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Revision Essentials

Revision Essentials

It's currently exam season and millions of us out there are going through thousands of emotions, I am one of those and am taking a break from the world of blogging but I have a few posts ready and waiting for you so don't worry about it. Today, I am talking about the essentials you need when revising from stationary to food!

Revision Essentials
First thing that everyone has to have a stash of is colourful things, fine liners are my number one friend you have a range of colours that allow you to make notes in different colours and it makes it easier to see what notes are where so you know what to look at in a rush. Let's be honest they also make everything look really pretty. Something that I have also been doing quite recently is starting to use post it notes the square form and the little strip ones that come in a dispenser like mine or on a pad, they allow you to write small prompts and add on notes to your current notes. Highlighters are also amazing if you want to make certain things stand out to you, like formulas and definitions. 

Revision Essentials

Then we have the notebooks my favourite thing to buy (I'm a stationary geek), these basic ones are from Tesco a great place to buy all things pretty and simple. For £2 you can get the normal notebooks in different colours, I opted for a black and bright pink so that I can organise notes by units, one for unit 1 and 2 and the other for 3 and 4! The other style of notebooks that are great for revising are the project books that come with dividers inside, each section enables you to split your notes up into different categories or sub topics - this will make life a lot easier. 

Brain Food + Breaks
When you are revising it is vital that you make time to have a break, whether this is every hour or every 20 minutes go out of the room and give yourself a breather. You won't be able to concentrate for a long period of time and also try not to keep yourself trapped in one room for the entire time because trust me you will get bored. 
Keep some snacks by your side as well in case you feel pekish, It is really had to avoid the 'bad food' like chocolate and crisps but try to eat more healthier stuff like fruit (buy the pre cut packets from the supermarkets which will make it much easier!) and nuts which are the best thing for your brain. Also drink plenty and plenty of WATER! 

Good Luck if you have any exams coming up! 

Five Minutes? Slap everything on and RUN

I am not lying when I tell you that having more sleep is my preferred option then having more time,  to put my face together. Why? Because I need sleep and need to stay awake through the whole day! I spent ages planning out this blog post and the title, because at first it was going to be the Morning Face, but to be honest its more what the title says now #slapandrunface. These are the products that I reach for instantly so that I still look half decent. 

Five Minute Face

Tips for Balancing School Life+Blogging!

You're currently reading this post as I sit one of my AS Level Exams! As a full time student that has gone through her GCSE's and now doing her A-Levels I can tell you that it is easy to manage your school/work life with your blogging life. It sounds hard and complicated but trust me, you can do it and here are a few of my tips and tricks. 
It sounds so obvious, but yet so many people forget. You need to be on top of your game to manage a blog and your school work. Take time to think about blog posts that you want to make, I tend to get ideas in lessons and quickly write them down on my hand to go home and write down correctly - this way you won't get 'writers block'. If you know when things need to be handed in at school, make sure you get posts written before the deadline so that you can focus on the work at school rather than sit writing a blog post. 
I tend to spend a Saturday at the end/start of the month taking lots of photos of products ect that I know I want to get up soon. I like to do this because my mind is a at rest. Save them in a folder on your computer so you know you have them. This means you have photo's ready to use when you decide to write a post, and you can still take photos whenever you want - its just easier to have some stored. Weekends are the best time to blog in my opinion, with homework that might need to be in the next day you find it difficult to write and study at the same time. Take a Saturday morning to spend a few hours writing up posts and scheduling them to upload whenever you want them to. Makes life easier, that's what I do - for example I am writing this post in April and you're seeing it in May!
If you can't get a post up then don't worry, you aren't hurting anyone by not posting on a certain week or day. Take a break and post when you feel ready and take your time writing; the last thing you want is to be writing a post when you are super stressed or worried. It doesn't matter if your blog is as perfect as someone else's or you don't have a review about a product that another blog has, as long as you are enjoying blogging and doing what you're doing then leave it be. Your blog shines in its own way. 

Only a few tips and tricks can help you a lot, and I still find it hard to manage both but find your own way. Let me know your ways!

Collective Beauty Haul #3 ft Primark,Yankee + More! ♥

Primark,Yankee + More!
Another month, another haul. Quick fact here - I bought this all that is pictured in the first image at the beginning of September and some in the end of late august...however I may have had to buy a few other things later in the month so they are down at the bottom. This is a range of different things and I think I need to go on a spending ban, this is just got out of control. 
Primark,Yankee + More!

Primark,Yankee + More!

First stop as usual was Primark! I needed a few more basic and simple tops/jumpers for school and only ended up buying 2 to see how they go. The first is one of there basic long sleeve t-shirts in blue and white, these are great to just wear in the winter with a cardigan and jeans. I also bought a thin jumper from there basics range, to test it out and see how it feels in the colder months - there were a few colours but the purple stood out to me. I always seem to be buying make up wipes,but I go through them so quickly that I would rather just buy them whenever I can and have them in back up as such. I can always guarantee on Primark to have wipes on offer and these exfoliating with cucumber were only a £1 and I just couldn't resist! Every time I go in to the store I spot the nail art pens and when they they had a big red sticker that said £1 on I just grabbed them and bought them. I have also lost my handbag mirror so I bought my self a simple one that I can keep with me from now on. I only seem to have big chunky bracelets in my cupboard, so when I saw these simple and small ones I thought that they would be great to stack and wear just like that. Finally, a bought a set of silver rings as it has the cutest little silver bow ring and a dupe that is similar to pandora rings you can get. 

Primark,Yankee + More!

Superdrug is so close to me now when I am at school, that I just can't help but go in for a browse. Late August I bought 5 of the baby lips which you can read more about here. I also finally bought an MUA Power Pout, these are just the cheaper versions of all them lip gloss things that are out there and I got the shade 'Crazy In Love' which you can also read more about here. Then I found these two nail polishes that are amazing colours for the autumn/winter time as they are deep and just lovely. 

Primark,Yankee + More!
A few random purchases here! I had the chance of trying Wonka Nerds a few months ago and have been on the hunt for them ever since, when we found out that a local sweet shop stocked them as well as other american food goodies I bought two boxes which will keep me going for a while now. If you have never tried these; then I highly recommend them! Ever since I browsed the Yankee Candle website the other day I have wanted to buy these two tarts so bad..I usually buy the tarts from Yankee as a test to see whether or not I like them and then work my way up the candle ladder as such. Both 'Salted Caramel' and 'Vanilla Chai' have been burned and both smell amazing.. I will be buying the samplers next and a little tub too. 

And just like I expected, I have bought a few more items! I popped back in to Yankee Candle and bought some more tarts and samplers to last me right up until Christmas! They always seem to have a basket full of goodies of the scents that they have now discontinued and one of my favs 'Strawberry Buttercream' was in that bit, so I picked that up. Then the other sampler I got was 'Christmas Eve' for that day as I love the smell! And then for tarts I bought 'Fireside Treats' which just smells all warm and cosy and one of their newer scents 'Snowflake Cookie' if I love this then I will be buying the jar and so far it smells amazing.
Primark,Yankee + More!
I then did a quick shop in Store Twenty One as it is very near to me, they don't usually have the greatest of clothes their however everything else seems to be amazing at this time of year! I bought two scarves as they were buy one get one half price, one is a butterfly print and the other is a Christmas print for the late winter season. I also saw this cute ornament of an owl that I have put on the top of my books on my desk and it looks so cute, and is my new best friend!
Primark,Yankee + More!

Primark,Yankee + More!

That's is for this month, don't expect one next month as I need to stop spending money!!

Back2School Stationery Haul ♥

We are well and truly all into the swing of going back to school, and at the end of every august every year everyone goes shopping for stationery! I left mine until just recently as I wanted to know for sure what I was needed to take to sixth form, here are the little goodies I picked up on a trip!
Back2School Stationery Haul

Back2School Stationery Haul

The most important things that I needed to get were ring binders, this makes filing and organising your work so much easier to do! I bought them in different colours so that each subject can have a different file. They were also on offer so that was a bonus! 
I also bough a mini Pukka Pad that comes with a planner built in, not only is this great to doodle, note things down but you can also add your timetable and important dates in the front. I also like that these pads enable you to move the dividers around and make them where you want them to go. A small jotter to note things down in one of my subjects as I don't need a folder, instead I can just use this when I really need it.
The spotty notepad is my fav,and I was really disappointed to see that they didn't have it in any other colours so instead I had to get the boring red one! Oh well.. I also bought some highlighters as I find them so helpful in my work and revision notes because it tells me the most important things I need to learn.