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Best of the Magazines||June

Best of the Magazines||June

Magazines are my best friend for the next few months. I love to read them at night, before I go to sleep to relax and unwind before a stressful next day at school. And lately, here has been some amazing issues out so I thought I would share them with and tell you about all the super cool stuff you are getting in them. Magazines always come out a month before so these are all of June's issues which is why I bought them seen as though its my birthday month! It may seem like a lot, but I will read them all several times I promise you!
Best of the Magazines||June

Cosmopolitan- This is the subscriber cover as I get it sent to me every month, but the gorgeous Caroline Flack graces the cover and lets you know all about her life. It also comes with a L'oreal Skin Perfection Sample which is great thing as you can try before you buy! There are also some stunning hair and makeup tutorials in there perfect for the summer time!
Best of the Magazines||June

Glamour - A magazine for all you fashion lovers it has over 800 different looks perfect for the summer time along with lots of Beauty tips for the hot weather! Inside there is a interview with Lily Allen who talks about her comeback to the music industry. Glamour are also spoiling us by having a sample of Chanel All in One healthy glow fluid! Amazing I know!
Best of the Magazines||June

Elle - I never buy Elle magazine because it can be quite pricey at £4 per issue, but this month it was worth it as you get a sample of Benefit's Porfressional Primer and believe you me it is a bargain buy and something I have wanted to try for ages! And Amanda Seyfried is on the front, what's not to love!
Best of the Magazines||June

Instyle - Again a magazine I don't usually buy but I bought because of the amazing freebie you get inside of it, this months Instyle magazine comes with a ful sized bottle of Nails Inc polish and there are three different shades to collect all limited edition for the world cup that starts very soon! I got the coral shade because I love that colour in summer, but there is also a nude and a pink I believe. Ooh and Nicole Kidman is on the front which is another reason why I bought it - girls crush. And a big sample of the new John Frieda Frizz Ease Stuff.
Best of the Magazines||June

Marie Claire - Now, I didn't actually get this as it wasn't available anywhere near me, but the June issue of Marie Claire comes Elizabeth Olsen on the front who is my hair queen at the moment. And you also get a travel set from Aroma Therapy for the bargain price of the magazine!

Now if that doesn't make you want to go to your local shop then I don't know what will! Let me know if you found this helpful or even if you would like to see more!