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Showing posts with label back to school beauty tips and tricks. Show all posts

How to look your best for your senior portraits

September is the time for photos for many people in the world. If you are in school then its school photo season, university is ID card season and for some jobs too. Here are some tips and tricks all about getting the perfect portrait/...


What's In My School Beauty Bag? + Tips and Tricks

What's In My School Beauty Bag

Its here! The dreaded back to school week, after having 6 weeks of late mornings and late nights, sitting in my pjs till the afternoon. It has come to that time again where I have to wake up in the morning and actually look half decent! I thought for today's post on this Monday morning I would talk you through what is in my beauty bag that I keep in my school bag/handbag and some tips and tricks on looking fresh and feeling amazing all day!
Compressed Deodorant Can// If you haven't get tried these then get your self out of bed right now. These mini cans of deodorant are great for your school bag and handbag because they are so small. The same amount of product just in a smaller bottle.
Body Spray // An essential for me all the time, a small bottle of perfume or body spray has to be with me all the time because I hate smelling of sweat or my lunch and have to have something to spray when I am going to class.
Shine Absorbing Sheets// For all you shiny girls out there, make sure you buy your self a pack of shine absorbing sheets because they come in handy more than you think. If you can't get to the bathroom in time or don't have a mirror at hand then these are super useful to quickly just blot your face before going to school. For me they are great after I have walked to school - a sweaty looking Parie is not a pretty site. If you don't have these then just take some tissue and peel it in half so you are left with a thin sheet and there you go!
Powder + Concealer // Personally, these are the only two items of makeup face wise that I need. Not a big makeup wearer to school as it is so I only take with me the essentials and all important products in this case concealer to cover my bags and spots and then powder to make me look a little bit more alive. 
Lip Balm + Lip Butter // In winter my lips are horrendous and I have to carry with me a lip salve or balm all the time to help me get through the day. Also, I pack with me a Revlon Lip Butter because they are sheer and so easy to apply in a rush and the nude shades are perfect for everyday school wear.
Dry Shampoo // If you do PE at school or any form of sports then I recommend keeping a travel sized bottle of dry shampoo with you because you might just need to give your hair a quick boost. Then tie it in to a messy bun or plait and you will look effortlessly gorgeous!