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Showing posts with label subscription box. Show all posts

Powderbox: The Beauty Deals Site

I am not one for subscription boxes and never have been, the thought of being tied into something doesn't really appeal to me. But Powderbox is different and very much appeals to me and probably to you as well. When I posted over on instagram all about the brand and how it works, there was an overwhelming response and Powderbox lifted off.      

The Subscription Box For Students

Coming back to university after having so many months off can be very hard and tiring, it takes a while to get back into the routine of having to wake up early, attending lectures and of course feeding yourself on things other than just takeaways. Thanks to the wonderful creators behind The Unibox, students just like me and you have a subscription service that is perfect for us. This is the only service that is currently targeted just at students, and their mission is to give students a monthly pick me up without breaking the bank. Each box contains treats from food to practical things that are useful for everyday. I got the chance to review their Back to Uni box and here is what is inside...                  

Scenteor Perfume Subscription

Scenteor Perfume Subscription

''A woman who doesn't wear perfume, doesn't have a future'' - Coco Chanel. 
We all have a signature scent, man or woman there is always something we prefer to go for. But sometimes it is so overwhelming in a shop, because there are so many to choose from. Do you go for the expensive ones or the celebrity endorsed ones? Scenteor* make choosing a new perfume that little bit easier, its a subscription service that allows you to try before you buy. 

Wearing Food as Jewellery? Yes Please!

I love my food, I mean who doesn't? Today, my dreams are coming true, because I am finally able to actually wear items of food as jewellery!! The whole concept is mind blowing yes, but it is also truly amazing and why hasn't someone thought of this before? AlphabetSuitcase is a business run by twins Lucy and Jen, they put their passion for jewellery into motion by creating unique pieces that allows us all to share their love of design. 


Recently, they have started a subscription service and it is nothing like the typical ones that around this is a lot more different, current and new! The Knick Knack subscription boxes are a mystery to everyone and each month for only £20 you get sent various items of jewellery and accessories. Every month has a theme and this months is a Junk Food special (my favourite type of food!!!) so I was very excited to open it up and see what was inside.....SPOILER ALERT! 

Ahhh, how cute is everything that you see! Starting a the back in the left hand corner we have an ice cream necklace which is perfect for wearing in the summer with a white top and really lifts that pastel trend! Then next to that we have like a keyring cake which honestly makes you want to eat it when you look at it, full of 'cream' and strawberries on top, what more do you want! Then there is a Lip gloss Whoopie Pie which smells divine, I find it baffling how things can smell like they look and this is exactly what this is! Towards the front there is a selection of hair grips that you can add into your hair for a little bit of something different, I think that the little hotdog is the cutest thing ever. Then the best thing I have ever seen - burger earrings - i mean can you get anything better? These make me really hungry looking at them but I won't them don't worry!! 

All the pieces are very quirky and different to anything I have in my wardrobe at the moment and think that wearing these will make me look a little bit more fun! 

Want to get your hands on this AMAZING subscription box then head over HERE.


The Subscription Service for THAT time of the month!

teen parcel

Now then, things are going to get quite personal in today's post so to prepare you I warn you that this post is about a subscription service for THAT time of the month - in other words a box that comes to your door just before you're on your period or in my world my q's so no one will ever know! Beauty boxes have become so bug and I know for some teens out there that are just like me buying them can be quite expensive and sometimes not to want we want is inside it. Now, welcome to the new Teen Parcel for all of us teens out there that are going through our periods or if you are about to start then this box is everything you need to survive. 

teen parcel

teen parcel
The box comes through you're letter box and it 's all pretty and pink which is such a girl colour! inside the box there is various little boxes inside filled with different things for you! In this box tere is a little sample of body lotion which by the way smells amazing and feels super soft. 

teen parcel

As you can see, there is four different things inside the parcel...below I am going to talk through each one there is one 'for you, two for later and then a little handbag hero'.
How it Works? 
Its super simple and easy to navigate around the site, all you do is tell them you're favourite brand - choice between the famous ones! Then you select you're dates, now if you're like me and very irregular then it's not to worry as you can change and edit you're dates. You'll then get the parcel 3-5 days before getting you prepared and ready!

teen parcel

teen parcel

The 'For Later' and little 'For Now' parcels include tampons. There is enough in here to last you, you're entire period from start to finish depending on how long you're periods last for. I love the idea of the little bag it's great for keeping with you at school/when you're out and even at work. The boxes are also great to keep in you're room as they don't look as obvious as wrapping you get in the shop and can be hidden away from someone's eyes. To find out more about how the box works then click here to find out more!

teen parcel

Now for my favourite part of the box! Teen Parcel work with lot's of different brands to bring you a little treat every month that is perfect and very relaxing. In this box I got a Clean and Clear Cleanser, Moisturiser and Spot treatment - How Amazing? The range is so expensive and you're getting it in this box for a lot cheaper! I also got a packet of Haribo's, a bracelet and then a sample of some Tea Pigs tea which I have been dying to try out for the longest time along with a nail polish from BINKY London which is a gorgeous blue sparkly colour! 

The best part is that this box is only £9.95 with you're first one being £5.95! I love this concept of the box and the way it works, for all you out there who are scared of starting or get scared then this box will make life a lot easier and make it seem like the best thing ever! Because let's all admit that being on your period SUCKS and its  the worst thing ever and I am sure we have all had our fair share of problems with them but this box will seriously change you're world. Be sure to check out the Teen Parcel Website HERE and if you fancy it Subscribe! 

*this box was sent to me for review purposes, all opinions are my own*

Glossybox May 2014: 50 Years of Superdrug.

Glossybox May 2014: 50 Years of Superdrug.
I was am currently very giddy whilst writing this post, with a pack of Oreo's by my side I have never been happier. The news broke out the other week that for May's Glossybox they would be pairing up with Superdrug - who are celebrating their 50th Birthday! I love Superdrug and have not tried out Glossybox before I thought this would be the perfect chance! I am still in debate whether or not to keep the subscription on or whether to just pay when I like the box that month?! I did only one of Birchbox to test it we go!
This box was filled with lots of goodies including samples, and then full sized products! Super impressed! 
Glossybox May 2014: 50 Years of Superdrug.
Simple Illuminating Skin Cream -£.8.99  // I was going to buy this cream the other day and I didn't and its a good job I didn't. I am so excited to try this and will have a full review soon, because I practically love anything from Simple!
Eylure Lashes - £5.35 // I am not the biggest fan of false lashes and don't wear them and probably never will because I am very scared but I will give these to someone who will most probably wear them. 

2True 3D Nail Candy - £ 3.00 // This was an unusual thing to get in the box but I am excited to use, these are like the Ciate beads they bought out a while back and was a big summer trend! I like 2True as a brand - cheap, affordable and most of the time good quality.

Collection Bronzer Glow Mosaic - £2.99 // The search for a new bronzer ends here! I have been on a search for weeks to find a new bronzer that I can wear in the summer that's not too muddy and awful on someone with dark skin. I never even thought of looking at Collection and Hey Presto! My wishes were granted!

B. Sheer Conditioning Lipstick in Petal - £6.99 (on offer for £3.49) // New brand to me but fairly old in Superdrug. This brand has a lot of things on offer and my local Superdrug doesn't stock B. which is a shame because this lipstick is really nice. I love the colour for everyday and something to throw on in a hurry. 

Ghost Eclipse & Garnier Oil Infused Lotion Samples // These are bonus samples and I think they add a cute touch to the box, the perfume smells summery and the oil sounds really interesting.

Overall - REALLY REALLY IMPRESSED! I am quite surprised that this box was as good as it sounds, I will see whether Glossybox deserves to be subscribed to for another month, will have to wait and see! 
Total of this Box - Over £27 which is nearly at £30 but I bought it for £10! Wow!

Birchbox September Box ♥

I don't usually order these beaut boxes as I don't like committing to these boxes in-case I don't like the products and then I have just wasted my money; if you get my point! However, with that been said I found a discount code on twitter that meant I would only get this months box for only £5!! What a deal that is, so thank you to lovely twitter follower for that one! I didn't really read much into the products I would hopefully be getting in the box as I wanted it to be a surprise. And I was surprised and over the moon!

Birchbox September Box

Birchbox September Box

First up the body and skin care stuff! First is the molton and brown body lotion, and a body gel both of which have fragrance in them which means I have to be careful using them as I have very sensitive skin! And finally, the most exciting of them all. A mini bioderma, this must be the most raved about thing on you tube and I have always wanted to try it and now is my chance. This is a mini version but if I like it then I will be buying more of the amazing products - so lets hope the best.
Birchbox September Box

No beauty box is one without a nail polish and this is the perfect deep plum colour for this time of year, this purple is amazing and I will be using it very soon. Next is a nude, pink lipstick and I love the packaging of this lipstick and having already used it the formula is amazing. Oh and  cheeky little green and blacks white chocolate sample which is eaten up and in my stomach already.
Birchbox September Box
Birchbox September Box

I don't know about you, but this box has one me over. I have cancelled the subscription as I want to try all the other ones, before I commit so let me know which I should try out next!