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Blogmas Day 10 || Ebay Finds ♥

I am one that drifts on to Ebay whenever I have a few minutes spare. Minutes sometimes turn into a hour or two spent browsing through pages of goodies. I thought that I would gather all them finds and put them in to a post for you all. There are so many bargain buys out there in the world, you just have to look for them. Just a note, everything I have bought from Ebay so far has been really good quality, some of these things may not look like they are on screen. There will be full reviews on some of these soon as I get around to order them.
Ebay Finds

Ebay Finds
Acrylic Storage
Another thing that you see a lot of people with these days are the acrylic storage units that store can help with the organisation of your make up and nail polishes. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, to suit everyone. In America I am aware that a shop called 'The Container Store' stocks a lot of storage things, but this is for you worldwide people.

40 beauty questions TAG ♥

I love doing all these tag post on here, I find it so much fun! I came across the '40 beauty questions TAG' on
citygirl907 and really wanted to do it!


How many times do you wash your face daily?

I wash my face twice, once at night and once in the morning!

What skin type do you have? (dry, oily, combo)
I have normal/dry skin which is very sensitive... It is occasionally okay, but can tend to become dry around my eyes and nose when it's cold ect.

What is your current facial wash?
I am really loving the Skin Therapy One from Wilkinson's, it is a facial wash that doesn't seem to react with my skin and leaves it feeling fresh all day.

Do you exfoliate?
I try my best to exfoliate, however sometimes I don't due to my skin becoming dry really quick!

What brand do you use?
I use the Skin Therapy brand or sometimes  Simple as these don't irritate my skin. 

What moisturizer do you use?
I have recently started using the Nivea cream for dry skin!

Do you have freckles?

Do you use eye cream?

Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
It really depends, sometimes hormones trigger acne on my skin and sometimes it's reactions.
Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?


What foundation do you use?

I have started to use my favourite foundation of all time again which is my 'Natural Collection' one, this is because there isn't anything in it! And the coverage is medium which I actually prefer! 

How about concealer?
Yep, this is also from Natural Collection.

Do you know your undertone color?

What do you think of fake eyelashes?
I think that they look pretty if the right ones are used, however I don't use them as I am a wimp.

Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes, I found this out recently when writing my Spring Makeup Bag Cleanup, it is so weird and since finding out I have actually been sticking to it! 

What brand of mascara do you use?
Collection which I bought from the pound shop in my haul! 

Sephora or MAC?
I haven't tried either yet! 

Do you have a MAC Pro-card?

What makeup tools do you use in make up application?
With foundation I use my fingers as it gives me a better coverage, for concealer I have started using a brush as it is much nicer! Then blush and powder brush!

Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes?
I don't use a primer instead I apply a light colour all over the lid.

For the face?
I haven't really tried a face primer before!

What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
I love the MUA Artiste Palette and the eye-shadow in shade 'Chocolate'. Swatches can be found here.

Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
None of the above;

How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
I have poked my self several times, hence why I have stopped using them!

What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?


Do you use mineral makeup?
I have a few products, never used them though!

What is your favorite lipstick?
I don't really have a favourite lipstick!

How about lipgloss?
Miss Sporty Hollywood Lipgloss in the shade 'pasadena'  these shades are my favourite!

What is your favorite blush to use?
NYC Outside Cafe, the colour is so pretty and subtle which I love! 

Do you buy your makeup on eBay?
I have always had a habit of buying makeup in store, as I like to know the actual colour!

Do you like drugstore makeup?
HELL TO THE YES! I don't really own that many high-end products! Why pay more for products when you can get them cheap?

Do you go to CCO’s? (cosmetic company outlets)
Ooh, unaware of any in England! 

Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
I really would like to, however don't have time!

Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?

Name a makeup crime that you hate?
People doing their makeup at school!! 

Do you like colourful shades of makeup (lipstick, eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
Neutrals are my personal preference as they suit me way better!

Which celebrity always has great make up?
I love Cheryl Cole's makeup (BIG FAN) the smokey eyes she has are amazing and her dimples are soo cute!

If you could leave the house using just ONE makeup item, what would you use?
Tinted Moisturiser!

Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Yeah, I do all the time. I am not embarrassed at all!

Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
I never feel the need or urge to wear makeup all the time! 

In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
I can't choose! I have so many favourites! But, if i had to pick it would be MUA, the products they bring out are dupes for the high end stuff at a really good price and they are such good quality! 

What do you think of makeup?
I love makeup, it is a bit of fun. Taking it too seriously and too far is a bit OTT though! Many girls think that they can't live without their make-up but girls you can - BELIEVE! 

If you do this TAG, leave a comment below with a link to your blog! Or tweet me @shimmeringice <3

February Favourites! ♥

I'm going to be doing 'Monthly Favourites' from now, if you're not familiar with this then it's just basically my favourite products (beauty and non-beauty) from the past month. It is going to be something I am going to be trying to stick to! 

Beauty Favourites! 
First thing is the blushes and a few eye shadows from the MUA palette. You can read a full review and view swatches here. I have been loving these blushes so much recently, they are really complementing my skin tone and have a nice (not too overpowering) shimmer to it. I am also loving the eye colours 'Grape' 'Chocolate' & 'Cookie' these three in my opinion are the most pigmented in the palette and look great on their own and together. Definite favourite for this month!

mua palette

models own liquid liner

The next thing is my models own liquid  eye liner which I briefly talked about in My Models Own haul which you can read here. Just like I said there, I hate using liquid eye liner - I don't have a steady hand when it comes to drawing a neat line, however this eye liner is different. I don't know what it is!! It just comes on 
perfectly every time and is also very easy to remove unlike many liquid liner which take forever to remove! 

nyc nail polish

The next  - a nail polish! Got to got to have a nail polish in!! This one is by NYC which I think is a very under-rated brand in my opinion  They have a lovely range of nail colours and this colour has been my Favourite for this transition from winter to spring. It is a really nice deep plum/purple colour that looks amazing! I only applied 2 even thin coats to my nails - however more can be applied to build up the colour, it was very long lasting and looked fab! 

This is more random! HAIR GRIPS! Oh my jelly babies, you guys.. i don't honestly know where I would be right now if I didn't have any hair grips in my world. These small things are such life savers. Trust me - my bad hair days cope with these. I have the 200 pack from pound land which have lasted me a long time and a of a really good quality! 

taylor swfit wonderstruck

We are never ever ever getting back together! I love love love Taylor Swift, she is just amazing! Her style, her music, her make-up, her hair! LOVE it all! I am also loving her perfume 'Wonderstruck' the first of her two perfumes she has. This smells so fresh, sweet  and fruity at the same time that it makes me fall over, I could bathe my self in it! It also lasts for such a long time after you put it on - amazing!

Random Favourites! 
My song of the month has to be .. 'What About Us' by The Saturdays! The girls are back with a new song after being in America for a while - which is being shown on their new series on E! 'Chasing The Saturdays' which I also adore. The song is just so catchy and the girls look amazing in the video. 

At the moment and probably forever and ever! I will love the programme Hawaii Five-o. Now I know in the US the series is in front of us here in the UK. So please NO SPOILERS PLEASE. I love the programme and I look forward to watching it every week. 
hawaii five o

And that's it for this month guys! Comment below telling me your February Favourites!