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Showing posts with label dry skin. Show all posts

Dry Skin in Autumn

I have never suffered with dry skin as much as I am currently! Its crazy how dry, flaky and do rough. It could be the sudden changes in weather, I'm outside more with the children at school or just my body changing and shifting. Thanks to the lovely people at Nivea* my skin is slowly becoming less dry and normal, but its still important to keep up the hydration as we transition into winter. 


Dry Skin Saviours

With this awful cold weather hitting the UK this past week, my skin has never been so dry so flaky. I have been using nothing but these select few products to help calm and soothe the dryness and they have made the biggest difference. I just hope that I don't have to keep this routine up because I need sunshine, spring and pretty blue skies! 

QV Skincare Cream, Bath Oil and Lotion| Review

QV Skincare Cream, Bath Oil and Lotion
Are you a dry skin sufferer like me? Then these QV Skincare Creams are worth reading about and checking out because they have transformed my life! In this post I'm going to be showing and sharing my thoughts on three of their products - cream, lotion and oil. 

QV Skincare Cream, Bath Oil and Lotion

Even thought I love my body shop butters and soap and glory creams, in the winter I have to compromise between either having skin that feels good or smells good and to be honest the fancy smelling butters don't moisturise us enough in the winter time. This from QV is a lot more moisturising and has a funny smell that at first that then goes away after it sinks in. It's also not very thick and neither is the cream below, which for me is better as I hate the feeling of knowing I have cream on me. It also says it can be used to clean makeup....

QV Skincare Cream, Bath Oil and Lotion

This was the first thing that I jumped towards when I saw the products, my face is extremely dry in the winter time and finding a cream that isn't too oily but great for dry skin is hard, so this was a risk taker for me. But, I loved the feeling of this when I applied it on my face and have started to use this as my night cream as it is a very heavy cream due to it being moisturising for the skin. When I wake up in the morning my skin is left feeling like a soft baby's bum (Excuse the expression!). I use this more as a moisturiser than a body cream due to the one above. 

QV Skincare Cream, Bath Oil and Lotion

I'm not a person to take very many baths but I got someone else to try this and used this in the shower..because everyone in my family suffers from dry skin and this went down a treat. Using this in the shower just like a soap and works amazingly well with the cream used after.

If this sounds like a range of products you like then be sure to check them out and also if you suffer from dry skin or eczema then what do you use?

Autumn Ready Skin ♥

We are in AUTUMN! I love this month, there are so many things about it that I just want to marry the season. As this season begins and we draw closer into the colder, winter months your skin really needs looking after! This is really a Teen Talk Tuesday..however my Tuesday posts for now are TheSoProject, so I thought that this can have it's own post!

Autumn Ready Skin

Even though I adore the summer months, the warm weather, holidays and frequent dips in the can play serious havoc with your skin even if you have been looking after it. This is why autumn is a great time to scrub away all the damage that the summer has done to your skin and properly prep it for the colder months.! So let's begin to scrub away summer! First of all run a nice warm bath and scrub away all fake tan and dead skin that tends to pile up during the summer months. Think of yourself as getting rid of the old and getting ready for the new!

The weather in the winter months can make your skin go one of two ways: either you will have a beautiful inner glow complete with rosy cheeks and lips, or you will look grey, washed out and in need of a skincare overhaul. This is why it is so important that you switch your skincare products to those that will protect your skin against the colder elements and leave your skin looking and feeling radiant!

In the summer months make-up should look as natural as possible, however when it comes to autumn and winter it’s time to vamp things up. Think about the colours you usually associate with falling leaves during autumn and try and co-ordinate your make-up accordingly. Red, gold and brown are all great colours to experiment with, however just make sure that you pick the right shades for your skin tone otherwise you could end up looking washed out.