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Glitter Chat #2 - Christmas, Blogmas, New Year! ♥

Oh how it has been a while since I have just sat down and talked. Prepare for a long one guys, this could take a while. I have so much to tell you and so much has happened/happening since we last spoke...oh how time flies! We are at the end of November going into December which means we are closer than ever to Christmas and 2014! That is crazy when you say it out loud or even in your head, honestly time flies and I have had the best year in my life! This post it to just let you know about what is happening on my blog to the run up to the festive season!

I am doing blogmas this year (well hopefully) for those of you who are familiar with vlogmas then it is just the same but blogging, For the strangers to this name; I will be blogging everyday from the first of December to Christmas Eve! How exciting, some of the posts will be pre-written as I have a few festive posts I want to get up and others will be written on the day of something happening. I started planning all the posts at the start of the month and as it ends I am petrified. You can expect to see a range of different posts until Xmas Eve and then probably nothing for a few days as I will be taking a break to spend time with family and friends as well as relaxing and revising for mocks in January! You might be wondering why on earth I am telling you all of this but..I like for everyone to know before I do some drastic posting on my blog and you will be initiated with excitement. I hope you enjoy the posts as much as I did planning them and writing them, in the month of Novemeber/October I also installed photoshop in order to edit my photos properly as one of my blog resultions for this year and a lot of the blogmas posts have been edited using all the tools and psd's ect. so this is a very big step for me!!

After all of that craziness, there will be a short break on my blog as I want to enjoy some time with my family over the festive period..and revise for my mocks in January that start the third week into the month. Argh! But I will be back just before the new year for a quick post and then at the start of the new year, with lots of exciting posts and a blogging routine hopefully! I may also be reviewing/showing the things that I get as presents ... but I am undecided as I don't want to seem as though I am showing off - haha.

Next weekend, I am going to the clothes show which is also very exciting! I went last year with no idea what to expect and now this year I have saved up and can't wait to go. I will of course be blogging about it and hauling everything that I buy because you get some bargains on the day! My weekends have been so busy recently and will be now until the holidays..oh my days. I still need to finish my Christmas shopping as well, which I am hoping to do next Friday as I am in Leeds for the day with school - I think a shopping trip is in order. I want to pop into LUSH and pick up a few things as well as The Body Shop..but not spend too much.

Speak to you all soon - x

Pout Pamper + DIY Lip Scrub ♥

After yesterday's post on giving your self a manicure in this cold weather, I thought I would upload a post today and tomorrow along the trend of Winter! Brrrr! When the weather turns cold I always find that my lips become dry, chapped and nasty!! So here are a few simple steps you can do if your lips change in the cold weather!
DIY Lip Scrub

You know how your Exfoliate your face and skin to remove all the dry skin cells..? Well you should do the exact same to your lips! It may seem really odd at first but by scrubbing them you are protecting them from chapping. You can buy 3 different flavoured lip scrubs at LUSH for £5.25 each and it is worth every penny you spend! You can buy them here :) If you don't want to go out in this cold weather and buy the scrubs, you can make your own at home!

DIY Lip Scrub

You will need ..

  • Sugar (white or brown will do) 
  • Oil ( olive, light, coconut, almond whatever!)
  • Honey
  • Small Container/ Used up lip balm container (if you are going to be making lots!
I recommend using whatever amount of ingredients you want, depending on how much you are planning on making! To achieve this super scrub, all you have to do is combine the sugar and oil together in a small bowl or the container you may be using until the sugar absorbs the oil. Add a small squirt of honey to mould the mixture for the scrub together - this way it will have a texture that isn't messy to use. Transfer the mixture into a container or apply onto your lips to remove the flaky skin you may have.

Day & Night

Day - I always carry around a lip balm, so whenever my lips need a little bit of therapy I will have something handy!   DON'T ever be shy with the amount of balm you apply - go over the top if you must! It will help your lips soo much and leave them irresistibly soft!

Night - When it comes to bedtime, apply your lip balm on your lips, so you can wake up with smooth, luscious lips! At night I prefer using Vaseline  because I feel comfortable sleeping in it and it doesn't make my lips sticky .. if you get me?! I love the Vaseline range, any of their products make me fall in LOVE!! My fav lip balm has to be the Rosy one - because it's pink! This is available to buy almost anywhere! Or you can buy it online !

Teen Talk Tuesday; Under Eye Circles ♥

Hey Everyone!
I'm going to be doing this Teen Talk Tuesdays every month or even some times more than once a month! This post is all about under eye circles ... i get them, so do a lot of teens these days! In this post I will be explaining how they are caused and how they can de dealt with and we can banish them!!

How are under eye circles caused? 

1. One of the main causes of dark circles under your eyes is rubbing them. This is due to any allergies that you may have due to the change of seasons or even various foods. If your dark circles are caused because of the allergies, that you may have then make sure you use a very gentle cleanser and be sure to avoid rubbing your eyes.

2. Another main cause for under eye circles are genetics. If your parents or anyone in your family suffer from dark circles, it is very possible you will also suffer.

3.  Dark circles can also occur due to thinning of your skin! This is why you may notice that dark circles increase as you grown up. As our bodies are constantly changing, I wouldn't use any medicine to fix this as it could affect it and make it worse.

TIP-Use a gentle eye cream daily on affected areas,  tap it very gently into the eye area with your middle finger. Please avoid tugging or pulling at the eye area it can cause the problem to increase and worsen. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as this can increase blood pooling under the eyes. Try to sleep on your back, if at all possible.

How to deal with under eye circles?

1. One of the things you could do is take two green-tea bags and soak them in hot water. Then put these in the freezer until they become very cool. Place them on over eyes and sit with them on for 15-20 minutes. The caffeine in the green-tea will help with dark circles around the eyes.

2. Apply cucumber slices to your eyes. Cucumbers are high in water content and will slowly soothe the bags under your eyes. Leave the cucumber on your eyes for 15 minutes, then throw the slices away.

3.Get your beauty sleep GIRLS!!  Make sure you get plenty of sleep every night! Lack of sleep can tend to cause the skin to become paler which can increase the appearance of darkness under the eyes.

4. Please, please please remove all eye make-up before you go to sleep. If you don't do so, when you get older, your eyes can look much more tired on a daily basis.

5. Eating healthy can improve you in everyway! Make sure you have a balanced diet, eating plenty of fruits and veggies!!

6.Use a frozen spoon!!  Put a spoon in the freezer for 10-15 minutes then take it out and cover the circles with it. Hold it there until the spoon is warm again.

Teen Talk Tuesday; Stress

So, I'm going to introduce something called 'teen talk Tuesday' where I'll be talking about teen related topics! Because I'm a teen (15) I find it easier to write about these things than other adult problems! Haha!
Today's topic is ... 'STRESS'

What is stress?
Everyone, get's stressed. Whether it is work related, school or even relationship stress -everyone experiences it! But What exactly is it? Stress which is also know as  the "flight or fight" response, increases our heartbeats, which then speeds our metabolism and heightens our awareness for things around us. Stress in small amounts can be good for us and our bodies. However if these stressful feeling  last for long periods of time,they can keep you in panic for too long.This then starts to affect us physically, mentally and emotionally.

How is it caused?
Stress can be caused by a numerous reasons, it really depends on the person it is happening to and how there body responds. What may be stressful for me, may not be stressful for you.

  • Family problems - these can include divorces that may be happening, deaths within the family or even money problems.
  • For many teens, moving into a new school can also cause stress
  • Difficulty in school - if a maybe have learning difficulties, or even stress over exams.
  • Friends - There may have been a fall out over friends, peer pressure or even at this age relationship problems.
  • Too Much - You may actually be doing more than you can cope with, too many actives at school or out of school, part time jobs and so on. 
  • Body Changes - this basically speaks for its self.
  • SLEEP! - Not having enough sleep can really affect you mentally and cause you problems and stress.
  • Future- You may be at the stage, where you have to decide/plan what you may be doing in the future.
Don't 'stress' though guys, there are many solutions and ways you can work around this..
  • Talk - Talking to your parents/friends/family or even teachers about what may be bothering you is the way to get started. By Talking to someone else and working out your problems will help reduce the built up tension you have inside. 
  • Relax - Find something you enjoy doing, even if it is just watching TV or watching YouTube videos. Your mind will become at rest and you don't have to worry about anything.
  • Be prepared - Don't wait until last minute to finish off projects, homework ect. this can cause you un-needed stress that you really don't need. Feeling prepared and ready for things can reduce lots of built up stress. 
  • Relaxation techniques - Techniques such as Breathing exercises or even meditation are great techniques for getting rid of the built up tension inside.