliant or what?
The salon is absolutely gorgeous, all black and professional. It is also huge, you go to a fancy room in the back to get your hair washed - pretty amazing. Before the washing happened, Jess sat down with me and talked all things hair. I really loved the length of my current hair but when she looked at the layers in the back she suggested it might be better to take a little more off and then my layers will blend much better.