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Showing posts with label cheaper nails. Show all posts

Nail Week: Semilac Gel Nail System Review


If there is one thing I am really missing since being in lock down, its got to be my regular visits to the nail salon. I loved going in every few weeks, having a chat, choosing a new nail design and just having that 1 hour out from normal life. However, its been a good thing at the same time because I have had more of a chance to do my own nails. When I was in high school, I was part of a Nail Club. In this club, I got taught everything to do with nails and those skills have stayed with me until now. 

Recently, I have been loving doing my own nails at home. This week I am showing you a gel system, gel colours and some tools that are an essential for doing your nails at home! 

Today's post is all about a nail system called Semilac. They very kindly sent over their starter kit* for me to have a play with. Spoiler alert - I'm obsessed!   
semilac review

Discounted Salon Treatments with MyTreatCard|Review

 If you are familiar with 'The Taste Card' then you will know all about how the My Treat Card works as well! If you don't let me quickly explain it..

The My Treat Card is a membership card that you take to certain salons in your area and receive different discounts from 25% off, 2 for 1 and Buy One Bring a Friend for Free! All you do is search for you local salon on   ring them up to book yourself in and then get the discount that they offer with the card. 

This for me and you is the perfect excuse to go out to the salon and get your nails done, I have used this card and it has saved me some pennies which has given me an excuse to go again to get them done. There are two membership options
- 6 Months at £37.95
- 12 Months at £57.95
So, you can pick which is the best for you and then go ahead and treat yourself to something special!
I love the card its self as well because it is so professional looking and sits nicely in my purse. I went to my local salon with my friend and we had a very relaxing Pedicure treatment. My first experience and it went amazingly! When I booked, I phoned them to tell them that I had this card and they said 'yes thats fine' so I presumed everything would be fine. It was funny now that I look back, because they didn't think that anyone would ever come in using the card, but I told them that I will be back so don't worry! 
The salon was so pretty and I told them all there, that I will be back! The pedicure was so relaxing and I cannot tell you how soft and clean my feet are, I was so tense from standing up at work all day and now I can happily stand up and be fine!

I had this gorgeous China Glaze colour put on in 'Rose Among Thorns' which is such a stunning colour that this picture does not do it justice! 

If you like to treat yourself, or even want to treat yourself more then I would seriously recommend this card, it will be your life saver and you will get so much use out of it!