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5 Things: Revision Tips

Here are 5 EASY AND SIMPLE Revision Tips to Help you during this busy exam season! 
Revision Tips

1. Try not to revise for hours on hours, do it in short spurts of revision which are around 30 minutes or so as these are going to be the most effective. Your concentration goes after about an hour and you will be spending the next hour creeping on Instagram so take a short break that is timed around 5-10 minutes.
2. Study in a comfortable place, whether this be your bedroom or even your dining room whatever suits you. Stay in a place that has no distractions or keep them away eg you phone, maybe even turn the wifi off!  
3. Use different techniques to make your notes, we all have our own way but sometimes it gets a little bit repetitive and your brain becomes used to it so switch it up use mind maps, notes or even flashcards and use fancy stationery too .  
4. It is much easier said than done but please don't try to get yourself too stressed out, if you find something difficult or find something in your notes that you don't remember then ask someone, or even my new favourite go on to youtube and watch a video about how to solve a problem - it's like a virtual lesson! 
5. Believe in YOU. Never say 'You Can't Do It' because trust me you can, all it takes is a little bit of self encouragement and power yourself through it. 


Revision Essentials

Revision Essentials

It's currently exam season and millions of us out there are going through thousands of emotions, I am one of those and am taking a break from the world of blogging but I have a few posts ready and waiting for you so don't worry about it. Today, I am talking about the essentials you need when revising from stationary to food!

Revision Essentials
First thing that everyone has to have a stash of is colourful things, fine liners are my number one friend you have a range of colours that allow you to make notes in different colours and it makes it easier to see what notes are where so you know what to look at in a rush. Let's be honest they also make everything look really pretty. Something that I have also been doing quite recently is starting to use post it notes the square form and the little strip ones that come in a dispenser like mine or on a pad, they allow you to write small prompts and add on notes to your current notes. Highlighters are also amazing if you want to make certain things stand out to you, like formulas and definitions. 

Revision Essentials

Then we have the notebooks my favourite thing to buy (I'm a stationary geek), these basic ones are from Tesco a great place to buy all things pretty and simple. For £2 you can get the normal notebooks in different colours, I opted for a black and bright pink so that I can organise notes by units, one for unit 1 and 2 and the other for 3 and 4! The other style of notebooks that are great for revising are the project books that come with dividers inside, each section enables you to split your notes up into different categories or sub topics - this will make life a lot easier. 

Brain Food + Breaks
When you are revising it is vital that you make time to have a break, whether this is every hour or every 20 minutes go out of the room and give yourself a breather. You won't be able to concentrate for a long period of time and also try not to keep yourself trapped in one room for the entire time because trust me you will get bored. 
Keep some snacks by your side as well in case you feel pekish, It is really had to avoid the 'bad food' like chocolate and crisps but try to eat more healthier stuff like fruit (buy the pre cut packets from the supermarkets which will make it much easier!) and nuts which are the best thing for your brain. Also drink plenty and plenty of WATER! 

Good Luck if you have any exams coming up! 

The Subscription Service for THAT time of the month!

teen parcel

Now then, things are going to get quite personal in today's post so to prepare you I warn you that this post is about a subscription service for THAT time of the month - in other words a box that comes to your door just before you're on your period or in my world my q's so no one will ever know! Beauty boxes have become so bug and I know for some teens out there that are just like me buying them can be quite expensive and sometimes not to want we want is inside it. Now, welcome to the new Teen Parcel for all of us teens out there that are going through our periods or if you are about to start then this box is everything you need to survive. 

teen parcel

teen parcel
The box comes through you're letter box and it 's all pretty and pink which is such a girl colour! inside the box there is various little boxes inside filled with different things for you! In this box tere is a little sample of body lotion which by the way smells amazing and feels super soft. 

teen parcel

As you can see, there is four different things inside the parcel...below I am going to talk through each one there is one 'for you, two for later and then a little handbag hero'.
How it Works? 
Its super simple and easy to navigate around the site, all you do is tell them you're favourite brand - choice between the famous ones! Then you select you're dates, now if you're like me and very irregular then it's not to worry as you can change and edit you're dates. You'll then get the parcel 3-5 days before getting you prepared and ready!

teen parcel

teen parcel

The 'For Later' and little 'For Now' parcels include tampons. There is enough in here to last you, you're entire period from start to finish depending on how long you're periods last for. I love the idea of the little bag it's great for keeping with you at school/when you're out and even at work. The boxes are also great to keep in you're room as they don't look as obvious as wrapping you get in the shop and can be hidden away from someone's eyes. To find out more about how the box works then click here to find out more!

teen parcel

Now for my favourite part of the box! Teen Parcel work with lot's of different brands to bring you a little treat every month that is perfect and very relaxing. In this box I got a Clean and Clear Cleanser, Moisturiser and Spot treatment - How Amazing? The range is so expensive and you're getting it in this box for a lot cheaper! I also got a packet of Haribo's, a bracelet and then a sample of some Tea Pigs tea which I have been dying to try out for the longest time along with a nail polish from BINKY London which is a gorgeous blue sparkly colour! 

The best part is that this box is only £9.95 with you're first one being £5.95! I love this concept of the box and the way it works, for all you out there who are scared of starting or get scared then this box will make life a lot easier and make it seem like the best thing ever! Because let's all admit that being on your period SUCKS and its  the worst thing ever and I am sure we have all had our fair share of problems with them but this box will seriously change you're world. Be sure to check out the Teen Parcel Website HERE and if you fancy it Subscribe! 

*this box was sent to me for review purposes, all opinions are my own*

Teen Talk Tuesday; Under Eye Circles ♥

Hey Everyone!
I'm going to be doing this Teen Talk Tuesdays every month or even some times more than once a month! This post is all about under eye circles ... i get them, so do a lot of teens these days! In this post I will be explaining how they are caused and how they can de dealt with and we can banish them!!

How are under eye circles caused? 

1. One of the main causes of dark circles under your eyes is rubbing them. This is due to any allergies that you may have due to the change of seasons or even various foods. If your dark circles are caused because of the allergies, that you may have then make sure you use a very gentle cleanser and be sure to avoid rubbing your eyes.

2. Another main cause for under eye circles are genetics. If your parents or anyone in your family suffer from dark circles, it is very possible you will also suffer.

3.  Dark circles can also occur due to thinning of your skin! This is why you may notice that dark circles increase as you grown up. As our bodies are constantly changing, I wouldn't use any medicine to fix this as it could affect it and make it worse.

TIP-Use a gentle eye cream daily on affected areas,  tap it very gently into the eye area with your middle finger. Please avoid tugging or pulling at the eye area it can cause the problem to increase and worsen. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this can increase blood pooling under the eyes. Try to sleep on your back, if at all possible.

How to deal with under eye circles?

1. One of the things you could do is take two green-tea bags and soak them in hot water. Then put these in the freezer until they become very cool. Place them on over eyes and sit with them on for 15-20 minutes. The caffeine in the green-tea will help with dark circles around the eyes.

2. Apply cucumber slices to your eyes. Cucumbers are high in water content and will slowly soothe the bags under your eyes. Leave the cucumber on your eyes for 15 minutes, then throw the slices away.

3.Get your beauty sleep GIRLS!!  Make sure you get plenty of sleep every night! Lack of sleep can tend to cause the skin to become paler which can increase the appearance of darkness under the eyes.

4. Please, please please remove all eye make-up before you go to sleep. If you don't do so, when you get older, your eyes can look much more tired on a daily basis.

5. Eating healthy can improve you in everyway! Make sure you have a balanced diet, eating plenty of fruits and veggies!!

6.Use a frozen spoon!!  Put a spoon in the freezer for 10-15 minutes then take it out and cover the circles with it. Hold it there until the spoon is warm again.

Dress to suit you ♥

As it is currently party season, and coming up to new years eve with all the party's. I thought it would be a good idea to give you a guide on how to dress appropriately for the body shape that you are. The worst thing to do is to wear something unflattering and have everyone talk about you.

A pear shaped women has hips that are wider than the shoulders, your bottom is rounded and your waist is noticeable. Your best feature's are your shoulders, and the flat stomach. My drawing attention to your waist and arms you are balancing out the upper and lower body.

DON'T - wear items of clothing that focus on your hips & thighs
DO- Mix up light and dark colours so they contrast.
DO- Wear strapless dresses to show off those arms and balance the top and bottom.
DO- Go with the pointy toed shoes to elongate your legs.

Rectangular body shapes have hips,shoulders and a waist that are similar in width. Your best feature's are your arms and legs which means you don't have to take attention away from other parts of your body. BY just creating curves in your body you are showing those arms and legs off.

DO - Wear tops that have collars, ruffles or any detail that will flatter your top half.
DO - Layer items of clothing to add more shape.
DO- Feel free to experiment with a range of different colours.
DON'T - Go too daring with prints and patterns

Women with apple shapes figures find that their weight gathers above the narrow hips that they have. There ribs, back and shoulders are broad and can tend to make you feel wider than others. But a advantage to being apple shaped is the LEGS!! If you show off the legs and create the image of having a waist - you'll look amazing!

DO- Buy tops with v-necks for a longer torso image.
DO- Wear belts that fit around the smallest part of your waist.
DO- Go for the empire tops and dresses which will do their best to hide any tummy bulge.
DO- Boot cut and flared jeans are your best bet to create a even line from head to toe.

Being an hourglass figure, means that you are a very lucky woman! Your hips & shoulders are similar in width and lie in between a tiny waist. CURVES are your best assest ... showing these off will get anyone drooling.
DON'T- Please don't cover up those curves with baggy clothing
DO- Wear dresses that are fitted to show off those curves
DO- By wearing a belt you are showing off that hourglass shape
DO- Go and try wearing skinny or straight leg jeans.

Teen Talk Tuesday; Stress

So, I'm going to introduce something called 'teen talk Tuesday' where I'll be talking about teen related topics! Because I'm a teen (15) I find it easier to write about these things than other adult problems! Haha!
Today's topic is ... 'STRESS'

What is stress?
Everyone, get's stressed. Whether it is work related, school or even relationship stress -everyone experiences it! But What exactly is it? Stress which is also know as  the "flight or fight" response, increases our heartbeats, which then speeds our metabolism and heightens our awareness for things around us. Stress in small amounts can be good for us and our bodies. However if these stressful feeling  last for long periods of time,they can keep you in panic for too long.This then starts to affect us physically, mentally and emotionally.

How is it caused?
Stress can be caused by a numerous reasons, it really depends on the person it is happening to and how there body responds. What may be stressful for me, may not be stressful for you.

  • Family problems - these can include divorces that may be happening, deaths within the family or even money problems.
  • For many teens, moving into a new school can also cause stress
  • Difficulty in school - if a maybe have learning difficulties, or even stress over exams.
  • Friends - There may have been a fall out over friends, peer pressure or even at this age relationship problems.
  • Too Much - You may actually be doing more than you can cope with, too many actives at school or out of school, part time jobs and so on. 
  • Body Changes - this basically speaks for its self.
  • SLEEP! - Not having enough sleep can really affect you mentally and cause you problems and stress.
  • Future- You may be at the stage, where you have to decide/plan what you may be doing in the future.
Don't 'stress' though guys, there are many solutions and ways you can work around this..
  • Talk - Talking to your parents/friends/family or even teachers about what may be bothering you is the way to get started. By Talking to someone else and working out your problems will help reduce the built up tension you have inside. 
  • Relax - Find something you enjoy doing, even if it is just watching TV or watching YouTube videos. Your mind will become at rest and you don't have to worry about anything.
  • Be prepared - Don't wait until last minute to finish off projects, homework ect. this can cause you un-needed stress that you really don't need. Feeling prepared and ready for things can reduce lots of built up stress. 
  • Relaxation techniques - Techniques such as Breathing exercises or even meditation are great techniques for getting rid of the built up tension inside.