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Glitter Chat #2 - Christmas, Blogmas, New Year! ♥

Oh how it has been a while since I have just sat down and talked. Prepare for a long one guys, this could take a while. I have so much to tell you and so much has happened/happening since we last spoke...oh how time flies! We are at the end of November going into December which means we are closer than ever to Christmas and 2014! That is crazy when you say it out loud or even in your head, honestly time flies and I have had the best year in my life! This post it to just let you know about what is happening on my blog to the run up to the festive season!

I am doing blogmas this year (well hopefully) for those of you who are familiar with vlogmas then it is just the same but blogging, For the strangers to this name; I will be blogging everyday from the first of December to Christmas Eve! How exciting, some of the posts will be pre-written as I have a few festive posts I want to get up and others will be written on the day of something happening. I started planning all the posts at the start of the month and as it ends I am petrified. You can expect to see a range of different posts until Xmas Eve and then probably nothing for a few days as I will be taking a break to spend time with family and friends as well as relaxing and revising for mocks in January! You might be wondering why on earth I am telling you all of this but..I like for everyone to know before I do some drastic posting on my blog and you will be initiated with excitement. I hope you enjoy the posts as much as I did planning them and writing them, in the month of Novemeber/October I also installed photoshop in order to edit my photos properly as one of my blog resultions for this year and a lot of the blogmas posts have been edited using all the tools and psd's ect. so this is a very big step for me!!

After all of that craziness, there will be a short break on my blog as I want to enjoy some time with my family over the festive period..and revise for my mocks in January that start the third week into the month. Argh! But I will be back just before the new year for a quick post and then at the start of the new year, with lots of exciting posts and a blogging routine hopefully! I may also be reviewing/showing the things that I get as presents ... but I am undecided as I don't want to seem as though I am showing off - haha.

Next weekend, I am going to the clothes show which is also very exciting! I went last year with no idea what to expect and now this year I have saved up and can't wait to go. I will of course be blogging about it and hauling everything that I buy because you get some bargains on the day! My weekends have been so busy recently and will be now until the holidays..oh my days. I still need to finish my Christmas shopping as well, which I am hoping to do next Friday as I am in Leeds for the day with school - I think a shopping trip is in order. I want to pop into LUSH and pick up a few things as well as The Body Shop..but not spend too much.

Speak to you all soon - x