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Are portable chargers worth it?

We all use our phones every single day, texting, calling and even more frequently using apps and for me the social networking ones that take up a lot of memory and a lot of battery power. When techy people figured this out, they invented portable chargers, there are several different types around the web to buy. From them been £3 on Ebay to over £100 for the top notch ones, you can even get big phone cases that allow you to charge up your phone. I have always been very sceptical about buying and using one because I don't fully trust them and can rely on them but fear not I think I may have found a solution and now have one that I like. 


I wouldn't have ever thought that the design of a portable charger would influence by buying but I think it does, you don't really want to be carrying out a big bulky box in your bag - I would rather carry something a lot lighter. This charger* from PowerPackXL is extremely lightweight, it feels as light as your smartphone and is also very slim so fits in the smallest of pockets in your handbag, the phone pockets that you never use? Yep, those are amazing to fit these sorts of chargers in. I also love the black of it, makes it very professional and sleek so you don't have to carry around some ugly thing with you and instead show off this fancy charger!

Are portable chargers worth it?Are portable chargers worth it?

The Best Bit

If the design of the actual product, isn't enough to make you swoon then let me tell you that to avoid getting it dirty and to make it easier to carry around with you. The best bit of all best bits is all the different adapters you get with it! Many portables don't come with cables and you have to use your own which for me means I would buy another on top of the one I have, but this one from PowerPackXL comes with a cable that you plug into the top of the charger and then 5 little things to use so every single person you know is going to be able to use this charger!!

Are portable chargers worth it?Are portable chargers worth it?

The Power

Of course, it is fine the product looking all amazing and stylish but it has to work right? Hence the title of this post. Let me tell you now, it is worth it and you will only believe it when I tell you. The above pictures show the charging time, in just a little under a hour (took me a few photos to get the perfect end shot). The pack allows you to charge  flat phone up to 3-4 times, dependant on your device and the blue lights on the pack represents 25% capacity so you can see it going down. 

To answer my question in the title, yes I think that portable chargers are 110% worth it because they will save your life and when you need it, it comes in handy a lot more than you think. 

Buy your very own PowerPackXL - HERE
*kindly gifted from PowePackXL, all opinions expressed are my own*