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Showing posts with label winter essential. Show all posts

Winter Essentials

W for wet, I for ice, N for never, T for terrible, E for ew and R for rain. What does it spell  - WINTER! In the second part of my winter series, I am sharing with you all my essentials for the mouth, body and skin. Whether you're a beauty fanatic or lazy girl, these products are bound to help you in someway. 

OOTD| Knitted Leather Blazer

 Knitted Leather Blazer

Winter is my favourite time to layer up, not only does it keep me warm and cosy but it also looks really chic and fashionable because you can mix lots of colours, textures, patterns and types of clothes together. My favourite fashion accessory at the moment to wear is this Knitted Leather Blazer from  Ikrush!  Ikrush are a new site that I have recently come across, and have become totally hooked to - by accident of course! They provide you with clothes, accessories, footwear that has amazing quality and with a wide range of products you are stuck for choice on what to buy and what not to buy. Check out Ikrush ...