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Diamond Blend Mineral Eye Patch||Review+Demo♥

Diamond Blend Mineral Eye Patch

My lack of sleep and stressful school days have been leading me to having dark circles under my eyes, and no matter how much concealer I put on it still shows through a little underneath. I have tried eye creams, roll ons and cucumbers - but to be honest to my self I have never stuck to anything. When the chance came up to review the 'Mineral Eye Patch*' By Diamond Blend I couldn't wait to see what they where like and how they worked! 

'Treat yourself with our Diamond Mineral Eye Patch as it instantly lifts the eye area restoring radiance that is lost with age. The treatment goes cell deep to target signs of ageing such as dark circles, puffiness, dryness, fine lines and wrinkles and loss of elasticity. Can be applied either above or below your eye.'
Diamond Blend Mineral Eye Patch
What is so special about these eye gels?
These patches are made with a high technology diamond formula that helps to revive the dull skin and leaves behind this healthy glow and radiance. It is enriched with Q10 which is something that I have heard of before, it helps to repair your skin and regenerates it like the Doctor! And it does exactly what I want it to do- reduces dark circles! As well as fine wrinkles and crows feet - is all sounds amazing and I put them to the test, with exam season just finished for me it was the perfect time to use them! 
Before - you may not be able to see them as they hibernate on camera but they are there. 
Diamond Blend Mineral Eye Patch

So I opened up the packet carefully as there was water inside that I forgot about, and carefully placed each eye patch underneath my eye. At first when I put them on they were cold, but as they sat on my eye they became very warm and really comfortable. I did have a struggle with them at first and had to keep blinking or looking up, but after they got them selves stuck to me they were ok. 
I left them on for around 20 minutes as advised and then slowly removed them, to leave a much better looking under eye area. 
Diamond Blend Mineral Eye Patch
The end result!
After taking them off, my eyes instantly felt so much more relaxed. I would say that this has definetley made a difference to my under eye area, it isn't a product that is meant to remove/get rid of any dark circles or fine lines just to help with the process and I think that this has!
Diamond Blend Mineral Eye Patch

Diamond Blend are a company that I haven't ever heard of before, and I am super impressed with this patch* that I may just try and buy some more things from their range -  like the matching face mask!

*product sent for consideration of review