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Autumn is Coming - Lips

autumn lip colours

autumn lip colours

autumn lip colours

Now for the instalment of Autumn Is Coming that I have been very excited for - LIPS! By far my favourite make-up item out there, I could spend £1 or even 1 million pounds on them - they are just amazing. There are a lot of colours that I love at this time of year, and ones that I am still finding when browsing instagram. But these four are the ones I have been going for these past few weeks making them more of my 'current favourites' rather than all time. 

1. (Bottom) Wet 'n' Wild in Cinnamon Spice £2.20 Amazon
This is the berriest shade of the four and it a lipstick that is to die for. I am so thankful for Mollie sending me this in the swap that we did because Wet 'n' Wild lipsticks that amazing, and worth the hyper that surronds them. They are only £2 and are creamy, long lasting and smell glorious. The lipstick glides on to the lips like butter and the semi-matte finish doesn't cake or flake away. I do find some bleeding after a few hours but this is due to no lip liner which is changing from today, as I am on the hunt for a berry lip liner for all these colours. 
I spoke about this wonderful lipstick just a few weeks ago in my 2 Seventeen Lip Products You Need To Try post. I love this lipstick because even though it is rich in colour and has a pinky undertone it's slightly glossy, making it easier to wear during the day. It is also very hydrating so perfect for those dry and cold lips. 
3. Revlon Lip-Butter in Red Velvet £7.99 Boots
I always thought that Revlon Lip butters were only for the summer time, this is due to the shades I had but infact after a trip to Boots last month I realised I was missing out. This lip butter not only has a name that makes me go hungry every time I use it but its a great colour. This is very red compared to the others, yet not a scary colour as the formula of butters are sheer. This means you can either wear it so that it doesn't really show, or build it up. Similar to the Seventeen lipstick the formula is moisturising and 'buttery' making you want to wear it as often as possible.
4. (Top) Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet in Frambourjoise £8.99 Superdrug
Finally we have a lipstick that is a completely different colour to the other three, this is a true pink, Don't let pink scare you, or make you think that its only for summer nights because it most definitely isn't. If reds and berrys scare you then going pink is your next option and a formula like the velvet ones are perfect as it lasts all day and feels amazing on the lips. If you mix it with a red lip liner you deepen the colour and make it more autumnal. 

What are your favourite autumnal lip products?


Aumtum Picks; Berry + Nude Lips

Aumtum Picks; Berry + Nude Lips

Another Autumn Picks for you today, if you missed my previous one then make sure to check it out here.  I've done nails and it makes sense in my mind to now do lips, in the Autumn I love wearing Berry colours and deep reds but as you can guess by the title I also wear nudes? Is that allowed? Well, I do and I am sure so many others do. 

Aumtum Picks; Berry + Nude Lips

In the order of the swatches above; 
2True Lipgloss// I have no idea what shade this is but this lip gloss is less than £2, and its an plum shade and looks amazing in the winter time. If you want something that isn't too heavy in colour so you can still wear it even if you are scared of bold lip colours.
 - MUA Matte in Wild Berry// This is such a gorgeous colour and an amazing formula. This was my most worn lipstick last year and even though it looks like a berry colour in the tube (very deceiving) it comes out this lovely deep pink colour and is warm toned. I wouldn't say it lasts all day and is awful when you have dry lips it looks so flaky. 
- Bourjois Rouge in Nude-ist// This is by far my favourite from the whole range, and I think will look perfect in this season because when its on the lips I think it looks really deep and lovely. I won't ramble on for too long because i just love them ok. 
Revlon Lip Butter in Peach Parfait// Now on to the nude colours, this one is slightly a pinker nude and is great for you non daring girls. This time of year, its a lovely colour to wear everyday and at night and these are so moisturising too. 
Revlon Matte Balm in Sultry// Now, my favourite of the bunch and one I will wear the most this year. This matte balm is a muted red/brown shade and looks natural on the lips even if it looks scary in the tube, the formula is also amazing and very long lasting I suggest you certainly try it out!


All Kinds of Pink.

All Kinds of Pink.
This post is all because of Anna from ViviannaDoesMakeup, and her post all about the 'Pink Spread'. Whenever it gets to this time of year I always seem to get really attracted to the colour pink, no matter what shade, tone, colour whatever it is I love it! Now a lot of you may be thinking that the colour pink is a difficult colour but think again my friends. Majority of you must be thinking of that Barbie coloured pink and the colour of tutus but rethink that! The colour that dominated your bedroom in the past can now be a staple in your makeup bag it can come in the form of eye shadows, blushes, lipsticks, and nail polish. You can either apply it subtly in places or go strong and play up one feature. 
Blush pinks  look the best on darker skin or pale skin with a rosy undertone. Livelier pinks flatter most skin tones. Just don’t get scared off by the colour, try it out one day and see how to feels and looks: It often goes on sheer and diffused. A cream formula allows you to build that colour up to something more and lasts all day too! Peachy pink blushes are ideal for olive skin.
 If you want to stick with subtle, there’s a loads of sheer shades and glosses that add just a little bit of colour, for example Revlon lip butters are amazing, they are so sheer and the colour can be built up easy! 
Those with fair skin can ease into bolder pinks with a peony-coloured lipstick or just go for it with fuchsia which also looks great with darker skin. 
Just like your favorite black dress, certain shades of pink will never fail to look good on you―like a petal pink polish for darker skin or a paler version for lighter skin. These are classic colours that look amazing on any skint tone, pinks are also amazing on your toes with whatever you are wearing.

Hope you found this useful a little bit, as pink is a gorgeous colour to wear in the summer. 


Guest Post|Top Summer Lip Products

Top Summer Lip Products

Hi lovelies, you won't know me yet, or you might; I don't know - but I'm JennieWren3 and I'm guest blogging for Class & Glitter today! I'm going to share with you my top Summer lip products - both high end and drug store. 

Top Summer Lip Products

First up is the Topshop lipstick in Petal, which is my most wearable lipstick at the minute. It's a pink nude so if you're somebody like me and you rarely wear nude lipsticks then this is a safe one because it's got a great pink tone to it so it's not too scary! I wear this pretty much everyday at the minute, it gives that bit of oomph to a natural look or it tones down the drama if you're wearing a smokey eye. It's quite a creamy texture but becomes matte over time. It's also pretty affordable - £8! 

Top Summer Lip Products

Next up is the MAC lipstick in Impassioned, which has the amplified finish meaning it's pretty bright! That I can agree with. Impassioned is my go-to Summer bright lipstick, that I usually wear with a nice summery dress or if I'm being pretty dull with my clothing I'll brighten it up with this shade. It's £15. (which kind of annoys me - I remember buying MAC lipsticks for £12 and I thought that was expensive; will they ever stop increasing the prices?!)

Top Summer Lip Products

Thirdly is the Revlon Matte Balm Crayon in Elusive. I was a little weary of buying this because I'd never really thought much of the crayon lip products but I ended up just picking it up for about £8. I wouldn't recommend this for people with very dry lips (like mine - so why am I recommending it?!) but I would buy it for the minty fragrance it has. It made my lips tingle a little and I find tingling lips something very exciting so obviously this would make my list! The colour is a very natural pink - it's so easy to wear for an everyday look but I wouldn't say it could work that well for an evening look - please correct me if I'm wrong! 

Top Summer Lip Products

Finally, is a little bit of an odd recommendation - it's just a plain old Nivea Pearly Shine Lip Balm. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a lip balm so much! It gives so much moisture to my lips but it's also got a pale pink tint to it and sparkles so it gives off colour as well as looking after your lips - win, win right? 

What are your Summer must-have lip products? 

Lots of Love
Jen xo

MUA Lipstick Review; Shade 11 ♥

MUA Lipstick Review; Shade 11
Another drug store review today on a hot summer's day! I recently bought a MUA lipstick after seeing a lot of people on my instagram feed talking about them! So I got sucked into all the hype and spent only £1 on one! How cheap is that! I love the MUA range because of how affordable it is, and the lip products haven't been purchased by me before so this is a first! 
MUA Lipstick Review; Shade 11

I am also in love with the packaging because it is a sleek black bottle with a clear bottom so you can actually see the colour of the product. I decided to go with shade 11 because I wanted to get something pink but very subtle there is also another shade that I have my eye on. 

MUA Lipstick Review; Shade 11

These pictures really don't do the lipstick justice! It is so highly pigmented and you are paying for what you see. It is a very smooth, soft texture and feels very light and comfortable on the lips. The colour is also great if you want to build it and make it more intense but I like the nude pink for everyday.
MUA Lipstick Review; Shade 11

I will be purchasing some more and maybe just build a collection.To say I am not a big lipstick lover- I Love this! 

MUA Lipstick Review; Shade 11

Nivea Lip Butter; Caramel Cream ♥

I finally purchased a Nivea Lip Butter from Superdrug the other day, I just couldn't resist! I have seen so many people rave about these and I really wanted to be a part of the fun! I bought the lip butter in Carmel Cream, as it was actually the only one left in my local superdrug, You can also purchase the one in Raspberry Rose and Original

Nivea Lip Butter; Caramel Cream

Nivea Lip Butter; Caramel Cream

 I have honestly fallen in love with these lip butters, they are just amazing. The texture of them is very thick which I prefer on my lips as it feels as though you are actually applying something. It really moisturises your lips and leaves this really nice glossy finish. The lip butters are all made of Shea Butter and Almond Oil which are the two best ingredients to really nourish those lips!

At £1.49 each you can't really go wrong, they are just great to carry around in your bag, purse, jacket whatever!

Models Own Review ♥

Hey everyone!!! First off all i want to say a huge, big thankyou for getting my blog to over 1000 views! I don't usually look at views ect. as i'm not really bothered - but this is AMAZING! thankyou!! Today's review is of a bunch of models own products that I picked up at the Clothes Show last year, however didn't really get to look at them properly. So I decided to take them out of the bag and use them!

First up nail polishes! I have heard a great deal of positive about the models own nail polishes! I constantly see them on my tumblr, and instagram dashboard! At the clothes show you got to pick two shades to have in your goodie bag! These are the two i picked, I don't really go for the glitter based polishes as I prefer to put glitter on as a top coat. But it was a different story with these, i fell in love with them! 'Scarlett Sparkle' looks amazing over a red polish or even two coats of it by its self look amazing too! The second 'Pinky Brown Bettle Juice' (love the name!) is a deep purple colour with glitter and looks amazing for a night out! The models own website allows you to view each polish in their collection! 

Models Own

Models Own

Models Own

Models Own

Models Own

The next thing is the lip products, the first is their lip gloss and the second their lip balm. The lip balm is very moisturising - it doesn't feel heavy on the lips but makes them feel soft all day! The lipgloss is a gloss that is very sticky, i personally don't mind lipglosses that are sticky as they give a nice finish to your lips and have a better pigment. These products can't seem to be found online I'm afraid :( 

The next few things are eye products, however I also included the lip liner in this section as I also had the eye liner...wierd I know! The first is the pro-eyeliner, oh my golly gosh guys! I hate liquid liner, as it never goes on properly for me, however I don't know what it is with this but,this just works a treat! I can hold the bottle perfectly and it draws a line in one stroke! The second is the pencil liner, which I adore, it gives such good colour where as many pencil liners don't these days! It also is such a smooth thing to apply! The lip liner is my fav! The colour is one that I would never ever have thought of buying however, I just had a different liking to this colour on me! I LOVE IT!  

Pout Pamper + DIY Lip Scrub ♥

After yesterday's post on giving your self a manicure in this cold weather, I thought I would upload a post today and tomorrow along the trend of Winter! Brrrr! When the weather turns cold I always find that my lips become dry, chapped and nasty!! So here are a few simple steps you can do if your lips change in the cold weather!
DIY Lip Scrub

You know how your Exfoliate your face and skin to remove all the dry skin cells..? Well you should do the exact same to your lips! It may seem really odd at first but by scrubbing them you are protecting them from chapping. You can buy 3 different flavoured lip scrubs at LUSH for £5.25 each and it is worth every penny you spend! You can buy them here :) If you don't want to go out in this cold weather and buy the scrubs, you can make your own at home!

DIY Lip Scrub

You will need ..

  • Sugar (white or brown will do) 
  • Oil ( olive, light, coconut, almond whatever!)
  • Honey
  • Small Container/ Used up lip balm container (if you are going to be making lots!
I recommend using whatever amount of ingredients you want, depending on how much you are planning on making! To achieve this super scrub, all you have to do is combine the sugar and oil together in a small bowl or the container you may be using until the sugar absorbs the oil. Add a small squirt of honey to mould the mixture for the scrub together - this way it will have a texture that isn't messy to use. Transfer the mixture into a container or apply onto your lips to remove the flaky skin you may have.

Day & Night

Day - I always carry around a lip balm, so whenever my lips need a little bit of therapy I will have something handy!   DON'T ever be shy with the amount of balm you apply - go over the top if you must! It will help your lips soo much and leave them irresistibly soft!

Night - When it comes to bedtime, apply your lip balm on your lips, so you can wake up with smooth, luscious lips! At night I prefer using Vaseline  because I feel comfortable sleeping in it and it doesn't make my lips sticky .. if you get me?! I love the Vaseline range, any of their products make me fall in LOVE!! My fav lip balm has to be the Rosy one - because it's pink! This is available to buy almost anywhere! Or you can buy it online !