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Quick and Easy Oreo Cupcakes

Quick and Easy Oreo Cupcakes

You're going to be seeing a lot more baking posts on the blog as its something that I want to start doing more of and to kick it off I'm going to show you this super quick and easy recipe to make oreo cupcakes and trust you and me they are delicious! The recipe I used for the cake doesn't use eggs but feel free to if you want! 
For the Cake - 
* Plain Flour
* Bicarbonate of Soda
* Baking Powder
* Coca Powder
* Butter at room temp
* Sugar
For Decoration - 
*About 2 Oreo Packets
* Butter cream icing 
-- Pre-heat your oven to 180C

1. In a bowl beat together the butter and sugar until its fluffy and combined 
2. To that you want to sift in the flour, bicarb, baking powder and coca powder and then using a electric whisk mix it all together until its fluffy and it at a thickness that you want
Quick and Easy Oreo Cupcakes

3. I then took one oreo and placed it at the bottom of each cupcake case, I used silicone ones because they are re-usable and much easier to use! Having a Oreo at the bottom gives the cake a sense of surprise!
Quick and Easy Oreo Cupcakes

4. Using an ice cream scoop I then did one scoop the batter into each case until it was full and popped them in the oven for about 12-15 Minutes!
Quick and Easy Oreo CupcakesQuick and Easy Oreo Cupcakes

5. Whilst the cakes are cooling I went on to make the icing I took half of the butter cream in the tub and mixed in a bowl with some crushed Oreo's. I started with the Oreo's in a bag but then decided to use the blender until they were fine and it made life easier
6. Using a spoon (or you could use a piping bag) cover the tops of your cakes and then use the remaining oreo crumble mix and the Oreo's you have left over to decorate and viola!
Quick and Easy Oreo Cupcakes Quick and Easy Oreo Cupcakes

These tasted so good and my family were so surprised when they opened them up and it had an Oreo at the bottom, it created a beautiful picture as well! 


DIY| Quick & Easy Iced Coffee

Quick & Easy Iced Coffee Quick & Easy Iced Coffee
Today, I have for you a quick and easy DIY summer drink that you can enjoy on a hot summers day! When I say its quick and easy I mean it really is, it doesn't involve any fancy equipment or blenders ect just a few simple things that you should have lying around the house! I used my tumbler from Starbucks so the amount of things I used doubled compared to a smaller cup or cute little jar. 
Quick & Easy Iced Coffee

Step 1
Quick & Easy Iced Coffee
The first things you want to do is to add your teaspoons of coffee into your cup, I used 2 and a little bit and this Nescafe is really strong but I like some strong coffee. To this I added some Caramel Syrup but you can add sugar if you prefer or nothing as well - its up to personal preference. 

Step 2

Quick & Easy Iced Coffee
You then want to add some hot water to the coffee, only enough to mix the coffee thoroughly but if you prefer your iced coffees a lot more stronger than add more water. Make sure you stir it properly so that everything is mixed well together. 

Step 3

Quick & Easy Iced Coffee

Then you want to fill it up with milk seen as though this is a iced coffee, we need something colder than the water to give it that iced feel as well as colour that it makes. I added more milk afterwards as I love more milk, but again its personal preference. Then you want to add some ice cubes, this will instantly add the 'iced and cold' feeling to your drink and that's it! Time to enjoy!

How easy?! Very. I will be making this a lot this summer, and its a lot cheaper than going out and buying one! Hope you enjoyed reading. 


Vegetarian Mexican Dishes with Old El Paso

Vegetarian Mexican Dishes with Old El Paso

Over the last few months I have become a little addicted to cooking and with being off from school at the moment it gives me more of a chance to explore different recipes! My whole family and I are big fans of Mexican food and being Vegetarian it is something that you can't resist, so when I got the chance to review to some Old El Paso goodies I was beyond excited! Last weekend as soon as the parcel arrived we started planning a menu and here is what we cooked up...
Vegetarian Mexican Dishes with Old El Paso
Nachos Dinner Kit//
Sour Cream// 
The Nachos Dinner Kit comes with the chips and a yummy salsa that my dad ended up mixing together with some salad topping. The salsa was very tangy and the chips were salty so it complimented one another extremely well! Topped off with Sour Cream and Guacamole for extra taste.  
Vegetarian Mexican Dishes with Old El Paso
Extra Mild Super Tasty Tortilla Bake//
JalapeƱo and Tomato Mix// 
Chipotle Chilli and Honey Mix // 
For mains we had this new product from Old El Paso, this tortilla bake sounds really interesting and once reading the back of the box we were sold on making the veggie version. The kit comes with 8 wraps, a stir in sauce and a topping sauce. For the filling instead of meat we used a mixed beans tin from the supermarket with some random vegetables like mushrooms (my favourite vegetable!) and added the stir in sauce which added some real Mexican flavour and it also smelt amazing. For some extra spice you could also add the casserole mixes as well, and use them in other dishes such as pasta! To make the bake, you layer up the wraps then the filling and a sprinkle of cheese followed by more wraps and so on until your're all done. Then using the topping sauce cover the top of the wraps so it is covered entirely with some cheese on top and stick it in the oven until its all crispy and bubbly. 
Vegetarian Mexican Dishes with Old El Paso
Mild Rice Meal // 
Chilli and Garlic Rice Meal // 
To accompany the bake we cooked, we opened up a rice meal as well, these one pot meals are great if you are in a rush and want something quick and easy to cook. It took less than 10 minutes to cook and all you have to do is add water boil it and then let the rice cook until it becomes all fluffy and yummy. I had this rice the day after as well for lunch and it tasted just as good. 
Vegetarian Mexican Dishes with Old El Paso
And then finally it was time to eat! I tried my best to present it well but I was more bothered about getting it in my tummy than taking a photo.I find it so cool how when you cut into the bake you can see all the different layers and it might not look like the most appetising thing in the picture but trust me it was. 

I hope you enjoyed this different style of post, I had so much fun cooking the food and writing the post even if it did make me feel really hungry 11 o'clock in the morning! Thanks to Old El Paso and Reprise Media for all the goodies I had so much fun!

*this post contains pr samples

Recipe||Eggless Chocolate Cake ♥

Eggless Chocolate Cak

I thought I would mix things up a little bit on my blog and share with you a recipe that I have been using very recently to make a 'Chocolate Cake' but there is something special about this one and that is that it is eggless! My family and I don't keep or eat eggs in the house, so when it comes to baking we substitute things and I have tried so many recipes in the past that have just been to difficult to make or even don't work. There are so many recipes you can find for cakes these days, type want you want to bake in to google and i can guarantee you will find something! I hope that I will be doing more of these recipe style posts in the future, where I basically take you all along with me - enjoy and don't get too hungry!
This recipe can be made not chocolate, by not adding the coca.
Eggless Chocolate Cak

- Condescend Milk - 1 medium tin
- Flour - 200g
- Butter - 70g
- Milk - 1 Cup
- Baking Powder - 1 tsp
- Bicarb of Soda - 1 tsp
- Double Cream to your desire I used a small pot
- Coca Powder again to your desire I eye balled it! 
Eggless Chocolate Cak

- Mixing Bowls x2 (one small, and one large)
-Electric Whisk
- Spoons
-Knife (not pictured)
- Weighing Scales
-Baking Tray/Dish

-After you have got all your ingredients out and ready with the tools that you need, we can begin our baking adventure!
- First thing you need to do is empty out the tin of condensed milk into the larger mixing bowl and put the butter into. On a slow speed start to whisk together both the milk and butter until they are combined. 
Eggless Chocolate Cak

- In the smaller bowl you want to measure out the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, bicarb of soda, coca powder) and use a spoon to fold them together. 
Eggless Chocolate Cak

- You want to add half of the dry ingredients mixture into the other bowl and whisk together, start on a slow speed and gradually get faster. 
- At this point you also want to switch the oven on at 180/160 
Eggless Chocolate Cak

- Add the other half and carry on whisking, the mixture will become thick so don't panic!
- Then to thin it down and make it the right consistency for a cake batter you want to slowly add the cup of milk this will thin down the batter and make it more cake like. 
- After this you want to grease your baking dish with some butter to avoid anything sticking and then pour the batter into the dish and spread evenly using the back of a spoon.
Eggless Chocolate Cak

- Pop in the oven for around 30 minutes, or until golden brown and to check whether it is cooked or not stick a knife in slowly and if it comes out clean you are all done!
- I forgot to photograph this but, all you want to do is pour the cream into a bowl/mixing bowl and whisk until thick and then spread on top of your cake or even cut the cake in half and spread like a sandwich. I also didn't manage to take a clear photo of the cake, so just imagine it in your head! 

Hope you enjoyed this post, and let me know if I should carry these things on! xx