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Showing posts with label ex1 cosmetics. Show all posts

EX1 Cosmetics Review

EX1 Cosmetics Review

I'm one of these people who likes to stick to the things that I'm used, especially when it comes to makeup because I know that my skin likes certain brands and products. Towards Christmas time, I decided take the plunge and try out a new brand that I hear a few Youtuber's talk about. Ex1 Comsetics is brand that focuses on making products for olive and yellow undertone skin. 

Makeup of the Moment #1

Makeup of the Moment

One of my resolutions for this year is to use my makeup to the fullest, whatever the price tag. In a bid to remember to use it and keep track of the resolution, I've decided to do 'Makeup of the Moment' posts, hopefully it will showcase different products that I own and a different look (kind of).