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Showing posts with label Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water. Show all posts

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water||Review

Yes, that is correct I bought another Micellar Water. After falling in love with L'oreal one, I decided to buy the Garnier one in Tesco for only £2.99! What a bargain!
Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water
Packaging - I love the packaging for this bottle! It's a clear bottle with a pink lid. I prefer this packaging to the L'oreal one because it is easier to get the water out without it spilling everywhere. 
Price - It actually retails for £4.99 which is amazing as you are getting 400ml worth in one bottle. 
What does it do? - Just like the others, it removers makeup, cleanses and soothes for your skin and is suitable for the face, lips and eyes! And is made for everybody including you girls like me with sensitive skin!

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water
I have fallen in love with it, and will be repurchasing this again instead of the L'oreal one as I find that it does work much better on my skin. It's also not got a smell to it, which makes me trust it more than other products and its my first from Garnier and I love!

Have you tried it yet?