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Blogmas Day 13 || Blogger Secret Santa Swap ♥

Hello! I recently took part in the #bloggersecretsanta hosted by Hayley over at Tea Party Beauty! And when everything was sorted I got matched up with Melissa from Shadow and Polish , I got the chance to pick out a few goodies for her and sent it out as a Christmas present! All this was organised by the amazing TeaPartyBeauty and all the matches got revealed and mine was Alex - thank you so much! Be sure to give both of these girls a nosy!
Blogger Secret Santa Swap
The box got me all excited for Christmas I couldn't wait to see what was inside! The piece of paper in the corner is a little note that she wrote for me!
Blogger Secret Santa Swap
A few yummy chocolates that have now been eaten and in my stomach, two perfume samples that will be going in my clutch when I got out. A cosmetic mirror which is something I was going to buy at the weekend but didn't and finally a pair of santa earrings which are adorable!
Blogger Secret Santa Swap
And now the beauty bits, the eye shadow trio on the side is such a pretty set and I can't wait to try it out! My first Revlon nail polish and I bloody love the colour - its bright and vibrant! An MUA lipstick in Shade 6 that I love and need a new one of, a never before tried heat spray that I can't wait to try out. And my favourite of the lot which is a loofah and the i love raspberry and blackberry soap that smells delicious!! 
So thank you to my secret santa for all of these lovely gifts you have made me a very happy girl!