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Showing posts with label festive. Show all posts

Party Handbag Essentials

Yesterday, I kicked off my festive celebrations. With a friends Christmas dinner yesterday, one today and another two weeks packed with celebrations I have decided to be super organised. I have got myself a bag, ready to go and all it needs is a change of things depending on weather or the time of day the said event is. Sounds absolutely ridiculous now that I've wrote it out but I just have to be ready for anything and as I am always the none drinker of the group, I am the go to everything. Just to point out, I can't pack light for anything so half of these things probably aren't necessary.           

Diwali or Festive Makeup

Happy Diwali to those who celebrate! Every time we get to this time of year I really start to think about how quickly time is going. This year I am spending Diwali (today 11th) with my flat mates going for a lovely meal and then with the family at the weekend. Very odd. I love showing what I did for my make-up and the aim was something pretty yet bright! I based everything around the dress which is the Dhalia dress, very pretty and summery but in the evening is going to look amazing. There are hints of pink and red coming from the flowers on the dress so i decided to keep that as the theme and went for that colour on my lips. The shade Date Night is from Seventeen* and is a lovely pinky colour but to amp it up I added the red from the All Out Lip Palette* which looked amazing! Because the lips and dress were so bright I went with a warm glow to the face, starting with my trustee L'Oreal Foundation, L.A Girls Concealer and Seventeen Contour Kit*. Summer might be over but I like my skin to have a bronze colour to it. I am also LOVING highllighting, why it has taken me so long to get on board I have no idea but it looks gorgeous on the skin and lasts all day, for this look I used the MAC Soft & Gentle.  Then we go onto the eyes for this I used the Seventeen Easy on the Eye Palette* which is full of smoky, dark colours. The palette also comes with a primer and cream shadows to help keep your eye make-up on all night long, I only touched the bottom row of colours. Followed by the smallest amount of Falsifeye Mascara*, I love this mascara to bits that I am now running low so saving it for special occasions.

And that is the whole look finished! I wanted something super simple, easy and yet striking. I love the purple on the eyes and the red lips it works really well with my dress.

Hope you enjoyed!


OOTD| Let it Snow T-Shirt

let it snow

If you caught THIS post a few weeks ago then you'll know all about LUSH T-Shirts and their amazing new range of Christmas t shirts and today I'm going to show you an actual one! I love wearing anything festive and after a recent trip to Primark to stock up on more festive things, I am well and truly in the mood for Christmas! I've paired the t-shirt with some simple leggings because I want the slogan to be the main front of everything and I think a cute woolly cardigan would look adorable with it as well! If you would like to buy this t-shirt then be sure to check out the whole range! I have christmas jumper day at school in two weeks and this is mine!

*t-shirt was kindly gifted to me, but all opinions are my own*

Novelty T-shirts Wishlist| Christmas Week

Welcome to another Christmas Week post! Today I am talking to you all about my favourite novelty festive t-shirts! I love wearing themed t-shirts and jumpers during the festive season as it makes me feel all giddy and excited, today is about t-shirts and maybe soon you will see one with jumpers!  

All of the t-shirts you can see in the image above are from a site called Lush T-shirts who are a online store that feature a lot of different styles of t-shirts with funny and amazing sayings on them! They've recently launched their Christmas range and I am more than in love with, its amazing and there are so many to choose from creating this wishlist was a pain because I had to whittle it down to my top 5 to make it easier! 

Heart Xmas - Buy Here The simplest of all five and by far the one that isn't as obvious and out there! 

Snowman - Buy Here The way this t-shirt is designed is genius in my opinion because the eyes, nose and mouth all look really 3-D and I guess when you wear it, it will look like you're wearing an actual snowman and wearing a scarf round you're neck would be the perfect ensemble! 

Let it Snow - Buy Here This is by far my favourite pick of the lot, even though the black isn't really classed as a festive colour the white writing on top looks so effective and 'Let it Snow' is one of my many favourite festive songs to sing and get me in the mood. I also think the two snowflakes on either side look super cute! 

Mistletoe - Buy Here For all you romantics out there this t-shirt is perfect if you're trying to send a message out to a certain someone *hint hint wink wink*. I'm only joking! I would wear this t-shirt even though I don't have a special someone because the quote is sweet and mistletoe is a classic Christmas item!

Let it Go  - Buy Here Another adorable t-shirt which is available in both white and black has this bright blue font on top to stand out and it seems a little bit Frozen inspired which is even better because who doesn't love that film? Like the snow above, the snowflakes add a little more cuteness! 

Along with these, there are so many others to pick from and all at suitable prices. At only £15 you are getting a cute, original and quirky t-shirt that you can wear many times during the month of December. There are also some funny ones such as 'Ugly Christmas Outfit' and ' This Guy Loves Christmas' with two thumbs pointing at you! 

Buy the whole range of Christmas T-Shirts Here

Let me know if any of these appeal to you, and maybe if you're thinking about buying one?! 

7 top tips for surviving the Christmas party season| Christmas Week

7 top tips for surviving the Christmas party season
7 top tips for surviving the Christmas party season
The festive season brings with it all sorts of lovely things. From the sparkling lights in the town to the sparkling wine in our glasses, we love to party hearty all through December. But partying all night can present us with a less than desirable situation the next morning, particularly if we’ve got a day of work ahead of us, or worse still, another party! 

Here are our top seven tips to help you get through the party season with your health, your reputation and your good looks intact.

1. Drink water
We can’t stress enough how important it is to maintain a healthy intake of water while you are out partying. Dehydration is the top cause of lacklustre skin, dull hair and fatigue. Alcohol as well as coffee and tea will dry you out, so top up your fluids with plenty of water to keep looking and feeling great. 

2. Moisturise
The chilly December weather combined with drying winter winds is the perfect recipe for dry, dull skin. All that Christmas shopping in the cold and wet takes its toll on your skin, and all those late nights and alcohol infused parties only exacerbate the problem. Invest in a good night time moisturiser and slather it on before bed to wake up fresh faced and ready for anything.

3. Prepare for the worst
Alcohol dries everything out in a big way. Your headache? Dehydration. Get a moisturising boost from the inside out by popping a B12 vitamin or a fish oil supplement before you even leave the house. You’ll look better and feel a tad less fuzzy in the morning.

4. Sleep with an extra pillow
It might sound bizarre, but all that puffiness you suffer the morning after the night before is a result of fluid accumulating from your lymph glands. To promote better drainage and prevent the puff, sleep in a more upright position than you usually do.

5. Make the most of your tea bags
Caffeine is an amazing product for tackling the tell-tale signs of a hangover. Pop a couple of wet green tea bags over your eyes to reduce inflammation, simulate the skin and combat dark circles. You can use them on the sides of your nose too, which are a common, but unexpected, area of alcohol induced inflammation.

6. Eat yourself better
There are plenty of urban myths surrounding the ultimate hangover curing foods. Last night’s cold pizza, a fry up, even a hair of the dog are all acclaimed as feel good food. But stop; before you open that pizza box, take heed. Greasy food will upset your stomach and do nothing for the onward day’s energy. To really beat off the morning after blues, eat bananas, kiwi and spinach, have an egg for breakfast or indulge in some slow release energy from a healthy bowl of porridge. 

No, Monster energy drinks and Mars bars do not count as a supplement. However, there are some products out there that really can kick start your day. We highly recommend Amazing Grass - Amazing Meal Original Blend, which is a health drink that can really start your day with a bounce. It uses a blend of organic, raw superfoods that promote energy, health and a better start to the morning. 

Of course, the very best solution to looking your best the morning after the night before is to stay away from the alcohol. However, nobody wants to be a bore at the Christmas party, so abstaining completely is often not an option. Try to moderate your alcohol intake, and intersperse those glasses of bubbly with a rehydrating bottle of water every now and then.

Find out more about the range of vitamins and minerals that you can by to help you survive the party season! HERE


Blogmas Day 21 || DIY Wrapping ♥

We are nearly there my friends, 4 days to go till the big day! I am so excited and one thing that I love to do every year at the time is wrapping presents! Some people hate it, but I love it! When I went Xmas shopping a few weeks ago, I spotted lots of shops selling wrapping paper that looks just like parcel paper but fancy!
DIY Wrapping
Buy here
So I bought out the DIY queen that is inside of me and made my own version-ish! And it is super cheap and affordable and looks so different to anything else.
DIY Wrapping
You Will Need;
- Parcel Paper Roll
-  Thick String/Ribbon
- Present to Wrap
- Scissors
DIY Wrapping
The first thing you want to do is cut out your parcel paper so that you have enough to wrap you present lik you would using wrapping paper. 
DIY Wrapping
Once its wrapped you can wrap your string or ribbon around it, I used red as I thought it looked really nice! But Silver,Gold, Black or even White would look really pretty as well. 
DIY Wrapping
When you've done that you want to attach your tag and write a sweet merry message on it and you've done! I think that it looks so pretty and works really together. 
DIY Wrapping
I actually ended up wrapping all my presents up, and it looks so pretty when it comes together and is under the tree!

Hope you enjoyed this very different blogmas post and I will see you all tomorrow!