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Chroma Notebook||Review

Since starting my A-Levels I have actually become a stationery addict. I gravitate towards anything that looks pretty and cute. It takes me a while to actually use anything as I want to keep it nice and neat. But finding the perfect notebook can be difficult as you want to have something with good quality but don't want to be paying a ridiculous price for it! That's where I discovered Chroma. Which is a new established brand that has created a range of different high quality notebooks without making you spend lots of money!
There notebooks come wrapped up in a little parcel and do exactly what they are meant to. Be a notebook. Chroma is a brand that is all about colour, different ones that trigger different emotions and memories that you have created. There is a whole range of different colours that you can pick from, I went with 'Amy' a beautiful pink colour along with silver initials on the front. 
I have fallen in love with the colour, the design and the quality of the notebook. It came to my house super quick and I couldn't wait to start using it! You are able to pick from so many different colours you might actually struggle but when you do choose in the end you can pick what initials you want on the front, I think your name is the best option!
They retail for under £10 and delivery is also super cheap! You also have the option of having either a plain or lined notebook, I went with lined!
Lined - £6.50
To find out more about Chroma and to order your self one - 


The Essentials; Desk ♥

After my post on what I keep by my beside, which you can read here...I decided to do a desk version along with a few more coming up in the next few weeks all under the title 'The Essentials..'. Taking you around the most important parts of my desk (not the messy parts)
The Essentials; Desk
Here is a birds eye view of my desk, it is from Ikea and comes in many other colours as well as white, I like this one as you can see that it has different sections and I like to be a organised freak and keep everything sectioned up. I won't be showing you the draw on the left and the cupboard underneath as it is a state full of school stuff! 

The Essentials; Desk
Here is a birds eye view of the top of my desk, which is where all the 'magic' happens! I sit here and blog, write, read as well as do all my homework therefore I keep it as tidy as I can so that everything is at hand. My desk is also the first thing you kind of see when you enter my room so I like it to look pretty and cute! 
The Essentials; Desk
Let's start on the left hand side, I have this lamp from Ikea that I love switching on at night as it lights up my room. I received this beautiful mask from a good friend and it fits my whole room colour scheme of 'purple', this is standing on a plate that I decorated when I was very young! The owl ornament is something I bought at Christmas time from Store Twenty One and love how scary and pretty it looks at the same time, it used to be to hold down some papers but now I love it on its own. Next to this small but deadly owl is a pack of sticky notes, which are a absolute life saver in my opinion. There are a endless list of things you can do with them such as writing down things you need to remember to do, or even write a motivational quote down and then read it when you are working. 
The photo frame to the side of this, is of me and my bestie Aamira from prom that she got for me for Christmas and I love having on my desk as it constantly makes me smile! 
The Essentials; Desk
Then we move to the centre part of my desk, where I have my laptop - or in other words my life. Without this little heavy, hot machinery I would not be able to survive. I am always needing it to do some blogging, homework, or even just browsing the internet. Next to it I have a Pukka Pad I am a list making freak and having this by my side is great as I can write down any tasks I need to do, or even any ideas that I have when it comes to blogging. 
The Essentials; Desk
As we move towards the right of my desk, we have the cute section in my opinion. I have some highlighters as I am always needing them for revision or even note taking as it makes everything look a lot more comfortable!  On top of that I have a small notepad that is the easiest thing I have ever discovered, thanks to this I can now carry something around in all of my bags so if I ever remember anything, it is easier to note things down. Then we have a big pot of Cadbury's hot chocolate; which it just a guilty pleasure of mine. I have recently been loving to have a cup of hot coca with some cream and it keeps me going when I am hard at work.
The Essentials; Desk
Then on top of the treat box, I have a plant pot from Ikea that I have decided to use for something else as it is such a multi functional product. I currently have another for lip glosses and in this one I store some paper clips, rubber bands, biro pens and a memory stick for all my school work - which makes life easier as I am always needing to save work. 
The Essentials; Desk
This draw is the one I use the most and is the tidiest of them all. In here I keep my purse, phone, cables and little bits of pieces. As well as some cheeky chocolate to have with that cup of hot chocolate after a long night. I like to keep my desk as organised as I can so that it is easier to find things when I need them. 

To buy all off my essentials, be sure to check out Viking where you can buy everything you need to give your desk a makeover and even colour co-ordinate everything! 

Hope you enjoyed this post and look out for more posts like this! 

*post in collaboration with Viking-

Two Little Birdies || Review ♥

When I got the chance to be able to review this lovely notebook I couldn't refuse the amazing offer! This 'very special notebook' from Two Little Birdies is so cute and to be fair so are all of their products they have available!
Two Little Birdies
When I opened the parcel it was wrapped up with a cute little rope bow and a tag! I was in awe at how pretty they had made their packaging! I opened it up so carefully because I like to keep things like this safely, and when I did unwrap it I couldn't believe how adorable the actual notebook was! 
The products on their site are all from new talented people and they truly believe in british desginers and many of their things are made right in our country!
Two Little BirdiesTwo Little Birdies

I have now officially names this notebook my 'blogging notebook' where all my ideas and brain storms will be jotted down. The top right hand corner has a list of the days of the week, so I can also write down a to-do list for each week to keep me on top of things. I love the feel and rustic look of this notebook, as it is different to anything and everything I have ever bought. 
Two Little Birdies

*pr sample

Back2School Stationery Haul ♥

We are well and truly all into the swing of going back to school, and at the end of every august every year everyone goes shopping for stationery! I left mine until just recently as I wanted to know for sure what I was needed to take to sixth form, here are the little goodies I picked up on a trip!
Back2School Stationery Haul

Back2School Stationery Haul

The most important things that I needed to get were ring binders, this makes filing and organising your work so much easier to do! I bought them in different colours so that each subject can have a different file. They were also on offer so that was a bonus! 
I also bough a mini Pukka Pad that comes with a planner built in, not only is this great to doodle, note things down but you can also add your timetable and important dates in the front. I also like that these pads enable you to move the dividers around and make them where you want them to go. A small jotter to note things down in one of my subjects as I don't need a folder, instead I can just use this when I really need it.
The spotty notepad is my fav,and I was really disappointed to see that they didn't have it in any other colours so instead I had to get the boring red one! Oh well.. I also bought some highlighters as I find them so helpful in my work and revision notes because it tells me the most important things I need to learn.