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Showing posts with label school makeup everyday. Show all posts

Everyday Makeup

The products that I use on a daily basis, have their own place in my makeup dresser. They sort of just sit together, so I can grab them at any point in the morning, without having to worry or look for them. I honestly thought this year would be the year I experiment more with the products I use and change them in rotation but I can't help but just use the same things over and over again - I only use these because they are what I trust.                                              

Five Minutes? Slap everything on and RUN

I am not lying when I tell you that having more sleep is my preferred option then having more time,  to put my face together. Why? Because I need sleep and need to stay awake through the whole day! I spent ages planning out this blog post and the title, because at first it was going to be the Morning Face, but to be honest its more what the title says now #slapandrunface. These are the products that I reach for instantly so that I still look half decent. 

Five Minute Face