Lots of us spend our time checking out what famous celebrities are doing and wearing. But there’s nothing stopping you from setting a few trends for yourself. Each of us is unique, and we all have our own sense of style. And yours could become the next big thing!
I’m always making lists of things I like the look of that I would like to try. And if I like something I stick with it. I’ll talk about it, and I’ll write about it. If people know you like something enough, they will also give it a go. And if they love it too, then they’ll thank you for your recommendation. It’s as easy as that to get a product or idea to trend. Who knows what you’ll be setting as the next trend in 2016?
There are plenty of people out there looking for the next big thing. If you’ve already found it why not shout about it? We all love reading reviews and opinions on products we might be interested in. And most of us search for products or ideas to solve problems we might have. I’m always on the lookout for makeup that stays the day and fits my preferred color palette. You might be searching for mascaras that volumize lashes or hair spray that really holds. When you find it, shout about it.
You could post your reviews on FaceBook, or you might even start a blog! Just using a good product will get you noticed in your social circle. And friends are always happy to ask you where you found that gorgeous lippy or beautiful eyeshadow.
Things that are different or unique often interest people too. I like browsing for things that are a little out of the ordinary. You can find unique and quirky gift inspiration from Cuckooland to see what I mean about unusual items. Those little things that you don’t often see can quickly become popular if you show them to people. Let them know where you found them, or maybe you could become a reseller.
When you see something you really like, it’s very easy to attract a lot of interest in it. Having a genuine passion for something is the best way to foster a following for it. If you’ve just found the cutest handbag, then use it, show it off, and let people know how much you love it. It’s not just friends that will follow your unique style. There are plenty of people around you with an eager eye for great style too.
You don’t have to be an influencer to have an influence. You just need to have a unique style. Those that like it will adopt it. And even those that don’t may find elements of your look that they will adapt for themselves. After all, we all love to see new things. If it looks good and we like it, we’re more than happy to take inspiration from your ideas!
Make 2016 the year you find inspiration. Then take those ideas and help inspire others. Have a great year.
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