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Getting Organised| Summer to Autumn Wardrobe

Summer to Autumn Wardrobe

Another organisation post today, and this wasn't planned but it was something I have been meaning to do for weeks now and I finally took the time to take the plunge and clear out my wardrobe so that I can get out all my autumn stuff and put majority of my summer stuff away. 
Summer to Autumn Wardrobe
So, my room started out looking like this and it looked like a mess with everything everywhere and no room to move about. But, in an actual sense it looks a lot better than it seems my clothes is kind of in piles of clothes that needs to go away and things on hangers but then it failed and now its a big mess. 
Summer to Autumn Wardrobe
The first thing I did was put all of my summer clothes into this storage box from Morrisons so that they are all neatly put away and out of my site for the next 6 months. This box includes vests, dresses and strappy t-shirt things. Then the plan is to move this into my cupboard in six months and the jumpers in the box! Genius I know.
Summer to Autumn Wardrobe
Majority of my clothes are actually folded up into different piles and on two shelves, the top one has all my nice tops/everyday tops. The back two piles are the things I would wear with leggings and then the front two with jeans. The bottom shelf consists of pj's, and lounge-wear which I have a lot of because I prefer my jogging bottoms rather than my jeans! It also has a whole pile of leggings because every girl needs them!
Summer to Autumn Wardrobe

Then on to the hanging bit of my wardrobe, there are a few things that have to stay in there. On the left hand side is all my formal wear so that its easier to reach and get to and then the right hand side is my leavers hoodie and then Indian suits which don't have a home anywhere else.
Then in the middle I have my kimono, dresses that I can still wear in the winter with tights and then followed my jumpers. And then more jumpers, I own a lot of winter clothing but its my favourite time of year by far. I then have my leather jackets in there along with cardigans.

And that's it, my very small but very organised wardrobe! Have you re-arranged your clothes recently?


Make-up Organisation| Tips and Tricks

Make-up Organisation| Tips and Tricks

Before September came around I had to make sure that I gutted and cleaned every inch of my room - most importantly my makeup area. dun dun dun... but after plucking up the courage to do it I spent an entire Sunday morning tidying up the nooks and crannies of my makeup 'area'. Thought I would document my time and show you how I managed to do it all within a few hours.
I don't have the biggest makeup collection, but what I do have to doubles of everything and frankly things that I haven't worn in a really really long time.
Make-up Organisation| Tips and Tricks
I have the Ikea Chest Drawer thing, it has three draws and then this top section as well. In the first draw i keep all my makeup and skincare and then the top holds all my clear storage that looks really pretty. I am always getting things out to use and then am far too lazy to then put them back in the right place and then it leads to having everything everywhere and no room to breathe. 
Make-up Organisation| Tips and Tricks
The first thing I did was empty all my makeup and skincare bits on to the floor and sort them into piles of stuff. Hiding in the corner is the two pots of my very dirty makeup brushes, along with lips at the top right, then face, cheeks, eye shadow, eyes and then skin. This made it a whole lot easier to see what I own and to start the next stage. This is the 'Clean and Get Rid Of Stage' here you need to seriously decide what is worth keeping that you will carry on using and the things that you haven't touched or can't remember about and bin those. I will admit that if you are a beauty lover like me, you tend to hold on to things because of the price, or the memories that come with it. But I was being really brutal this time!
Make-up Organisation| Tips and Tricks
Eventually, I managed to sort through everything and have my breakfast whilst doing so.The end result made me feel proud and very pleased with myself. The draw is now in different sections instead of all jumbled up. In the top left long box we have skincare, below that in the tiny box is full of 'more lip produtcs'.. In the two bigger boxes I decided to have a box full of eyes and various face products and then the other has all my base products and cheek products. Then a body butter, deodorant can, makeup bag, headphones and brushes (which should really be clean now!). 
On top I managed to nicely organise my storage so that all my lipsticks/glosses/balms are together in height ish order. I have a thing about things that need to look right. All my nail polishes are sorted by brand (spy all the barrym gelly's!) and then the draws have the smaller eye shadow palettes in along with some perfume and nail care essentials that I need to use more.

Hope you enjoyed this different type of post!

Getting Organised| Why Lists Are You're Best Friend

Why Lists Are You're Best Friend
Here is a guest post I did recently..
Lists. Such a simple word yet to me and many of you it can mean our whole life, yet there are some people that try to mentally remember everything when they don't need to! Make a list, whether it be on a scrap piece of paper, a notebook or even on your phone; they make all the difference. Here are a few reasons why they are about to become your best friend..
1. A great way to organise your information
If you don’t organize your information, it can be thrown everywhere even a notice board can look messy, but if you take some time to separate it out into different topics or categories it’s a lot less messier and easier to understand.If you're moving house then list what items will go into what room. Simple!
2. They provide a simple structure
If you have to explain something to another human then a list is the easiest way to explain what you mean without using all these fancy diagrams and confusing everyone to death. All you need is the topic of the list and that is it!
3. Plan out your day
If you have a busy day or even week ahead then create a list of what you need to do and order them in highest priority and be sure to do them first. You can break the list up if there is so much to do and remember to ALWAYS give yourself a break! If you have lots of things to do, its much simpler to tackle them in smaller chunks then all in one go. 
5. Make a list about anything
Whatever job you may be doing I am pretty sure that there are things you need to do in work and outside of work, sometimes its the simplest tasks that we tend to forget. If you're a blogger like me, then I love writing lists of different post ideas ect to keep me on track. Along with general everyday to-do lists to help me live a easier life. 
6. They can be fun too
Lists don't only have to be used for all the serious things in life, but also the fun things! I keep a list of all my tv programmes that I watch, I seem to have that many I have to keep track of when the new season airs in the autumn/summer time - without this long list then I would be lost.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this post, and be sure to check out my blog

 Parie xo

Back2School Stationery Haul ♥

We are well and truly all into the swing of going back to school, and at the end of every august every year everyone goes shopping for stationery! I left mine until just recently as I wanted to know for sure what I was needed to take to sixth form, here are the little goodies I picked up on a trip!
Back2School Stationery Haul

Back2School Stationery Haul

The most important things that I needed to get were ring binders, this makes filing and organising your work so much easier to do! I bought them in different colours so that each subject can have a different file. They were also on offer so that was a bonus! 
I also bough a mini Pukka Pad that comes with a planner built in, not only is this great to doodle, note things down but you can also add your timetable and important dates in the front. I also like that these pads enable you to move the dividers around and make them where you want them to go. A small jotter to note things down in one of my subjects as I don't need a folder, instead I can just use this when I really need it.
The spotty notepad is my fav,and I was really disappointed to see that they didn't have it in any other colours so instead I had to get the boring red one! Oh well.. I also bought some highlighters as I find them so helpful in my work and revision notes because it tells me the most important things I need to learn.