I am loving this Spring season. Compared to last year, when we were in the first lockdown, this one has a lot more benefits and positives. It also given me a chance to change my beauty routine for the season. When I was indoors all the time last year, I didn't really bother but this time of year from April to June is my favourite!
Showing posts with label spring. Show all posts
Spring Beauty Transition
Thursday, April 8
simple spring look,
Welcoming Spring
Wednesday, March 3
The past week has got me so excited for the next few months. As we enter into the wonderful month of March, let's hope its a better one that last year! With the sunshine making more of an appearance too, it really does boost everyone's mood and motivation. I spent some time at the weekend getting out some more bright knits and floral tops and giving my toenails for love before it officially becomes sandal season!
I've also had a slight reset and refresh to my beauty routine and wardrobe to make room for the more warm tones and bright pops of colour.. let's take a peek inside...
simple spring look,
spring nails
7 reasons why I LOVE Spring
Saturday, March 9
Birds singing, lighter mornings, the sight of lambs and baby chicks, Spring flowers and of course a new Spring wardrobe. There’s so much that Spring has to offer. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the summer time, with those seemingly endless days of glorious sunshine, and I enjoy everything that Autumn has to offer, from the colours and bonfires and the beautiful sights and smells, and Winter of course means the Festive season is upon us!
But Spring also has so much to offer, from gorgeous flowers to the latest celebrity gatherings like Met Gala, and to show just what you have to look forward to, I’ve rounded up 7 reasons why I LOVE Spring!
Spring Instagram Ideas
Tuesday, May 15
Ahh Instagram... the platform that promises so much but delivers nothing. At the moment, I am finding it really hard to grow on the gram and I think a lot of others are too. However, I am not letting this get me down, and this month have committed myself to thinking about the platform positively. This means posting when I feel like it, posting what I want to and making sure that I am happy with the content. See a trend with all of this? Its all about me. Your instagram feed should be for you and no one else, post what you like who cares! This post, is a little list and a few ideas about what you could post if you are having a bit of a creative block.

blogging on a budget,
Spring Trilogy: Fashion
Saturday, May 12
Welcome to the final part of this spring series! I have had so much fun putting together beauty, skincare and now fashion. I'm hoping to do one in the summer too and then the rest of the seasons because why not. This seasons trends are bit everywhere, I can't seem to quite understand them but these outfits follow some of the things that are big now or will be big as the months go on this year. Spring is all about dressing pretty, flowery and having clothes that feel light and very floaty - if that makes sense. Whether this be a maxi skirt, custom vest tops or even sandals.
Spring Trilogy: Beauty
Thursday, May 3
Last week, we covered my top picks for Spring Skincare and this week we move on to beauty. This includes everything from lip balm to nail polish. I think this is a lovely time of year to make little changes in your makeup routine but not too many. The products that I have picked are ones that will see me through the next few months but are still quite subtle.
Spring Trilogy: Skincare
Thursday, April 26
Welcome to my Spring Trilogy series! This year for each season I thought it would be fun to share my favourite skincare, makeup and fashion products in a weekly series themed post. I love the way the seasons make us change our everyday habits and these posts are almost a way of sharing my favourites and must haves for the changes in seasons. Kicking things off today with skincare, my routine it becoming a lot more focused on removing dry skin and combating oil at the moment rather than controlling breakouts. It has meant that my entire routine has had a shift around and new products have come into the mix.
Winter to Spring Fashion
Tuesday, February 20
I don't know about anyone else but I am finding it really hard at the moment to know what to wear. One day its sunny the next its snowing (no joke) but I finally have some key pieces in my wardrobe. These pieces are going to be perfect for taking my style from winter to spring without having to invest in a whole new wardrobe. They also aren't that expensive and can be worn so many different ways I will be living in the same outfits for the next few months.
If Money Was No Object
Thursday, April 27
The sun keeps gracing us with its presence and I am not prepared at all. My wardrobe is still full of jumpers and leggings, my makeup is still all deep toned and heavy. It is now time for a refresh and update to everything and anything. Wishlists aren't something I usually post but something inspired me to take all my browsing history over the past few days into a post and talk about what has been on my eye.
Breaking Stereotypes
Thursday, April 20
The weather in the UK has been bloody fabulous these past few weeks, when the sun makes an appearance so do all the British people! We're like bees! To make the most of the spring weather, I took the opportunity to meet up with Aamira one week and shot lots of gorgeous pictures. That girl knows Liverpool like the back of her hand and found the most gorgeous location. It worked perfectly with this floral outfit! Expect to see other outfits over the next few weeks.
The Beauty Edit with John Lewis
Saturday, March 18
At the moment my university timetable is a little all over the place, we are due to go out for placement next month so it is a long wait ahead. My placement will be over the summer term, which I couldn't be more excited for! The weather will hopefully be better so I can take the children outside as well as have the chance to wear pretty floral dresses and ballet shoes. As it will be during the summer, my makeup needs to be long lasting and fresh. John Lewis have recently launched their Beauty Edit: Artistry which is a collection of products perfect for that fresh and summery look.
Getting Ready For Spring
Thursday, February 23
This post is not appropriate at the moment with Storm Doris happening in the UK, my clothes are soaking wet through and my hair has battled through the wind but I can't be the only one that is loving the brighter mornings and evenings? There's something about light when you wake up or go home that gives you this boost of motivation, compared to the dark that makes you want to cosy up in bed and do nothing, even though this does sound very nice. As we come to the end of February (CRAZY!) and the start of spring is around the middle of March its time to switch things up and get ready for the bright colours, pastels and gorgeous flowers.
Welcoming Spring
Tuesday, April 26
Guess what? I have an item in my wardrobe that isn't jeans, black or stripey! I am very happy that the weather in the UK has changed for the better and its time for me to wear more dresses and then eventually get my legs out -AHHH!
This gorgeous number is the Boutique of Molly Nadia Dress* (£29.95), it is a bright floral pint dress that to me screams like a Hawaiian themed party or a day on the beach. It is a very different dress to what I thought initially, it is actually feels like a swimming costume? Very odd I know but its so comfortable to wear and holds my tummy in.
I absolutely love the small details on clothes from BOM, on this dress I love the high neck and cut out detail on the front. It adds a chic elegance to the dress and makes it easier to wear less jewellery!
Another gorgeous piece added to my collection! I am in need of my spring and bright clothes, recommendations are welcome!
Boutique of Molly Nadia Dress,
Nails of the moment #3
Tuesday, April 5
The other week I went back to have my nails done, it had already been a month and they desperately needed doing. It's so exciting going as well, it relaxes me and makes me feel better! It is spring so I wanted a bright colour, but I ended up going for a rosy pink colour as it was the first colour that I saw.
Krisp Wishlist
Wednesday, March 23
Another fashion post? I'm on a roll. As I keep saying my wardrobe needs a major update, I went shopping at the weekend but nothing seems to either fit or look nice on me. Enter Krisp, an online store that brings you all the latest trends for a affordable price. Sounds a bit like heaven doesn't it? I wanted to buy everything when I went on their site but the bank says noooo. Here is a wishlist of items that I love!

simple spring look,
Spring into Spring
Monday, March 21
Spring is finally here and I couldn't be more excited! All the pretty flowers, pastels and of course brighter days and longer nights! It is also time to update my wardrobe, put all the wooly jumpers in a box to hide and bring out the patterned tops and of course dresses. Don't quite think my legs are ready for it though oops. This post is going to be all about my ideal spring outfit featuring gorgeous pieces from Farfetch.com, as part of a competition! I also went for a bit of a theme as well as it been focused on spring, I thought something for a date night with your other half or your best friends! Not too fancy but very glamorous.
simple spring look,
Trending Now: Key Pieces For Spring
Thursday, March 10
Are you wondering what the upcoming spring has installed for us this year? What fashion items are going to rock this season and how to create a perfect spring look that will leave everybody speechless? Well, we are here to help you choose some of the best garments that are going to mark this spring season. So if you wish to dress up and make a statement, then you simply must consider some of these items:
Spring Wardrobe Essentials For The Savvy Shopper
Friday, February 19
It’s cold at the moment. But naturally as we leave February behind and enter into the months of spring, I am thinking about my wardrobe. I want to update some of my everyday looks for the nicer weather ahead. But I don’t want to spend a lot of money doing it.
I love to look and feel good but spring can have a lot of unpredictable weather. One minute it could be raining and then the next sunny and beautiful. It’s essential to have a wardrobe that can go from one extreme to the other. But I also need to buy key pieces that can be worn with each other and in different ways. Here are my essentials to cover all the weather aspects of spring.
Welcoming Spring
Tuesday, May 26
Hello Spring 🌸 by far my favourite season after all the rest of course, I love the warm but not hot and sweaty weather, pretty pastels and rose gold everything because it shines in the sunlight. If the weather stays like this in the UK for a lot longer then everyone's happy mood will last longer. Today's face of the day/what's on my face (whatever you want to call it) is inspired by the lovely weather outside and my happier mood, it's not very bright more rose gold and pretty!
For the base for which I used the +L'Oréal Paris UK & Ireland Infallible Matte , don't let the matte put you off as it leaves a nice sheen on your face that lasts all day. Followed by the +Makeup Revolution Protection Palette which contains three concealers for covering everything. The lightest is perfect for scarring, middle one for under the eyes and the dark one for spots. The texture of them is like jelly like but soft to blend in and the coverage is amazing, such a shame that you can't buy them on their own. Now that it is warmer I prefer having bronze skin. Not the best person to tell you how to contour or bronze the right way but if you are a beginner like me then try out the blush stick, easy. And the protection palette has a blush, bronzer, highlighter that are all amazing too. Finishing it all off with Rimmel +RimmelLondon Stay Matte Powder.
See my recent MR Haul (here)
For the eyes I kept it very simple but rose gold with the Pure Cult Palette I used the 1st, 3rd, and 4th shadow on the top row and then the third one on the bottom row to just darken it up a little bit. For the price this palette is truly amazing and the lousy brush isn't that bad either. Still madly in love with +Benefit Cosmetics UK & Ireland Roller Lash because it just makes my eyes look wide awake and coat my lashes to make them longer.
This is my current go to and favourite nude lip combo, these three together are a perfect sandwich. First up one of two liners from Primark out of the both of them this nude one is by far the one I love using because it's my lip colour but better! The other one I got was the red one which isn't getting as much use yet as it should do (here). Followed up with Eva's Nude the best one for me from the range as it isn't too pink and has more cool tones it it and then finally finishing it off with +Tanya Burr Lipgloss in Chic that I only got recently because I love it when she wears it and now I love wearing it as well!
Woah that was a long post, I hope you enjoyed this spring inspired makeup look! I would love to know what products you are loving at the moment and also any brighter lip options...
face of the day,
simple spring look,
whats on my face
Spring/Summer Nail Edit '15
Tuesday, April 14
Oh BarryM, stop stealing my heart every so often with a new release. When I heard that they were brining out a range called 'Speedy' and it guaranteed to dry instantly? I was hooked. I waited a little while after they got released to see what other people thought of them, and then afterwards I popped into Superdrug and they were on offer for 2 for £7 - I basically couldn't resist and ended up buying 4, my favourite four shades. The shades I picked up, are ones that I think will be perfect for the spring and summer, they are bold and bright!
2015. barrym,
nails of the day,
spring nails,
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