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BECCA Royal Glow Review

My name is Parie and I am addicted to highlight. Even more so when its advertised as limited edition, it just makes me want it more and more no matter how much I resist. When BECCA announced their limited edition Royal Glow highlight, I knew that eventually my finger would slip and it would arrive through the letterbox. Since turning up, I haven't put it down and can see myself using this a lot.
BECCA Royal Glow

Becca First Impressions

Becca are a brand that I hear and see a lot of online, they have only really just come over to the UK but I think are slowly but surely getting there name out everywhere and so they should. A few weeks back, QVC had an incredible deal on where you could get all these products for just £39. I tried to resist for a few days but then I caved (as per usual) because it is so beautiful and what a steal! They are all full sized apart from the highlighter, but the fact that's it is mini is adorable!! 
becca qvc deal