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Birchbox September Box ♥

I don't usually order these beaut boxes as I don't like committing to these boxes in-case I don't like the products and then I have just wasted my money; if you get my point! However, with that been said I found a discount code on twitter that meant I would only get this months box for only £5!! What a deal that is, so thank you to lovely twitter follower for that one! I didn't really read much into the products I would hopefully be getting in the box as I wanted it to be a surprise. And I was surprised and over the moon!

Birchbox September Box

Birchbox September Box

First up the body and skin care stuff! First is the molton and brown body lotion, and a body gel both of which have fragrance in them which means I have to be careful using them as I have very sensitive skin! And finally, the most exciting of them all. A mini bioderma, this must be the most raved about thing on you tube and I have always wanted to try it and now is my chance. This is a mini version but if I like it then I will be buying more of the amazing products - so lets hope the best.
Birchbox September Box

No beauty box is one without a nail polish and this is the perfect deep plum colour for this time of year, this purple is amazing and I will be using it very soon. Next is a nude, pink lipstick and I love the packaging of this lipstick and having already used it the formula is amazing. Oh and  cheeky little green and blacks white chocolate sample which is eaten up and in my stomach already.
Birchbox September Box
Birchbox September Box

I don't know about you, but this box has one me over. I have cancelled the subscription as I want to try all the other ones, before I commit so let me know which I should try out next!