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Showing posts with label colourpop. Show all posts

Colourpop, Take All My Money!

After a really long week, the only thing that can cure my mood apart from a hot drink is online shopping. More than clothes is of course makeup. I definitely do not need anymore than I already have but Colourpop is just too hard to resist and when they have some cracking deals on, who can say no. 

Colourpop Haul

Colourpop are the brand that everyone on my instagram seems to be talking about right now, since they've started to ship to the UK people have being going crazy! I had to fall in for th hype and find out what all the fuss was about and decided to make an order. Highly recommend to either order a large amount so you get free shipping, or split with a friend like I did so you don't feel as guilty for buying so much makeup. Here's a little haul of everything I got because why not and otherwise I'll have to keep them in their boxes until I photograph them - blogger problems!! 
Colourpop Haul UK