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Showing posts with label getting ready for university. Show all posts

How to Fit All Your Stuff Into Your Student Room

Student accommodation is notoriously tiny. University halls of residence can be especially small, so getting living space in halls is a bit of a mixed blessing. On one hand you’ll be right there on campus and have a lockable door of your own, but on the other hand your space is really cramped.
Image result for uni room
credit pinterest

How to Save Money at University

  As another wave of students start university this September, I thought that this would be the perfect time to share some tips and tricks that I have learnt along the way about saving money at university. I went to university with no clue about anything and money was the biggest weight on my shoulder, a lot to think about and when by yourself it’s a lot of pressure. If you know someone starting, currently at or even if you want to save money in general – I hope this helps. Let’s get saving…
saving money at university

The Final Countdown

This blog has been through my entire education with me, well the important parts anyway. I started it when I was just beginning GCSE's and now I am still going with one year left at university. ONE YEAR, it was absolutely flown by, everyone did tell me this but I didn't believe them at all. In the past two years I have learnt so much about living on my own, managing finances, myself and of course my degree. As I come into my final year and lss than a month until I move back, it seems appropriate to take about the essentials for anyone starting this year. Everything from cutlery to bedding, I have you covered. 

TJ HUGHES back to uni

University Preparation

As this month draws to a close, the next month is back to school month! I finished with university for the year back in May and this time next month, I'll be back for my second year. Can' believe how fast time is flying, this second year comes with so much more responsibility, work and stress! 

I am so ready for it and can't wait to get stuck in, this post is a little hack post. Whether you are starting your first, second or even looking at starting in the near future - I do hope this helps you out! 

2nd Year Preperation

Primark Homeware Haul

Primark Homeware Haul
Primark Homeware Haul
Primark Homeware Haul
Primark Homeware Haul

Next week it's the big day - the move up north to University! I am very exited, stressed and worried at the same time but I guess that it normal. The one thing that is really getting me excited is my room, I want to make it as homely as possible and for it to be like a home away from home - and what better way than to buy lots of bits from Primark.

This haul doesn't feature anything that is pretty but everything is matching. I have gone for a colour scheme of a muted/dusky pink that isn't so in your face, but also very neutral making it easier for me to use the same things all year round.

The first bits I picked up were bedding sets, and that it what set off the entire theme. The duvet set is grey with butterflies all over it, and with it I got sheets and a pillow case. I also picked up a bath math from Primark, following in the same colour theme. The towel and face towels are super soft and can't wait to use them for the first time. The two things that I am the most excited about are the hanger, a) because they match everything and b) because they are non-slip which are amazing as your clothes actually stay on the hangers.Then we have the laundry hamper which has the prettiest pattern on and a bargain of £3.

There are a lot more things I am getting, all will be shown in the upcoming weeks!