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Can't Get Enough Of: Kaushal Beauty

 Kaushal Beauty

It has been on my mind forever to write posts about current favourite blogs and videos, but whittling it down to the top 5 or top 10 is very hard, instead I am just going to be picking one every so often and dedicating a whole post to them. This post is purely dedicated to Kaushal a vlogger and blogger that goes by the name 'Kaushal Beauty', she posts a variety of makeup tutorials, hair tutorials and hauls. You watch one video of her's and instantly fall in love with everything about her...

1. She's an Indian just like me, and we Indians have a mutual bond because the things we say are very relate able. I love that she posts GRWM for Indian weddings, as I am always struggling on how to do my makeup most recently I was inspired by this one! I loved her makeup, even though I couldn't recreate it perfectly, I tried my very best!
kaushal beauty

2. She is the contouring queen! Contouring, highlighting all that jazz goes in one ear and out the other for me, something that I just can't seem to get my head around no matter how many videos or blog posts I read. Kaushal on the other hand, I seem to be able to learn from, maybe it is because of her gentle voice and simple steps which makes it easier for you to understand. She also uses a lot of budget friendly products like the Makeup Revolution Eyeshadow in delicious, who would have ever thought that you can use eye shadow to contour, but it bloody works! I would highly recommend watching this video and you will ask no more question ever again. 
 Kaushal Beauty

3. Her positivity is insane! I also follow her on twitter (such a stalker I know!) and every day the first tweet that she tweets is a positive thought/feeling and it amazes me that everything she says is 100% true and something we should stick by.

4. She also recently did an interview on BBC Asian Network, and when I heard it on the radio a part of me screamed a little. You can listen to it here and find out more about her, her thoughts on everything to do with life and just have a little laugh!
 Kaushal Beauty

5. She is just all around amazing, I watch every single video of hers and it puts a big big smile on my face and not a lot of vloggers manage to do that. I highly recommend you check out her links below, but a warning you will be hooked straight away.  Kaushal goes into my category of 'underrated people on the internet' people who aren't given enough credit for what they do and also someone who isn't bothered about the numbers and loves what she does!

Kaushal's Links:

Hope you enjoyed this different post, let me know some people you like to watch and read down below, I am always on the hunt for people who aren't talked about enough.