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Showing posts with label Luxemme. Show all posts

Win Luxemme Vouchers


Why not treat yourself this Christmas, to some new clothes from Luxemme! I blogged all about their Olivie Two Piece back in the summer and have been obsessed ever since! This Christmas they are giving away £15 of vouchers to all of you, they can be personalised for the person you want to give them too and make a great easy and simple gift if your a bit strapped this Christmas, because they are free! 

Luxemme have a range of really nice evening jumpsuits which I highly recommend looking at if you need a smart yet stylish outfit for that party you have coming up. Luxemme’s range in particular really nails that smart/chic look. So how do you get the vouchers? I hear you ask...

The first thing you need to do is follow them on all social media, 

Then head on over to and fill out your details, and then wait for the post man to come and deliver the wonderful gift! 
