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Showing posts with label Optimal Skin ProSerum by Espa. Show all posts

EPSA Optimal Skin Proserum || Review ♥

My skin for me is a funny one and trying out new products makes me feel a little bit on edge only because I don't want anything I use to ruin my skin even more than it already is! Saying that, I do love using more luxury brands on my skin as I find that it actually helps the more money you spend on your skin. This the 'Optimal Skin Proserum' from ESPA which is one of their newer launches (September 2013) and is a formulation that feeds the skin with lots of goodness and treats your face with all of the powerful essential oils and strengthens your overall skin.
EPSA Optimal Skin Proserum EPSA Optimal Skin Proserum

I received a little sample in the post and have been constantly for 2 weeks straight and I have seen such a big improvement in my skin! I only use it on my nose, cheeks and chin and this is where I have mainly dry skin and this serum has helped me so much and really targeted the dry skin and if I may say - got rid of the worst of it! 
Overall, my skin now feels and looks a lot healthier and brighter - yay!
EPSA Optimal Skin Proserum

I only have a small 8ml sample and the full is 30ml but is a tad pricey so I might have to save up a lot.. 
Be sure to check out this and find out more! I also found this article all about the serum ... Telegraph