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International Swap with Mollie!

International Swap with Mollie

AHHHHHH! I am screaming with so much excitement right now and I have the biggest smile on my face, a while back now I found the lovely Mollie on instagram and she loved the look of something (i can't remember exactly) and from then on we started emailing back and forth and soon it came to April and we posted out our parcels!! We told each other any items that we were desperate to get our hands on, and also send some sweets because American Sweets are hard to get in the UK and vice versa. 
International Swap with Mollie
I am currently eating all these things at once because they are just too good, of all of them the Starburst jellybeans are my favourite - and the Reese's Egg is divine!!! I need to control how quickly I eat of all of this because you know summer body and all that...
International Swap with Mollie
The next thing I saw straight away was the Wet and Wild Eye-shadow this is a brand that I have always wanted to try out and more than anything the palettes because of the way it tells you where everything goes. This is in 'Walking on Eggshells' a colour that I have seen a lot of people talk and rave about before so I can't wait to get stuck in . Then something from ELF, I know this is a brand that you can get in the UK but everything i always want is always sold out which puts me off the brand, she was very kind enough to send the contouring blush and bronzer - one of the things on my list so thank you very much Mollie!!
International Swap with Mollie
I mean I really don't need any more lipsticks but if they are different to anything I own then why not have them! Almay is a brand I have never heard or used so I am super excited to use this liquid lipstick type thing and then a lipstick from Wet and Wild another item that is very hyped up in the beauty world - super excited!!
International Swap with Mollie
Now, she really has spoiled me! I have been wanting to try things from the brand Milani in forever and every time I see it on Ebay I am very very tempted but the shipping is more expensive than the product its self. Mollie very kindly sent me three products from the range, two eye shadows which I used yesterday and will feature them soon because they are awesome and a baked blush which is just INSANE. The pigmentation and the colour pay off is just amazing. THANK YOU SO MUCH MOLLIE! 

All in all, she has truly truly spoilt me rotten and I can't thank her enough! This was my first time doing a swap and it was hard because the post caused me a lot of trouble but in the end it went well. You should also check out Mollie on all her social networks and her YouTube Channel which is beyond amazing ... and her accent is so cute I am very jealous. She filmed the parcel I got her on her channel which you can find a link to HERE 

Blogmas Day 13 || Blogger Secret Santa Swap ♥

Hello! I recently took part in the #bloggersecretsanta hosted by Hayley over at Tea Party Beauty! And when everything was sorted I got matched up with Melissa from Shadow and Polish , I got the chance to pick out a few goodies for her and sent it out as a Christmas present! All this was organised by the amazing TeaPartyBeauty and all the matches got revealed and mine was Alex - thank you so much! Be sure to give both of these girls a nosy!
Blogger Secret Santa Swap
The box got me all excited for Christmas I couldn't wait to see what was inside! The piece of paper in the corner is a little note that she wrote for me!
Blogger Secret Santa Swap
A few yummy chocolates that have now been eaten and in my stomach, two perfume samples that will be going in my clutch when I got out. A cosmetic mirror which is something I was going to buy at the weekend but didn't and finally a pair of santa earrings which are adorable!
Blogger Secret Santa Swap
And now the beauty bits, the eye shadow trio on the side is such a pretty set and I can't wait to try it out! My first Revlon nail polish and I bloody love the colour - its bright and vibrant! An MUA lipstick in Shade 6 that I love and need a new one of, a never before tried heat spray that I can't wait to try out. And my favourite of the lot which is a loofah and the i love raspberry and blackberry soap that smells delicious!! 
So thank you to my secret santa for all of these lovely gifts you have made me a very happy girl!