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Mum’s Little Sudocrem

Some good news…
All Mums want for Mother’s Day is a nice lie-in

This Mother’s Day is taking place under extraordinary circumstances, it can’t be denied. With many families making the choice to stay indoors and self-isolate starting this week, nipping out to find a gift isn’t quite so simple. Fortunately, new research has shown that UK Mums aren’t actually fussed about expensive presents.

mothers day sudocrem

According to a study conducted by British skincare brand, Sudocrem, it’s the little things that count when you’re showing Mum you care. Gestures like letting her sleep in a little longer, watch a film she likes, or have a soak in the tub can be worth their weight in gold.

Relaxing with Bubble T

There is nothing better in the world than relaxing, having a pamper and doing absolutely nothing. After a busy working week, I have dedicated my weekends to doing exactly this and taking time for myself and nobody else. The team at Bubble T recently sent me over things and I have fallen in love with some incredible products, that I just have to share. 
bubble t review

How to Fit All Your Stuff Into Your Student Room

Student accommodation is notoriously tiny. University halls of residence can be especially small, so getting living space in halls is a bit of a mixed blessing. On one hand you’ll be right there on campus and have a lockable door of your own, but on the other hand your space is really cramped.
Image result for uni room
credit pinterest

Glow 2OH Dark Spot Toner Review

I was over the moon when I heard that Ole Henriksen was finally coming to the UK and of all shops it was going to be Boots that would be stocking them. A site that has a range of brands and has stores everywhere. There have been a few things from the brand that I have wanted to try but when I spotted a stand in my local store there was one thing on my list to get - the dark spot toner. I've heard so many rave reviews about this and it just had to be mine. Never have I spent this much on a toner (£22!!) but I had high hopes. 
Glow2OH Dark Spot AHA Toner Review

Collective Beauty Haul

For the whole of January, I went on a no buy. Meaning no purchasing of makeup and skincare products - it was hard but I did it. Since then I've not been as good. I have an obsession with buying clothes - ASOS is my best friend and have been buying random bits of makeup from here and there. I plan to start more of a low buy from next month, and only buy the essentials when I run out. My aim is to save as much as I can this year, and buying all the new launches, just because everyone else has, needs to stop. I get myself tangled in a web of no money and its just not worth it. 
This post, is a haul of some things I have 'treated' myself to recently, all essentials of course! 
collective beauty haul

7 reasons why I LOVE Spring

Birds singing, lighter mornings, the sight of lambs and baby chicks, Spring flowers and of course a new Spring wardrobe. There’s so much that Spring has to offer. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE the summer time, with those seemingly endless days of glorious sunshine, and I enjoy everything that Autumn has to offer, from the colours and bonfires and the beautiful sights and smells, and Winter of course means the Festive season is upon us!
But Spring also has so much to offer, from gorgeous flowers to the latest celebrity gatherings like Met Gala, and to show just what you have to look forward to, I’ve rounded up 7 reasons why I LOVE Spring!
7 reasons why I LOVE Spring

Exploring Liverpool

''Liverpool people are famous for liking clothes and fashion; they are very social and lively people, and we know that they like clothes.'' Vivienne Westwood
liverpool doors

Liverpool has to be my favourite city. After spending over three years here now, I don't have a bad word to say about it. During the day, you get the busy shoppers and work commuters. Then as the evening approaches, the city completely transforms - it becomes this buzzing night scene, full of all different kinds of people. I also have to add that people from Liverpool are some of the nicest I have met, some amazing friends are included in that too. In this post I am going to share with some amazing spots in the city that are well worth the visit, even if you're just going for the day - you have to go to at least one of these! 

How To Find The Best Dress For Your Body Type

 Finding the right dress can take an age. With so many varieties out there, how can you find a stylish dress that compliments your body?

We always try to look our best. Whether that’s in the clothes we wear or simply how we apply our makeup, we know a good impression can be everything. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to get the look we want. We see clothes in store that look great on the hanger, but not so great when you try them on! The main culprit is this; body shape. Finding the right style that suits your type is everything.

With a little help from Alterations Boutique, leading suit and dress alterations specialists in the UK, we bring you some tips for how to find the best dress, no matter what your body type is. Here’s how to do it!

I Graduated, Now What?

If you don't follow me on social media (if you, I really apologise for repeating myself) then you might not know that last week I actually graduated from univeristy! It has been a tough three years, there is so much that I would love to go back and change but now its time to focus on the future and what is going to happen next. This blog has been through my entire univeristy life, from when I first got accepted, freshers week which was different to your typical fresher, finishing first year, then completing second year  and now graduation.

Its crazy when you look back at these posts and think about how much has changed in the space of three years.  
edge hill graduation

Small Handbag Essentials

I'm a person that loves a big handbag, I love throwing things in without having to be limited to space and find it so much easier to just have a bag that will allow me to fit everything in from lunch, shopping and the thousands of lipsticks that I like to hoard. It was however, getting a bit ridiculous and I was finding myself dragging it along at times because it was so heavy and filled with rubbish. On a shopping trip a couple of weeks ago, I decided to splurge on a smaller handbag. Well I had a voucher so it just seemed like the perfect excuse!
small handbag essentials

How To Throw The Best Tea Party

This weekend is the Her Majesty The Queen's Birthday! I am sure just like anybody else, she celebrates with her friends and families and marks the occasion. However, she must go all out - she is the Queen after all and this year she has a few new additions too. To mark the occasion I have teamed up with The Grand Hotel  to tell you how you can thrown the most epic tea party, whether it be this weekend for yourself, a gathering with friends or just because!           
cheap tea party

Celebrate in Style with Elvi

This might just be the most exciting weekend of the year so far. Its the ROYAL WEDDING. I am someone that loves and I mean loves the royal family and the wedding has got me super excited. I am working through the wedding but will be live streaming it on my phone no matter what people say. This post is in collaboration with Elvi, who have kitted me out with some amazing goodies to celebrate the wedding in style. 

The Last Leg

I was so torn between calling this post 'The Last Leg' or 'The Final Countdown', but I immediately burst out into song! Trust me, you do not want to hear that. I went with the first option in the end as it works a little better with what this post is about. I am bringing you this blog post today in collaboration with Adexe, a brand that specialise in creating gorgeous watches that are perfect for every occasion, my upcoming occasion being graduation. 

Easy Ways To Celebrate Galentines Day

14th February, Valentines Day but today (13th) is Galentines day and I am all for this. I am not one for V-Day, the chocolates, flowers and soppy cards don't really appeal to me (probably because I don't have a significant other) but G-Day is something that I can defintetly get on board with and will be doing this week - yes, I am extending the day to week, why not! I know that the big day is tomorrow, but these things can be done the next day, the day after or even in a few months time. They are just lovely things to do with your best gal pals.                  
cheap and cheerful galentines