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Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Blog Photography: Phone vs Camera

Photography in my opinion is the most important part about blogging, its the thing that makes people want to like your photo on instagram, visit that blogpost you shared on twitter or allow a brand to work with you. Over the years, I have found different ways of taking my photos to suit me - my favourite way being a flatlay. I am by no means the best at doing them, some people slay the flatlay but I think I do a pretty good job, most of the time. 
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Spring Instagram Ideas

Ahh Instagram... the platform that promises so much but delivers nothing. At the moment, I am finding it really hard to grow on the gram and I think a lot of others are too. However, I am not letting this get me down, and this month have committed myself to thinking about the platform positively. This means posting when I feel like it, posting what I want to and making sure that I am happy with the content. See a trend with all of this? Its all about me. Your instagram feed should be for you and no one else, post what you like who cares! This post, is a little list and a few ideas about what you could post if you are having a bit of a creative block.

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Fashion Blogging Can Be Scary

Last year, I set myself the challenge of improving my blog photography. This not only included photos of products that you see but also the fashion that you see. Buying, styling and wearing clothes is a hobby of mine and always has been. Therefore, fashion blogging alongside beauty always made sense to do. As part of my goal to improve, it meant finding a 'professional photography' to take photos for me, someone that does editoral work not just in a studio. 

fashion blogging