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Showing posts with label dry nails quickly. Show all posts

Nail Week: Tools For The Perfect At Home Manicure


In case you missed the first post, this week is nail week on Class & Glitter, my one true love after makeup. On Monday, we talked all about a gel nail system, which you can read here. Today we are talking all about tools that help to achieve the perfect at home manicure. I am not a professional by any means but have picked up tips and tricks along my way from salons.
tools for a home manicure

What I've Been Loving - Bourjois Instant Dry Nail Drops

Bourjois Instant Dry Nail Drops

Bourjois Instant Dry Nail Drops

The Bourjois Instant Dry Nail Drops do exactly what it says on the tin to put it across simply. The nail drops are designed to be used after you have applied your polish and your top coat to speed up the nail drying process. 

You use the pipette to apply the tiniest amount of this best described as 'oil' to your nails. Best applied to the center of your nails and then it spreads out to cover the whole thing. You then leave it for around a minute and then voila your nails are dry. I find that rubbing the 'oil' in works the best and nourishes your cuticles at the same time. 

This is just one of the many things from Bourjois that makes painting nails fun and exciting! If you have no patience to wait for your nails to dry then try these nail drops and you will wish you'd discovered them earlier!