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Showing posts with label student. Show all posts

How to Fit All Your Stuff Into Your Student Room

Student accommodation is notoriously tiny. University halls of residence can be especially small, so getting living space in halls is a bit of a mixed blessing. On one hand you’ll be right there on campus and have a lockable door of your own, but on the other hand your space is really cramped.
Image result for uni room
credit pinterest

5 Work Life Balance Tips

Since starting my full time teaching job last September, it has become really important to maintain some sort of 'work, life balance'. Which means having days where I just switch off, evenings where I do nothing and days where I don't stress about the little things. With teaching, there is a tendancy of doing more work than you need to, and trying to stay ahead of them game - when truthfully, that just can't happen. I pushed myself a lot in the first half term and it was draning, both physically and mentally. Its a job that I enjoy, I shouldn't be hating the work life. These are some of the things I've learnt to do along the way; to help with having a life and working at the same time.
work life balance tips

How To Use A Credit Card Well | Money Tips

Money is a big topic. Especially as a student, it’s vitally important to budget, think about finances and plan how you use your money. Whatever your priorities, there are different ways that you can afford to do the things you love, including credit cards. They can be a scary prospect, but used well they’re a really powerful financial tool that can actually help you both now and in the future.

I’ve teamed up with, experts in money and short term loans, to bring you this guide on using a credit card well.

Use a Credit Card Well

Boohoo for Students

Boohoo is the ideal place for students at the moment, they not only offer some amazing clothes but they have so many deals just for students. They recently got in contact with me to tell me all about their newly launched Student Hub! It is the one place for everything you need to keep your wardrobe up to date this new academic year, from shoes to bags - there is everything on the site. Its so easy to navigate through and you are bound to find something that catches your eye. 
boohoo meal deal

The Subscription Box For Students

Coming back to university after having so many months off can be very hard and tiring, it takes a while to get back into the routine of having to wake up early, attending lectures and of course feeding yourself on things other than just takeaways. Thanks to the wonderful creators behind The Unibox, students just like me and you have a subscription service that is perfect for us. This is the only service that is currently targeted just at students, and their mission is to give students a monthly pick me up without breaking the bank. Each box contains treats from food to practical things that are useful for everyday. I got the chance to review their Back to Uni box and here is what is inside...                  

Style on a Budget

Today we are talking all about student style, as a student I have two moods. The lazy mood where I will throw the first thing I see on, then the effort mood, where I put thought into my outtfit and make sure I look the  part. Dressing as a student doesn't have to be difficult and to make it easier PrettyLittleThing have a dedicated page on their site for every outfit you ever need. Both of these can be worn so many different ways and are perfect to take you from summer to winter.

 Thanks to the lovely Laura from Laura Haley Photography, we have lots of outfit posts coming up and I hope that this is the start for them being more frequent and of high quality. Do you remember the days where mirror pictures were on my blog - gone were those days and here come the professional ones. Laura is the best to shoot with if you are around the Leeds area, she is so accomodating and comfortable to be around. Check out her facebook page here! 


Tips for Saving Money on Weekly Food Shopping

Tips for Saving Money on Weekly Food Shopping

Your shopping budget can get a little out of hand during the weekly supermarket tour. The thing that makes it worse is when you‘re so hungry that you want to jump on the first food item you see. We interviewed the top frugal lifestyle bloggers from the U.K to give some insights on saving money while shopping for food. We also talked about the techniques that our readers can utilize to save all the food that goes to waste. We were able to gather some interesting information that we have compiled below.

RefMe: Referencing Made Easy


As you go through your school year essay writing becomes a chore and something that no one likes to do no matter how 'fun' you try and make it. Long nights and stressful deadlines don't help either and the worst thing is when you have to reference the entire thing, me being me always forgets to reference as I go along. This is mainly because there are so many different way to reference which way is the right way!!! Where do what go? What do you include? Well, now all of our problems when it comes to referencing has come to end all thank you to this amazing site called 'RefMe' the app and website that allows to you to scan and create your references and bibliography. All you have to do is sign up and your done! As an example I have used my ongoing A2 English Coursework Piece..

This site it's self is pretty self explanatory, everything is clear to see and the method of inputting each reference is easy as well. If you have several essays on the go at the same time you can split it up into different titles and that won't get you confused either, I titled the first one I created for my A2 English Investigation Coursework. After that I went on to start adding the sources that I used, the first thing I added was a website and it found all the information from the article straight away, the date I went on it, the author everything. 
If you use books the site enables you to just search for the author or the title and then finds all the details, this is the greatest benefit of the entire site in my opinion. Because it saves you having to find all the details manually and write each section up. Another benefit is that there seems to be a whole library full of resources built into their system so if there is a piece of information you can't remember then this will do the work for you. 
Not only is there a lot of resources buy also it allows you to reference anything whether it is just a chapter, a speech, a song or even a map the resources that sometimes make it difficult to write a final bibliography. 
Once everything is into the system you just have to click export and you have all your bibliographies and references at your hand. 
Don't you just love it when sites like also come in app form? The app is available on both Google Play and iTunes and allows you to sync it with anything you do on the website. That way if the savvy student inside you finds something when you aren't near a computer or even you can scan it and then research it later. Genius,

This whole process has been simple and quick, from finding the resource I needed to use to exporting it out into the document of my essay. Compared to any programme like Microsoft Word this is something more. 

If you are currently sat there kicking yourself because you had no idea as to why you haven't used this before or even heard of this then now is your chance to change everything around and start using it! Let me know if you do, because for me it is a life changer and saver! 

*this is a collaboration with RefMe, all opinions as always are my own,read my full disclaimer here*