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Budget Buys|Make Up Gallery from Poundland

Make Up Gallery from Poundland

I am a BIG Poundland fan, you can find everything and anything in there and for a £1 you can't go wrong? The hauls I post on here get so much love and I am always talking highly of the shop to my friends and family - making sure they go there and pop in for a nosey! My most recent trip there, led me to bringing back some makeup items from their own brand beauty range 'The Makeup Gallery'. Each store as far as I know has a large stand dedicated and you can find everything from foundation to eyeliner to nail polish. I thought I would review a selection of them for you today and soon will go and pick up more! 

Not Another Poundland Haul ♥

It has been a long time since I went and visited my good friend the pound shop. If you have been reading this blog for a long time, then you know that I love the things you can buy in that shop because it is always so cheap! Whenever I do visit, I head straight to the beauty section to see what amazing treats they have for me to buy and this time I have amazed!

I managed to buy 3 high end nail polishes and there were a few more different shades available but I need to go back and buy them again! The first thing that I picked up was an OPI shatter polish, this just took me by utter surprise...a brand that is usually so expensive is now priced here for £1!! So I picked the purple shatter up as I have a black from BarryM already! I then spotted Sinful Colours in the store as well, these are a brand that have recently just come to the UK and are available at boots and now poundland. There wasn't a huge choice of colours to choose from but the two I did end up buying, I was going to buy from Boots that day as well. They are not that priced and are available in loads of different colours!

If you have a pounland near you, then I suggest you have a browse because they have a lot of great brands in at the moment. I also saw some Rimmel Wake Me Up and Sally Hansen there as well!