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October Favourites ♥

First of all I would like to apologise for not doing a September Favourites, there wasn't a great deal of new things or even old things that I had been loving that month so I thought instead of boring you guys I would just leave that month out! However, I have got some October Favourites to share with you and my oh my is there a range of them!

October Favourites
First up skincare, I have been loving both these things from Nivea this month as I suffer from really bad dry skin in the autumn and winter months. So these have been my skin care saviours! The Nivea lotion for me is great to use on my legs, arms and body as it really nourishes my skin and leaves it feeling silky soft all day long. The pink tub, is there hydration express primer and holy moly I am in love with it. There will be a full review coming up on this but for now let me just tell you that this primer works so well at keeping my make up on my face all day; but it also helps with the dry patches and gives them love so that my foundation doesn't appear flaky and patchy.
October Favourites

Another skincare saviour this month, has to be the Tea Tree oil from Superdrug, I used a little bit of this on a cotton round every night for a week to soothe and calm down my breakouts. Not only did it help with the redness and spots, but it also helped with the scaring I have from previous breakouts. The scent can be very intimidating for some and was for me at first, but after a few tries and go's with it you just become immune to it.
October Favourites

Then for the more beauty items, I have been loving the body shop oil control powder. I have used this nearly everyday on my face over the bb cream I am currently using and it has such a nice finish and works well with my other products to give me a long lasting finish. A nail polish that has to be mentioned in this months favourites is 'Black Cherries' by Rimmel, I haven't stopped reapplying this on my toes since the start of the month, even though it lasts for ages I like to redo the colour as a touch up. It is a lovely deep purple with a slight hint of black in it. For school I have been loving both these lip products equally as they both give my everyday look some natural glow. The baby lips is in 'Peach Kiss' and the Party Proof lipstick in 'Kitty' are both nudes, the party proof one is more of a pinky nude then the other which is a brown nude. Both of these give my lips some colour during the day and complete my whole face.
October Favourites  October Favourites

Here are the more random favourites for this month - starting off with food! I have been craving these Caramel Snack A Jack's all month, they are the perfect sweet treat when you want something sweet and sugary yet is very healthy for you. I like to eat these on their own as well as with a spread of peanut butter on top - heaven on a plate.

This months music favourite has to be from The Vamps and their song 'Can We Dance', I only really heard this song a few weeks back and since then have completely fallen in love with it and the band its self to be honest. The song is very catchy and great to get into a good mood on one of those days..

Something else that I have been loving these weekend is the new series that Khila a.k.a 'MissBudgetBeauty' has started on her vlog channel. For those of you who don't know who she is then.. where have you been? Khila is a mum to two, with a vlog, blog and beauty channel! She has just finished doing Vlogtober and I have been loving one of the videos as part of her 'Khila Talks' series which is where she does like a chat show with other youtubers and bloggers about life! The one I have been loving is about Time Management, and I really learnt a few things from that video. 
If you haven't heard of Khila before or never seen her videos or even blog posts then I highly recommend you do so! 

Top 5 Autumn/Winter Nail Polishes ♥

Top 5 Autumn/Winter Nail Polishes
If any of you haven't guessed already, then let me in on a little secret .. I adore painting my nails! I don't care what time of day it is, or what mood I am! Painting my nails releases my stress and having polish on my bare nails makes my day when I look at them and really like the view! Today I bring you my fav's for autumn winter, the best time to get out all those deep colours and put away the bright pastels. I love these upcoming seasons and the transition from the summer months into the colder months couldn't make me more excited! Picking and narrowing it down to my top 5 was not easier!

Top 5 Autumn/Winter Nail Polishes

Just looking at the picture is making me want to paint my nails yet again! I also bought my self some nail wheels as they are so much easier to show you the nail colours on them my uneven, not manicured nails! 
Barry M Gelly in Blackberry - I go on and on and about these Gelly nail polishes and if you are fed up of me then just say so! But honestly you guys I am not even lying the formula of these are amazing and they are so glossy and last for a lifetime on your nails!This lovely deep blue colour is perfect for the autumn time!

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Wet Cement - This is one of those poundland buys and my oh my I am impressed! I freaking love Sally Hansen and everything that they do, but a polish is something I have never tried but now I will be trying out more. This grey colour is very unusual as I have never seen a colour quite like it, very cool toned and looks perfect on your nails. 

Rimmel Lasting Finish in Black Cherries - Currently wearing this on my toes, I have become to realise why exactly I bought it last year. For me personally, this is my one and only true berry love. At first glance in the bottle it seems a very deep purple, then when on your nails after two coats it is a dark purple/ black. The name sounds so wintry and the colour is just heavenly. 

MUA Moody Mink - Next up is a all time favourite from MUA - moody mink. I love their polishes, and this is why I fell in love with them in the first place..and moody mink (love the name as well it sounds so sweet and innocent). This is what I would call taupe and what a beautiful taupe it is. If you have never tried an MUA polish I would give it a go, for £1 you are getting a lovely nail polish that may not be great quality but is amazing. 
Sinful Colours in Go Go Girl - I am loving Sinful Colours at the moment, and for only £1.99 they are amazing quality! Go Go Girl doesn't just have a cute name it is an amazing colour, it did take 3 thin coats to build it up, but after it did I fell in love with it. Christmas time is the best time for red polishes and this is my favourite colour ever. 

All of the nail polishes in the picture swatch above is without any top coat! Hope you enjoyed this post and let me know your favourites down below...