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FORZA Stir It Slim Caramel Latte Review

I'm currently writing this post in the garden, sweating away my body weight. Safe to say this weather in the UK is amazing and the longer it lasts the better because I love summer - it is July after all. Yet, no matter how hot it is outside I always have a cup of something hot. 

Its odd because you'd think I'd want a cold drink in warm weather, but I'm quite the opposite? These past two weeks I have been trying the Forza Stir it Slim Meal Replacements in Caramel Latte*

FORZA Stir It Slim Caramel Latte Review

Teen Talk Tuesday; The Skin Diet ♥

Heyy! Listen girls, before you even think about loosing those pounds for summer - read this and clear up that skin of yours! There are certain foods that really benefit your complexion, and you shouldn't always rely on these products from the shops.

Strawberries, citrus fruits, red peppers, broccoli
Beauty benefit: a smooth texture with a strong layer that prevent wrinkles. Vitamin C is vital for the skin's support structure.

The Skin Diet

Sunflower seeds and almonds
Beauty benefit: sun protection
These seeds and nuts are loaded with vitamin E!  They just act like an army, protecting the skin from UV light. 

The Skin Diet

Dark orange, leafy green and red veggies
Beauty benefit: a fresh complexion ... Spinach and all those yummy vegetables are full of the antioxidant 'beta-carotene'. Your body converts it to vitamin A, makes the skins surface smooth.

The Skin Diet

Beauty benefit: dewy skin .. I'm not going to go into great detail as there is a whole post on this! 

Things to avoid! 
Everyone knows the foods that you should avoid or even eat moderated!