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Showing posts with label mascara. Show all posts

Maybelline Sky High Mascara Review

I wouldn't say that I am a mascara expert - but I do love trying different ones. In my lifetime, I've mainly stuck to Maybelline mascaras (remember great lash?), tried a few Benefit ones, Climax from Nars and a Pixi one in-between all of them. Maybelline is a brand that I will come back to time and time again. Their Lash Sensational was all the rave a few years back and I still love it. Recently I have trying out the Sky High mascara that has blown up on social media..                               
maybelline sky high review glasses

New In: Code Beauty Mascara

I love finding new brands through blogging, smaller unknown ones, brands that are just breaking out and those that are run by people who have a genuine love for something. The lovely people over at Code Beautiful recently contacted me to try some lash bits from them and anything to give my lashes some lift. I've been trialling this as a duo, rather than one product with another (you'll see what I mean in a minute). 

Maybelline Push Up Drama Mascara Review

Mascara is the one product that has to suit indivudal needs. It doesn't matter about the colour or brand, it needs to do what you want it to do and has to be a formula/brush that you like. My two mascara loves are the Seventeen Falsifeye HD & Benefit Roller Lash, Both are flawless and do the job perfectly for me. The Maybelline Push Up seemed like another one to add to the holy grail list but things didn't turn out that way. 

Maylash Natural Eyelash Serum

Maylash Natural Eyelash Serum

Hello again! Today is a really exciting and unusual post! You will never see me wearing false lashes as they look like too much faf, and even though I own bottles of mascara I tend not to wear it all them time. I love my lashes, but have always wanted them to be longer without having to go through the cost of eye lash extensions or any pain! Today I bring you my alternative to getting longer and thicker eyelashes, a way that is easier, pain free and natural. 
What is MayLash? 
May lash is a natural eyelash serum that needs to be applied to the routes of your lashes, the serum helps with the growth of your natural lashes to make them look fuller and thicker. Many serums are very dangerous for your eyes and lashes because they contain something called prostaglandins, which is a substance that can cause side effects and different health issues. Where as Maylash have created a serum that only contains natural substances!
How to use MayLash?
All you do is apply a thin line of the serum on the routes of your eyelashes every night before you go to bed, be sure to remove all makeup before applying and only apply one stroke. You should start to see results after 4-8 weeks, but results and the time it takes varies with different people.
Maylash Natural Eyelash Serum

My Experience
At first I didn't know what to think, I had never done anything to my eyelashes so this was a first. Since receiving the bottle of serum in the post I have been applying is every night before I go to sleep. And touch wood I haven't experienced a problem yet, I haven't seen any change as of yet as it won't just happen over night, but when I do I will update you!

The standard price of Maylash is £49, even though it sounds ridiculous it will be worth every penny in the end I promise you! Here is a exclusive discount code just for you lot, so you only have to pay £34.30 saving you a whopping £14! Only available for a limited time, so hurry!
Use the Code 'classy30' at the checkout

Find out more here along with FAQ's you might be wondering about!>
Here are some amazing results! 

*this post contains pr samples

Blogmas Day 20 || Benefit Brighter&Badder Duo. ♥

A few weeks back now I decided to buy something off the Benefit site as they had lots of Xmas offers going on and I decided to opt for the 'Brighter & Badder Duo' that comes with a full size BadGal Mascara and the eye bright pencil. I was very hesitant before clicking buy - but then thought ah what they hell! I can't find it online on the Benefit Wesbite any more but the sites below are where you can buy it. This was my very first purchase from Benefit and believe you me it did not disappoint. 
Here is a mini review and pictures of the kick ass products in action :) 
I am always looking tired and this pencil has saved me on a lot of concealer because of the bright colour it has saved me a lot of money and time if I am being honest and with the next few late nights coming up. no doubt I will be using it a lot!
Benefit Brighter&Badder Duo.
Benefit Brighter&Badder Duo.Benefit Brighter&Badder Duo.
Benefit Brighter&Badder Duo.

2True Mascara's Review ♥

Here is the second part to the 2True reviews! Today I share with you the mascara's that came in the package, one is a standard waterproof mascara and the other is a glitter mascara. I haven't actually tried any of the mascara's from the range before, which makes this more of a honest review as I am not being biased towards whether or not I love the product.
I was looking forward to trying out both these mascara's because I have never used a glitter mascara before or a mascara for volume as I wear glasses, it can sometimes prove difficult.

First of all packaging, the glitter mascara is a very small bottle, with a lot of product inside. The WOW! mascara is your average sized mascara bottle in this electric blue colour which really makes it stand out.
2True Mascara's Review

This WOW! mascara is part of their pro range, which means that it is slightly more expensive and a much better quality. The mascara claims to 'give wow effect lashes without clumping or flaking' it is also a volume water proof mascara.  It doesn't clump together on the eye nor does it flake, however I don't think that their is a lot of volume their. It is for sure waterproof, as I water tested it and nothing ran until after a great deal of time. This would be great as a everyday mascara because you can wear it without it looking like too much is going on. 

2True Mascara's Review

The brush is a decent size, but the product does collect towards the end of the brush. On the other hand, the tip of the brush is easy to use on the bottom lashes as you can really get them stubborn ones. There is a weird scent to this mascara, I can't describe it - it just smells funny. 

2True Mascara's Review

Now for the second one, this is a glitter mascara.The small bottle may confuse some but there seems to be a lot of product compacted into this small area. The bottle is such a cute size, and there is a star pattern under the lid that is adorable! I didn't know what to expect for this product, as I have never had a glitter mascara before or even thought about putting glitter on my eyelashes. It seems like a great deal of glitter product comes onto the brush however you need to give it a good couple of coats before you can really see the glitter. 
2True Mascara's Review

The small wand is a big  advantage as you can get into those horrible little corners that you can never apply mascara to! Again, a very funny smell to the product..I don't mean to smell it but it is just the way I go! I think this would be great to give an evening look some sparkle and glitter! 

2True Mascara's Review

I didn't think that I would be that impresses with either of these products, but I am! Will be using these now in my everyday make-up routine.

To see my review on 2true Lipglosses & Nail Polishes click here

Models Own Review ♥

Hey everyone!!! First off all i want to say a huge, big thankyou for getting my blog to over 1000 views! I don't usually look at views ect. as i'm not really bothered - but this is AMAZING! thankyou!! Today's review is of a bunch of models own products that I picked up at the Clothes Show last year, however didn't really get to look at them properly. So I decided to take them out of the bag and use them!

First up nail polishes! I have heard a great deal of positive about the models own nail polishes! I constantly see them on my tumblr, and instagram dashboard! At the clothes show you got to pick two shades to have in your goodie bag! These are the two i picked, I don't really go for the glitter based polishes as I prefer to put glitter on as a top coat. But it was a different story with these, i fell in love with them! 'Scarlett Sparkle' looks amazing over a red polish or even two coats of it by its self look amazing too! The second 'Pinky Brown Bettle Juice' (love the name!) is a deep purple colour with glitter and looks amazing for a night out! The models own website allows you to view each polish in their collection! 

Models Own

Models Own

Models Own

Models Own

Models Own

The next thing is the lip products, the first is their lip gloss and the second their lip balm. The lip balm is very moisturising - it doesn't feel heavy on the lips but makes them feel soft all day! The lipgloss is a gloss that is very sticky, i personally don't mind lipglosses that are sticky as they give a nice finish to your lips and have a better pigment. These products can't seem to be found online I'm afraid :( 

The next few things are eye products, however I also included the lip liner in this section as I also had the eye liner...wierd I know! The first is the pro-eyeliner, oh my golly gosh guys! I hate liquid liner, as it never goes on properly for me, however I don't know what it is with this but,this just works a treat! I can hold the bottle perfectly and it draws a line in one stroke! The second is the pencil liner, which I adore, it gives such good colour where as many pencil liners don't these days! It also is such a smooth thing to apply! The lip liner is my fav! The colour is one that I would never ever have thought of buying however, I just had a different liking to this colour on me! I LOVE IT!