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Maylash Natural Eyelash Serum

Maylash Natural Eyelash Serum

Hello again! Today is a really exciting and unusual post! You will never see me wearing false lashes as they look like too much faf, and even though I own bottles of mascara I tend not to wear it all them time. I love my lashes, but have always wanted them to be longer without having to go through the cost of eye lash extensions or any pain! Today I bring you my alternative to getting longer and thicker eyelashes, a way that is easier, pain free and natural. 
What is MayLash? 
May lash is a natural eyelash serum that needs to be applied to the routes of your lashes, the serum helps with the growth of your natural lashes to make them look fuller and thicker. Many serums are very dangerous for your eyes and lashes because they contain something called prostaglandins, which is a substance that can cause side effects and different health issues. Where as Maylash have created a serum that only contains natural substances!
How to use MayLash?
All you do is apply a thin line of the serum on the routes of your eyelashes every night before you go to bed, be sure to remove all makeup before applying and only apply one stroke. You should start to see results after 4-8 weeks, but results and the time it takes varies with different people.
Maylash Natural Eyelash Serum

My Experience
At first I didn't know what to think, I had never done anything to my eyelashes so this was a first. Since receiving the bottle of serum in the post I have been applying is every night before I go to sleep. And touch wood I haven't experienced a problem yet, I haven't seen any change as of yet as it won't just happen over night, but when I do I will update you!

The standard price of Maylash is £49, even though it sounds ridiculous it will be worth every penny in the end I promise you! Here is a exclusive discount code just for you lot, so you only have to pay £34.30 saving you a whopping £14! Only available for a limited time, so hurry!
Use the Code 'classy30' at the checkout

Find out more here along with FAQ's you might be wondering about!>
Here are some amazing results! 

*this post contains pr samples

Savin' Pennies || Sales Gossip ♥

Here I am again, with another Savin' Pennines posts, this time about vouchers and discounts! There are so many websites out their that you can find out about the latest deals that are going, but after recently discovering Sales Gossip I have never turned back!
Sales Gossip

The only really thing I can tell you about this site, is that when you sign up with a can browse the women's and men's deals from high street to designer! It also lets you know about sample sales that are going on, which are not usually advertised and for me student discount offers!
I decided to contact them through twitter to tell you a lot more information!
Sales Gossip

''SalesGossip is revolutionising the way people shop. A daily style destination for more than 250,000 UK shoppers, SalesGossip features news and promotions for over 900 fashion & beauty retailers. In 18 months, SalesGossip was named one of the best websites for savvy shoppers by The Times, won the RBS EnterprisingU Competition and was awarded the SMARTA100 Female Entrepreneur of the Year. Additionally, the company secured financial backing from several of the most successful entrepreneurs in the UK.''
Sales Gossip

Another fun thing that I found out is that they update their style journey (blog) everyday with the latest trends and news from around the fashion world. How cool? You can get on the go information whenever you want!